[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Not all user do know how to cheat iron bits or don’t know about GD stash.
Also it’s fun for me to read the responses about the 10,000 iron bits costs. :smiley:

For PV? 100.000? Would pay it.

If you have Hotfix 3 installed, the tool should work. Try to reinstall Grim Dawn.
I don’t know why it isn’t working with your version; sorry!

Grim Internals v1.77 (x64) Download-Link (MEGA)

  • fixed a bug when “Show Skills CD” was enabled
  • fixed a bug when “Show ItemSkills CD” was enabled
    [li] Teleport function is back! It costs now 10,000 iron bits to teleport[/li](just to prevent teleport-exploiting too much).
    The exact costs are currently being discussed and could change in the future!

Known issues:

  • [li]Missing most of the tooltips in the Configurator.[/li]The Configurator window becomes unaligned and illegible when the desktop display scaling
    is set higher than 100% (That’s important for all 4k monitor users)
    [li]You can’t edit/delete teleport locations within the Configurator; instead use an external [/li]texteditor to edit the file “GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt”.

I think the cost should depend on where you want to teleport, and how many times you been there already.

for example, if you never been to PV, then the cost should be really high, to encorage you to go there yourself, to find it yourself. But as you gain levels, go there more regularly, then perhaps the price should decrease, so that it acts like a quicker means of getting there, while bypassing the hassle of all those aether fields and crap.

maybe increase the price for first time visits, but decrease it, once you been there at least 10 / 15 / 20 times. also I think the price could go up if the distance is huge, and price is cheaper if the distance is shorter.

Probably will take a bit of tweaking to balance this. But I also think it could help those who want to quickly farm the locations, and bypass the areas, before that.

Hello .

Question about auto-loot rare . Don’t know someone asking already about this or not .

It’s possible pick up rare items only what i set in loot filter and not picking up all of them ?

p.s. Auto-loot system work so perfect and gameplay now so amazing , just was wondering about rare loot :slight_smile:

I mentionned it before but if you’re tweaking the teleport function, adding a shortcut key to it would be nice, so we don’t need to Ctrl F5 then click a separate window then close that, like Ctrl F9 or whatever.

As for the cost, it seems a bit pointless to me, the value is too low for what it provides so it’s not much of a problem for anyone at endgame, and it’s definitely not a problem for anyone who wants to cheat since there’s plenty of ways to add or generate money, some of which are already stickied in here anyway so it’s not like it’s some secret hidden thing. Fine with it either way.

Is the 32 bit version still available? I’m playing with GD item assistant (yes i am a hoarder) and it doesn’t work with the 64 bit version of GD.

Sorry to nag, but the new configurator looks atrocious. The font is cut off at the bottom, making it rather hard to read on larger screens. It’s also very cramped, only taking about half the available space.

I really preferred the old design, simple and clean.

Otherwise, good work!

try the new beta, 64bit support has been recently added, and works fine with secure transfer on.

Basically 32bit support for GI has been discontinued.

The thing is, the new config window had to be totally rewritten, as the 32bit version way of doing things isn’t supported in 64bit.

I do sort of agree with you. making the thing a bit larger, would be nice. but like I said, it had to be totally redone.

How can this look atrocious?It looks very cool to me.Like 2-3 pages before i recall something about scaling.
On top of that the whole thing was rewritten for the 64 bit version AND on top of all this the configurator was different the way it was in 32 than 64 i mean codewise. Thats why it took so long from Glocky to do it all over

I dont know… did we hit a wall with the 64bit here?

Hey, when I start GrimInternals I get an alert window that says:
“Can’t find Grim Dawn!”

Please note, my Steam library is installed on the D drive. Do I need to do anything special to get GI to recognize that?

My Grim Dawn is installed via Steam and I installed GI into my Grim Dawn Steam directory following the directions in this post:
“[Tool] Grim Internals”

make sure the GI exe is where the GD exe is, then make sure steam is running, or use a none steam shortcut to the GI exe, and start there.

make sure that the grim internals files are installed inside the base game folder of grim dawn where the normal grim dawn exe is

Launch GI with admin right :wink:

Well idk. My Point about “Cheating” was rather(and that’s where i’m not sure, because i didn’t try it, so that’s why i said “maybe”) if you set a Teleport-Point within the Roguelike Dungeons, less about the rest of the World.

Let’s say, i did recently the Krieg-Set Farming, and i missed the Chest-Piece, there is no real difference if i run and skip through most “enemies” to get to the Fleshweaver Krieg, or by using the Teleport funcition. Teleport is simply more conivinience and time-saving, i don’t get an “real” advantage because of that. Acutally it could be considered as disadvantage, because of that you miss possible nemesis and champions out for extra loot.

#The Argument of: “Well iron-bits can you get with some simply clicks, so no difference”
I would argue that Cheaters aren’t the target Audience of the Tool. Like i mentioned before with the exclusive Skill, i don’t see the tool as an cheating software, but moreover an Tool for Quality of Life for features, which people like me miss in the Vanilla-Game. I don’t want so act like an lazy brick, but while i truly love the game, this component pick-up become a chore after so many hours of playtime, which kinda bugs me even more after i begun to use that tool, because i saw how many playtime and such i waste on picking up so many extra stuff, which i could better spent in actual playing the Game. Sometimes the Game felt more like an inventory-managment-simulator than an Hack’N’Slay, which is kinda ironic to say, because after i begun to use Internals plus the new Item-Filters (thanks again crate) i actually do more (and have more fun with it) inventory Managment than before, because now i don’t feel so overhelmed with the mere picking ever piece of s***.

So to get straight to my point, for me this 10k Iron Bits is more a trade-off so Legit Players with the wish of having an tool for mere QoL Changes feel less bad about and pay something to get this feature, instead of the intend of making “cheaters” pay.

I have to hugely disagree. Except for the Background, the new Configurator looks way more smooth, clean and simply than the old one. I really had a hard time to find stuff in the configurator tool, even when i used them so often. With the new Configurator i didn’t need any kind of time to get used to it, because i found everything on the fly.

That’s actually a pretty Amazing idea, because with that, you now have to pay a fee for such an convinient Feature. Sure, as you see, it’s still kinda debatable, but with that for me there isn’t an real difference if i use QoL Features like Component-Pick-up or Teleport anymore because you have to pay for the feature.

I live in a world of bits and bytes, but unfortunately I’m not a UI designer though.
I would also rather make a UI that looks like this one:


… and before anyone asks; no, I didn’t make this image by myself; a friendly GI user sent it to me.[/spoiler]

If somebody don’t like the Configurator background he can simply replace it;
it’s located in the _GrimInternalsData\Configurator folder … :slight_smile:

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I thought Darkstalix had already answered last week and I agree with him

Another reason: adding a new shortcut key will confuse other users when they press
that key by mistake and then become teleported accidentally… :smiley:

My Malwarebytes just quarantined Grim Internals :confused:
Anyone seen this happen before?
and is it just Malwarebytes being overeager?

(answered by creator, there is no danger)

This happens, because of the way my tool interacts with Grim Dawn.