[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

how can i get notified for updates?

How exactly does GI interact with GD?

Iā€™ve never managed to get your tool to run, but yesterday an IA user gave me the answer to why GI and IA donā€™t work together, I think.

IA was unable to find Grim Dawn when started using GI.
IA uses a naive:

        foreach (var process in processList) {
            if ("grim dawn.exe".Equals(process["Name"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant())) {

To detect the Grim Dawn process.

I donā€™t want support the x86 version anymore; itā€™s outdated!

Read the first post of this thread; there is a date when the last update was published!

But there are hundreds of users that have managed to run my tool!
I have to say that GDIA works together with GI in my experience.

Regarding interacting with GD:
The launcher of my tool starts GD and then waits for a window called ā€œGrim Dawnā€, then it injects the dll.

This is part of my launcher:

if (CreateProcessA(GrimDawnExeName, szCmdline, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, &si, &pi))
 while (GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &code) && code == STILL_ACTIVE)
  HWND winGD = nullptr;
  while ((winGD = FindWindowEx(nullptr, winGD, TEXT("Grim Dawn"), TEXT("Grim Dawn"))))
   thread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(winGD, &GDPid);
   if (thread && GDPid == pi.dwProcessId)
    goto inject;


Iā€™m struggling to get the 64 bit version to work the way I want. Everything worked out of the box, but I was lagging a bit whenever I approached a pack of mobs, so I started messing with the ini file.

  1. I turned off the incoming damage options (regular and accentuated) and now the entire box with loot/kills/xp has disappeared.

  2. I played with the monster HP settings and Alt Mode a bunch, but the health bars continue to appear. I can get them to appear on hit, but then I canā€™t see names and that defeats the point.

One of the main reasons I tried the tool was that I saw a streamer with monster names above all the monster heads, and it has some other nice perks for managing componentsā€¦ the rest is unnecessary, at the moment, if itā€™s going to lag my old PCā€¦ but since Iā€™m playing x64, I canā€™t make changes in game, I need to keep quitting, editing, returning and finding some monsters to check the changes.

Any help would be appreciated, thanksā€¦

EDIT: I found the option that turns off EVERY Health Bar. In a perfect world, tho, I would like to see all name tags, Health bars on bosses and maybe myself. Only reason I didnā€™t mess with the common/champion/hero/boss options was because it sounded like I would lose the name tags on common monsters if I used it. Still missing the info box, tho, even as I started turning the incoming damage options back on.

I do not recommend to use this tool if you are on an old pc; you will lose a lot of FPS, especially if you use the healthbars and DPS counter lists.

The x64 version with the configurator will be released in about 4-6 hours! Iā€™m just doing some fine-tuningā€¦

This I would agree with, GD is very CPU intensive as it is, adding extras just doesnā€™t help if your PC doesnā€™t have a decent CPU.

While the 64bit has some performance tweaks, it is still a very CPU bound game.

awesome to hear, canā€™t wait to try out the new version with a config window.

thank you for taking your time in doing a 64bit version at all. I just canā€™t bring myself to play without the tool enabled, it just brings so many nice enhancements, to an already awesome game.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi GlockenGerda, first of all thanks so much for your mod. Is it possible to configure the mod to display the damage done/taken based on spells/auras/enchants/devotions? e.g.:

  1. Cadence | xxxxxxxx | 60%
  2. Autoattack | xxxxxxxxx| 30 %
  3. Weapon enchant X | xxxxxxxx| 5 %
  4. ā€¦

Again, thanks for the x64 update.

I mean how can I get notified that thereā€™s an update without checking the first post for one?

Hey, I was wondering you have this issue in the 32bit version as well?
What i read is like you CPU is clogging/lagging
If not try these suggestions

1)Use this app http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36036 with Grim Dawn. Run this and play the game normally to see the difference.
(@Glocky ever thought combine this with GI? :z)

2)In your Documents folder look for C:\Users\yourpcname\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings and search in the options.txt for this line :

maxResourceThreads = 1
Here put the number of your cpu thread(download CPUID to check if you dont know) Mine has 8 for example so i put 8 there

3)In the GrimInternals.ini search for HealthBarsFarDistane and set it to = 17.000.

Do all these and report back

Mostly with each update of the game Glocky updates it almost immediately.
But its better to keep digging around the forums for more info

Someone else asked for the 32bit version to be updated fully like the 64 bit is atmā€¦
Actually im against this idea.Already maintaining 1 version of the tool is draining the author so would suggest switch to 64 indefinitely

I think once the 64bit version gets its config screen, then I also think maintaining one version would be better then two. like I posted in your other thread, when you asked which version people used, I only used the 32bit version because of this tool, now that there IS a 64bit version, Iā€™ve not looked back.

But its up to the author as well, but I think the 64bit version will be the one most if not all will use from here on in.

Exactly what i was thinking too man. Already in the 64 bit i saw huge difference because i mostly MP with friends. I dont believe ppl are using 32 bits anymore
AND IM SO GLAD they are getting rid of it in time both developers and windows

I love this tool so much. Some suggestion for u:

  1. Why not show both life bar and energy bar over my head?
  2. Some debuff icons can be added, as u did on enemy heroes.
  3. Some important cold-down, such as potion and blink skills, can be shown in a more conspicuous way. But I do not have a good idea about how to do it.
    However, thank u for your work!:stuck_out_tongue:

Grim Internals v1.763 (x64) Download-Link (MEGA)

  • Configurator added (CTRL+F5 in-game)
    [li] You can now adjust the y-position of your healthbar in the GrimInternals.ini file.[/li][HealthBarPlayer]
    OffsetY=0 (Default value)
    e.g.: change it to OffsetY= -10 (your healthbar will be moved up by 10 pixels)

Known issues:
The teleport function is NOT implemented yet; will do it next week!
Same goes for the tooltips in the Configurator; there are none (or only 2-3 ā€¦ ) :wink:

Get your pants and your badass character in game with the bloody bomb of Glockys Amazing work!!!
Ultimate badassery available in 64 bit too!
Hail the Queen GlockenGerda

The Community cant thank you enough for your deeds!

I have no plans for the near future to add new features (only updates!),
because I take a break from coding after Iā€™ve finished the missing teleport function next week.

Thanks for the kind words! :slight_smile:

ā€œUltimate badasseryā€ ? :smiley:
Hold your horses, Darky! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh Ho Ho! you have no idea how many ppl you will make happy tonight