[Tool] GD Hacker GUI for x64 / game speed, teleport [discontinued]

Updated GOG to No changes / bugfixes for now as I’m in the middle of making some changes.


The tool suddenly stopped working for me. I already used it on but now any button i click nothing happens. Is there any reason for that?

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  • suddenly meaning today / yesterday?

    • low probability but if you last played in between 2 Steam updates like a week ago then you might need to redownload (although last update for Steam is from 6 Decemeber and it works with current version)
  • maybe accidental 32 bit Grim Dawn launch?

  • maybe the other GDHacker.exe from Resources got removed by anti-virus or sth?

    • I need to add a check for this as well because it seems there’s no warning if the helper program is not there
  • accidental keyboard layout change?

  • btw I’m planning to add a warning to the program if the version of Grim Dawn used is not adequate
    so that there’s no guessing because currently it doesn’t check it and just does its thing w/o hesitation

Hey, I appreciate the effort you’ve put in to make this tool with this kind of functionality.

With that said, I’m not sure I understand why GDHacker wants admin privileges when I run it on my system. I don’t recall Grim Internals asking for admin while providing the same functionality. Is there a way to run it not as admin?

Have you posted the source code anywhere/are you open to posting the source code?

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I don’t either. I think it’s just the last update that has it. I never specifically added it myself, the tools that I use for encrypting the code did. They also messed up other things, i.e. they turned on my developer / test settings (AlwaysOnTop + F6 keybind for restarting the program) which caused problems for some people so I’ll probably use / test some other method in the next update but I noted to myself to make sure the UAC pop-up is not there next time. Even if the other method doesn’t work well and I have to use the current one. Actually, don’t you think it’s kinda weird that you can tinker with Grim Dawn process w/o admin when using Cheat Engine / Grim Internals / GDHacker normally (except this update)?

No / No but I can potentially give access to selected people (other tool devs I guess) from the forum I know. Although it wouldn’t prove anything anyway since I could always be adding sth on the side potentially when compiling the programs (obviously very few people would want to compile the programs themselves from public code).

Actually, don’t you think it’s kinda weird that you can tinker with Grim Dawn process w/o admin when using Cheat Engine / Grim Internals / GDHacker normally (except this update)?

I’m pretty sure grim internals achieved this not by modifying process memory but by replacing specific DLL(s) or replacing static function calls. You did have to launch grim dawn through GI from what I remember and GI would hook into the process to read memory at least; not sure if it was also modifying memory.

As to whether you should need elevated permission to modify another processes address space, yes, absolutely, but that’s up to windows. I don’t know that windows really tells the end user with that level of granularity when something needs to be elevated; the ideal solution would be “Process x wants read/write permissions to process y” and that’s the end of the story.

As it is now, windows just says, “Hey, this process wants to make modifications to your system.” Need a more fine grained permission system like on android/iphone.

No / No but I can potentially give access to selected people (other tool devs I guess) from the forum I know. Although it wouldn’t prove anything anyway since I could always be adding sth on the side potentially when compiling the programs (obviously very few people would want to compile the programs themselves from public code).

Yeah, that’d be the ideal situation to build it myself to understand what all dependencies are included in the final binary. I don’t know what all implementing the game engine speed modification requires but isn’t the teleportation just invoking a specific console command/pre-existing functionality with the right coordinates? It’s your work and your code so it’s your right to choose to share/not share but I’m not sure I understand the desire to keep it closed source really.

It’s possible. I currently don’t do that (but probably will in the future) but if you think about it - it’s actually way more powerful / invasive than what I do.

It’s very weird from my experience of my previous program GDAutocaster (program for pressing buttons in AutoHotkey). Most people didn’t have to run in as Admin but some did. I personally didn’t for Grim Dawn but had to for Titan Quest :laughing:

Hmmm. It’s your 1st post on this forum. No offense, but didn’t you feel like trying to understand Grim Internals dependencies and its source code? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure. I don’t know what are you getting at here though - you still have to code it :wink:


Hmmm. It’s your 1st post on this forum. No offense, but didn’t you feel like trying to understand Grim Internals dependencies and its source code? :stuck_out_tongue:

I hadn’t played GD in over a year until the 1.2 patch dropped and I’ve been playing a lot lately. Found out GI was no longer being supported and found out people were talking about this mod as being a replacement for the teleportation & game speed functionality so looked into it. Was surprised to see it request admin privileges so I made an account to ask about that.

