[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Indeed, or the her fanbase getting even larger as a result. I can hear her adoring fans in the streets, as this is a very good day for her and GI!!


Utter love the new config window, utter awesome!!! CanI have your autograph GlockenGerda? as you just made my day. and this works flawlessy in windows 7 as well. Awesome work, I bow to your greatness!!!

Hi GlockenGerda - thanks for the x64 update! Just dropping a reminder about the static infobox toggle (Shift+F1) and if it can be rebound or disabled.


Why does it always say wrong filesize? Yes Iā€™m updated to latest version

redownload and retryā€¦
I dont wanna sound fishy but just in case pirated versions wont work
Delete all file from the folder and put them in again

Oh itā€™s definitely pirated, thatā€™s a shame. Back to PoE I guess then

I wasnt kidding when i said that but pirated versions dont work
If a simple tool stops you from playing a game oh well cā€™est lavie
Have a good time there

You really should buy it, why should the author support such versions? sorry, but if you want this tool, then you should consider supporting the GD devs.

What are those white, yellow, red dps numbers? I dont see any picture describing what they are. Red is biggest, white is what lowest? I dont get it.

Thats the DPS meter that you have enabled. Contrl F5 and go to the down right list and disable the option in there
Red is the biggest hit you did on a target(total with your pet if any etc)
the white is the current dps you do dot/all hits added
the yellow is per target

thanks for the update :stuck_out_tongue:

i love GI .
thanks and u deserved your break , just hope u are not gone forever :rolleyes:

Nice explanation, I hope author would add it into description somewhere. No I dont need to disable it lol. Im tweaking my build so I need to use it.

Thanks for this amazing mod . Now gameplay more smoother :wink:

mmm im using pets

how can i do to know the damage per minut dealt by pets?

mmm unticked Hide Player Pets, and most of Hide, but still cant the hp bar on pets

enabled Show Monster Values, now pet bar displayed

just missing if there is an easy way to calculate the average dmg for pets

Utilizing the x64, it cut the ability to use the keyboard then froze out the game when trying to use the control menu. Unable to exit the menu and a forced quit was required (alt+f4).

Do I have to run grim dawn in x64 mode if I use the Grim Internal x64 version?

Thanks for the reply. Iā€™ll try this in the next few days (work week just started).

For information, I have i5-2500 CPU with 4 cores/threads and a nvidia 560ti GPUā€¦ game runs pretty smoothly since I habitually play on low settingsā€¦ only setting I cranked up a bit is the shadows, because low shadows was causing a bug in Act 2 that someone else reported.

Iā€™ve been happy enough with the gameplay, just using Internals to better track mobs on screen and autopickup, but Iā€™ll give health bars another try with the new version.

Iā€™ve played PoE off and on for years, with AHK scripts for trade/convenience, so Iā€™m used to making do with what my 6-7yr old PC can manage. Thanks.

Hi Guys,

With the X64 is there any way to change the scaling with the configurator?

As you can see with the attached pic itā€™s a tad hard to use haha.

Would this be manipulating settings from within the ini?

Note: I am using 4K and everything is working, just need to figure out how to manipulate this section.

Thanks and appreciate the hard work done on this project.

The Configurator window doesnā€™t support scaling;
as a workaround set your windows display scaling back to 100%.

edit: but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll add scaling some day.

Thatā€™s odd!
Check your AV-Software / Windows Defender;
it seems that some program is blocking my tool!

Which windows version do you have installed?

If you start Grim Internals x64 then it runs the Grim Dawn x64 executable, yes!