[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Thank you :slight_smile:

I am still baffled by this discussion about the teleport function.
Iirc, I was against it originally, but hey, it exists, so why not use it.
I do not use it to port to rogue like dungeons though, because I really feel like that is cheating (totally from my perspective, naturally), plus I donĀ“t wanna miss out on hero mobs spawns etc.

So if it is possible to do that, put a price tag on porting to the rogue like entrances, and leave the rest of locations alone. That should be satisfactory to most people.

I can think of a thousand ways to use the teleport function for ā€œhardcoreā€ cheating, but then again, cheaters would simply cheat the iron bits or items one could ā€œfarmā€ that way. Pomato, tomato, as know one says.

Still (or rather, again) using the 32bit version anyway, because with the 64bit version GD crashed a lot. :eek:

Oh?! why? how?
I dont get any crashes at all bro.When it happens?
give us a bit more info

Easy tiger, that was of the early versions. Might be fine now, not in the mood for experimenting atm though.

I was trying to help. Humpf!

But the users can define their own teleport locations, so itā€™s impossible to put a price tag only to rogue-like dungeons, when I donā€™t know they have teleported to one of those with their own saved teleport position ā€¦ (If you know what I want to say :rolleyes: )

Nah, itā€™s ok the way it isā€¦ The user pay a small fee and he didnā€™t have the feeling to ā€œcheatā€, because he had to pay for the teleport ā€¦ :wink:

In my experience the x64 version is not crashing so often as the x32 version (in Singleplayer mode), because the 3GB memory restriction isnā€™t there.

Ok, so apparently itā€™s an issue on my sideā€¦

After replacing the background it looks way better IMO.

ā€¦ and donā€™t forget, dpi scaling isnā€™t supported yet!

Enabled to run as administrator, keep freezing, but only for a few sec and work again (before the GI window freezed and stayed like that without working again)

As for the pause problem, wasnt about the configurator, but about the game itself when you leave the game window. Thought may be some conflict, but realized happens without GI, and it wasnt like that before. I may ask on the bug forum.

ok try this one last solution
In the option set it on Window borderless and try again

So Iā€™ve downloaded the newest version and still getting the lockups/crashes.

Iā€™m redownloading Grimarillion just to confirm itā€™s not a problem with this particular ā€œinstallā€ Iā€™ll also remake the character, itā€™s not that high of a level, to confirm the problem.

Iā€™m beginning to wonder if itā€™s got something to due with the classes having ā€œmissing tagsā€? Besides those tags the classes in question also have a unique set of skills that require the presence of Zenith classes before they can be unlocked, with GI Locking/Crashing when even when those five unique skills/abilities have no missing tags.

Having issues with CDs being stuck on the screen after they reach 0

Using 1.77

Thank you so much for updating the 64 bit client. Now that the configurator works, I finally switched over from the 32-bit client today. Itā€™s running super smoothly and the configurator looks great!

What are yellow/red numbers in bracket in DPS-meters?

I can confirm yeh. I got that on Battle Cry only tbh stops at 0.0

The damage shown in () brackets is the current dps dealt to 1 target.
The damage shown in [] brackets is the highest dps ever dealt to 1 target.

Same thing here, current version

I did noticed that both CDs that got stuck were weapons procs, not sure if that matters

how come mine is not in colour / items stats and ectā€¦ ?
it works only on 64bit or 32bit ?
give some advice plz ?

I dont understand your question about not in colour?

as for GI, its only available in 64bit now, 32 bit has been dropped.

most likely he means colored fonts @_@

@Cosmo you mean like this? If yes then Grim internals have nothing to do with it