[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

This is a fantastic tool. Just wondering if there’s any way we can move the box in the upper left of the screen? It blocks parts of the inventory screen when I bring it up.

Also, is it possible to increase the radius of the auto pickup? I have to run over an object 3 or 4 times just to pick it up, it would just be faster to manually pick them up at this point

Yes, a little bit more to the left side of the screen would be nice.

Also yes!

Yes, in v1.40 you can move it to the top left if you want.
The current position was the best for not hiding any pets or MP status bars.

The radius is set to 5 meter, but I’ll increase the radius a little bit for a better pickup solution (especially if you have far zoomed out)

Glocky is there any chance to add the X and Y editable in the ini file? i think everyone would be satisfied

Oh and for the record, i have never crashed with it again dx9-and dx11

Yep, already moved the coords to the ini file! :smiley:
V1.40 is ready. I’m doing some tests now.

Oh and for the record, i have never crashed with it again dx9-and dx11

Oh, that is good to hear! Thanks for the feedback!

EPIC! cant wait

Update v1.40

  • changed the autopickup radius from 5.0 to 8.0
    (nb: autopickup works only if you’re moving, so you’re able to drop components onto the ground without autopickup it again automatically.)

  • you can define the position of the info box in the config file (GrimInternals.ini)

    Don’t use negative values or values that doesn’t fit the screen resolution!
    Use at your own risk!

  • the info box is now hidden, if

    1. you open a window (character, faction, minimap etc.),
    2. you hover with the mouse over an item (for a better reading of the item description/comparison)


Thank you so much for updating it. It works fantastically now :smiley:

Thanks / Vielen Dank dafür! :smiley:

Nur mal so Nachgefragt: Die Sache mit der Sprache und den Umlauten, ist diese u.U. ein Punkt auf deiner Todo-Liste oder nicht!? :eek: :wink:

You’re welcome! :smiley:

Ja, das will ich unbedingt noch einbauen.
Allerdings brauch ich erstmal eine Pause.
Ich werde daran wieder arbeiten, sobald Grim Dawn v1.0.6.0 verfügbar ist.

OK, passt schon, solange es nicht ganz unter geht! :wink:

Works fine!

Yes, very fine! :smiley:

Very good idea!!! Works also fine!


@FOE Konnte doch nicht bis v1.0.6.0 warten; hab schon mal angefangen mit den Umlauten… :smiley:

Bin aber jetzt ab Freitag erstmal übers Wochenende weg. Kurztrip.
Werde dann wohl spätestens am Dienstag diese lokalisierte Version posten,
nachdem ich noch ein paar Anpassungen gemacht habe.

Oh … Super! :smiley:

Vielen Dank schon mal Vorab.

Kein Problem!

Erhole dich gut, ich kann da schon noch zuwarten.

Hey GlockenGerda, check doch mal bitte deine pm’s ^^

Update v1.41

  • fixed missing color codes in gamelog
  • combatlog is back again (only for custom mods)
  • added new rendertext() routine for displaying German umlauts for monster names
  • should also works for other languages
  • because it’s an early implementation with some flaws, you can enable the old rendertext() routine
    with the configurator (checkbox: UseOldTextStyle)

Thanks / Danke! :smiley:

yoo ty for the update :]