GI also never asked for admin privileges so I never felt the need to ask about what it’s trying to do.

Sure. I don’t know what are you getting at here though - you still have to code it :wink:

Mostly I’m just confused about this part of your last reply:

I never specifically added it myself, the tools that I use for encrypting the code did.

Again, it’s your code and your mod but this feels very disproportionate; why do you feel the need to encrypt your code? Are you talking about obfuscation? Are you worried about people reverse engineering your code and if so, why? These are the questions that come to mind.

That’s the thing - AHK_L I use doesn’t need reverse engineering because it’s not compiled into machine code which I was made aware in this thread. Years after writing my first AutoHotkey program.

If it were actually compiled, I wouldn’t bother with encryption. Because let’s be real, if someone can reverse engineer (I can’t), then they might as well make the program like that themselves easily / faster. Or reverse engineer Grim Internals.

Had I known about this and all these false AV detections (a “Hello Word” program already causes them) / understood it better, I probably wouldn’t have started coding in AutoHotkey at all and chose some other programming language. But it was perfect for my GDAutocaster at the time as a language focused on button macros and hotkeys.Also I’ll be adding Hotkeys in the future.

Please continue this in PM I sent you.

It was antivirus which removed file from resources folder. I am so stupid, thank you man !!!

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Well tbh with you - there should be a warning. It’s unfortunate that this GDHacker (written in C++) also triggers some AVs (although overwhelmingly green on VirusTotal).

I can show code of this one for now (it was public for years before). It’s a super basic code learnt from Youtube but I will develop it a lot more in the future. Someone can compile it and see that it can generate some false flags.

However I will make it private again after doing the save locations thing and writing more tools there.
@LegendaryOxy @GelatinousGiraffe

I’m not sure what the entire build process looks like on your end and what other dependencies you might need but at least from the source code you’ve shared, this looks fine. Can’t speak for any future modifications made to this tool or the compiled binary without knowing the entire build process but the source code shared doesn’t look malicious. Thanks for sharing that.

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Question @adamth @Eskapist @valet2valet @xxxx @ykq @Zukrine

I’ve already done dynamic layout switching for Rus (and other non-latin) :keyboard: users:
(you untick the A-Z :ballot_box_with_check: which causes the layout to be changed to En Us before command (like Teleport) and back again to your original layout after the command)

But I just realized that GDHacker’s GUI shortcuts (i.e. Alt + T for teleport)
and Teleport Location list searching and filtering doesn’t work with Rus :keyboard: either.

I don’t have a clue how you use your non-latin keyboards but the question is:
Would anyone benefit from having layout changed to En Us temporarily while GDHacker’s window is focused on?
(to have the shortcuts and searching work w/o having to manually switch to En US)
(haven’t fully arranged / colored / resized gui elements properly yet)


I think it will be useless. Since the teleport list is still in Russian, the search will need to be done in Russian.
For me personally, this is not at all significant

This may be useful. It’s good that it’s optional. I also use other programs while playing, so I switch the layout manually, depending on what is needed at the moment.

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Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about it. So it couldn’t even be 1 feature / checkbox but would have to be seperate. I think I’ll skip it for now / give it low priority.

I think it’s gonna be useful in the mentioned case of teleport list being in Russian because then you don’t have to switch layout to English for the teleport to work (since it needs to input english command in-game in the current implementation). It’s done automatically and when you’re back at GDHacker’s window (or even earlier in-game, after the command finishes), the layout is Russian again for location searching.

I made a vid showing Ravager change btw:

Maybe in the far future I can provide an option to translate button labels so that button shortcuts work with different keyboards.


Thanks for sharing this! I notice every time I teleport my game crashes… for example, if I teleport to the step of torment after killing the boss game crashes, when teleport to any blacksmith point, when talk to the blacksmith game will crash. Any way around it?

Found the issue, after updating the grim dawn item assistant seems to be working fine now.

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Thanks for the feedback guys but I’m stopping the development of the program because of
[Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

It has much better underlying tech / I talked with the author and I’m pretty sure they can develop it faster, better and easier than me. Use it instead. I can come back if their tool stops working and the author doesn’t respond or want to add teleport / changes his mind or sth like that.


But there is no teleport there! So I will continue to use your program. Teleport is very important to me.

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Sure, the discontinuation is under the assumption the author will add the teleport which would be best for everyone.
The tech is too strong in that one for me to compete / would take me a long time to get there.