[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

it says “The file you are trying to download is no longer available.” when i click the link for x64

What might work (I haven’t had the chance to check this out myself) is to right-click the GI shortcut/program > properties > compatibility > Change high DPI settings -> tick Override high DPI scaling behavior > set it to Application.

What’s the key-shortcut to turn the statbox back on if we accidently turn it off in-game? Or how is it done via the configuration screen?

Finger slipped off a key partway through a run and the statbox got disabled…but the key that I (think) I pressed doesn’t seem to be able to bring it back.

Edit, NM it’s shift-f1 for those curious…I didn’t realize I had shift held at the time.

Thanks a lot… these fixes seem to be working so far. I’m also liking having access to the configurator with the new update. I didn’t realize I could auto-pickup more things… now I barely need to stop and loot, so I can kill more… I went through the steam settings and turned on the FPS counter, and it seems to hold steady at 58-60 most of the time, and 17 seems like a read sweet spot for seeing HP bars when I need to, and not before. Max, I might creep it up to 20. Once I close the game and up the infobox font a bit, everything should be perfect. Playing on an HDTV, I need to scale everything up a bit so I can read it.

Has 32-bit version been deprecated? The download link on the first page is gone.

I have an issue with the tool. The config window freez after a few seconds. I cant close it, nor reduce, nor change anything. But the game keep runing fine. I wonder what may cause it (running the new x64 version).

Edit: Also noticed the game does not pause in single player when you switch to another window.

I have the same problem with #2012.
Moreover, 1.763 x64 can’t rotate the view angle up and down. :rolleyes:

I never play with mods, but my son convinced me I should try GI–I love it, and thank you SO much for the auto pickup and convert on components, which I have been begging for for years. My first inventory tab now has room for something besides components! Very easy and smooth to use–thanks for your work.

Thanks for GrimInternals with the new Config UI.

In my case, there was no problem in displaying the configurator at the 1920x1080 resolution.
Also, GrimCam is working properly.

Small localization issues.
When using X64, the message for finding rare items is displayed in English.

  • [li]Localization_GrimInternals.txt[/li]tagGI_FloatingText_RareItemLooted=Rare Item Looted

Yes 32 bit is not supported anymore

Make sure your Antivirus doesnt prevent it and add Griminternals into your exceptions of it.
The configurator is not supposed to pause the game when its enabled

Make sure in the griminternals.ini the UseGrimCamDll= is set on true

I dont have an antivirus installed, and the problem doesnt happen with the x32, only 64 (the game dont freez, only the config window after a few sec)

I was refering switching to another program with alt+tab. In other versions, the game pause, but on this version seems to keep runing even when you do something else (used skeleton key to open ancient grove, opened discord to discuss some trades, got back to find the door closed, in single player mode)

Is it possible to add a cheat option that allows 2 Exclusive Skills at once? :slight_smile:

I don’t know, except maybe for the “Teleport” thing(maybe i should look at it again in full details what interals everthing offer and i missed something), i wouldn’t consider Grim Internals as an “Cheating” Tool, but moreover an Quality of Life Tool. For me it doesn’t sound fitting if they offer something so drastic as enabling / allowing two exclusive Skills at ones. IMHO that’s something which should tackled differently (maybe as seperate mod?).

Again thank you for your Great Work, and i’m really amazed with the 64bit Version. Not only does it allows us to play 64-bit, you also delievered (IMO) an better looking and designed Config-UI.

Can you make sure that you run the game as administrator?
Even in older versions or 32bit version the game never paused when you opened the configurator
Are you sure you didnt press Escape before?

This tool is only for QoL purposes and will never support something like thing and i hope to the love of god Glocky never add anything like this.
Already the controversy of the tool about being a cheat was discussed long ago and even veterans dont use it for this reason(even if its not a cheat for me at all)
I would ask for more multiplayer games difficulty features than making things like these tbh
A 35% extra health on monsters with extra player added in would be welcomed than this
Actually what you need is mod bro

Only reason I asked was it already had 2 cheat functions in the .ini file! :slight_smile:

I always set this up, but still can’t.

Seems I’m still hearing that annoying buzzing sound when I’m running GI with a CD resetting skill like Ulzuin’s Chosen.

See: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83218

So I’ve been playing the Grimarillion and by itself all is well. However, when I play with Grim Internals on I get crashes during the allocation of skill points.

For what it matters the class I’m playing is the Terror Knight / Champion known as a Dreadnought. I hadn’t run into any problems upgrading (skilling?) the Terror Knight class it wasn’t until I dual classed into Champion that this started and only with Champion skills.

If desired I can post additional information, however I wanted to check and see if this was something that was an unforeseen coding issue with Internals X64 version as I don’t recall ever crashing with the old X32 version of the program.

So Grim Internals works only on Steam vers.? i have GOG vers. damn it…

Ah bummer. I was just about to ask about this too! I was excited to see that the configurator window can be used in x64 now and came across the same issue with everything in the UI all scrunched together and unreadable when I opened it up!
Ah well, I guess Ill stick to making manual changes in the .ini for now , and hopefully scaling will be added in the future.
Either way, thanks for this amazing tool! It really makes the game so much more enjoyable! Keep up the great work!