[Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

still working with latest hotfix, version 14f!

Can confirm. Playing on - Working flawlessly.

Perhaps I uninstall and try again

Nope same error as above.

Redownload and reinstall (with the auto-launch DLL) made it work for me :slight_smile:

This should be fixed in 14h :crossed_fingers:

This doesn’t appear to be an error message from DPYes, perhaps from another mod or mismatched game files?

DPYes works with since 14d (the breaking change was introduced in PT build 14115269)

What about my failed to attacth to Grim Dawn error. Failed hooks 6.
Any suggestions?

What version of Grim Dawn are you running?

If using the Steam version, what build number are you on?

I’ve uploaded DPYes 14i with the only change being some improved error reporting, which now looks like:

If you could upload DPYes’ debug logs from having DebugView (linked in OP) running when you launch DPYes, that would be helpful.

Edit: Also, are you launching using DPYes.exe or with the auto launch method? Does it error either way?

Thank you. Will redownload install and report back.

Build is as shown in your example.

AppID 219990
BuildID 14797290.

Damn after playing on x2 speed i don’t think i’ll ever go back to x1, running at 200% feels so satisying, thanks for the tool <3

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[NM] After I redownloaded, DpYES is in fact working, Do I download GrimCam separately?
** I did indeed DL GC from the Nexus and all seems to be working correctly now.

Thank you so much for this tool.

Fantastic tool, thank you so much for filling the gap of Grim Internals!

Will there ever be a color option for damage types? Not necessarily on the in-game damage text itself (though that would be fantastic), but on the DPS meters? As someone with incredibly poor vision, having separate colors greatly helps me discern between separate fields.

(If I recall correctly, GI had separate blocks of colors for Dmg Done / Dmg Taken / Pet Dmg Done. That could work too, but fine-grained colors would be awesome!)

I’m a total noob to AI and regrettably can’t use scripts/codes, but I used Perplexity to create a powershell script for installing the mod. Yes I know it’s easy anyway, but this makes it very easy. It will make the process of restoring GrimDawn mods a lot less time confusing.

Just download the dpyes and dpyes autolaunch .7z files into downloads dir and make sure you have 7zi installed. Rename the powershell script file from .txt to .ps1 for it to work (I can’t upload ps1).

Steam Install Script - DpYes & Autolaunch for v1.2.1.1.txt (1.8 KB)
GOG Install Script - DpYes & Autolaunch for v1.2.1.1.txt (2.3 KB)

BTW how does the crucible version work? Does it allow the main game to function correctly and just replaced DPYes.dll and DPYes.exe

After a few months of not playing, decided to check the new version and also updated the DPYes, when i try to start either by the DPYes.exe shortcut or by Steam (x64) i get this warning



Are you able to launch Grim Dawn after removing DPYes? (DPYes.exe DPYes.dll x64/winmm.dll)

Hello, i am getting these errors. What can i do?


Please update DPYes, that error message has been replaced with the one below in the latest version:

I downloaded version from current post and everything works just fine.
Steam version of the game.

Can this line of text be enlarged?

Just wanna say how cool this tool is.

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