[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

LoL! She is gong to get back from her trip with her Paypal poppin. Just sent a bit her way as well. Love the mod, worth it.

j/k = his joking. It wouldnā€™t surprise me someone actually believed that though, Iā€™ve seen people conspiring stranger claims lol!

Also out of curiosity and no pressure intended, the post says she will be back today does that mean we can expect a update today or does this take a bit time to compile a fix for?

Not being an azz or anything, but a question for your to answer your question.

Would you work right after getting home from a trip (maybe even a long trip from car or bus or w/e transport you use)?

On a side note, Iā€™m already happy enough someone took their time to make something like this, Iā€™m no programmer, but I tried at some point in my professional life (hardware is my area tho) and quit due to not be my forte, but I know a bit how painful it is to create something and even so fix it to work as you want and add stuff people ask for in it.

I donā€™t mind waiting it for Friday or even next week whenever she has time.

Iā€™d like to take this opportunity to mention that if you are refreshing this thread every few hours hoping to see an update AND you have not yet donated to the creator that this is a perfect opportunity to do so.

Hereā€™s the donation link (or you can get it from the OP if you donā€™t trust links)

That depends on many factors and how invested I am in my project.

But honestly it wasnā€™t a demand I am just curious when I can expect a fix and I do by no means expect it to happen instantly after coming home from a trip, I would totally understand if that wasnā€™t a priority and some rest was needed.

Yeah, but I would also include health bars if possible. I think these are the biggest two features, and if they could be made patch proof somehow, that would be awesome.

Other things like dps info, buffs info, teleport options, weather cycle, etc. are nice but donā€™t really have as much of a noticeable gameplay impact as missing auto-loot and health bars.

Maybe even make a separate tool altogether, call it ā€œGrim Internals Liteā€ that just has the auto-loot and health bar options.

But like you, Iā€™m no coder so all of this could be pie in the sky from a technical standpoint.

Wow such lies! Once you go GI, you never go back </3 I guess itā€™s time to take a stroll around the house and do everything I havenā€™t done because of GI :rolleyes:

Do you know guys when the patch for will be out?

When the creator is back from holiday!

yeap, itā€™s not working anymore, well lol i enjoyed while it lasted, since i play the 32bit with a pirated copy friend so i hev to use that version.
Guess i playing vanilla now

A cheaper option would be to simply invite them into the playtester group that way they can update the tool during testing and release it on patch day.

Assuming the creator even has the time, or desire, to do that.

Yes, this would be nice to have.

second to this so much

Hello dear GI users!
Iā€™m back from the short trip and I got overwhelmed from the donation wave and the feedback here at the forum! Many thanks to you all! :slight_smile:

Tonight I will not sit in front of my computer, but to answer an important question from you:
You can expect an update in roughly 24 hours (Thursday evening CEST).

GlockenGerda :smiley:

thank you for the effort

This would be nice :slight_smile:

very tk u,waiting for u

Uhh, nice to hear this, and btw; thanks for the amazing GI :):):slight_smile:


Just create an account cuz I need to ask you something that I didnā€™t see in FAQ ( maybe it is and im Blind asf )

First of all thanks for this amazing tool it help me a lot and I really appreciate your work, Iā€™m new to this game and really this tool make my life easier.

Now my point is that the game just updated yesterday and GrimInternal doesnā€™t work anymore so my question isā€¦ do I have to wait for Grim Internal to be update it ? or i have to do something with my filesā€¦ ?


Best Regards

The first question is the right one (did I even made sense there? lol) yeah you have to wait for her to update the tool.