[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Are you mad?

Stay away from GrimInternals, haven´t you read the last 5 pages of this thread?

“Can´t play Grim Dawn without it anymore.”
“Need an update, my hands start shaking.”
“Can´t imagine a life without GrimInternals.”
“The voices say I must have an update asap!”

Once you tried it, you may never be able to quit, don´t say i didn´t warn you.


ah, the psychological way

is worth a try, no one has tried here


It was a May that many would never forget. Some were eager to experience the new FX. Others were itching to dig in to some new Shattered Realm content. Whatever their reason for anticipation, many would face an excruciating dilemma that would ultimately break them. That fateful day, May 7th, the date that Patch dropped, will be a date which will live in infamy.

“This has been the worst two days in my life,” a sullen casual reflects on The Patch, “I never knew how much Grim Internals meant to my well-being.” It was a sentiment being shared across the globe. Thousands have been at the worst crossroad of their life. On one path, an updated Grim Dawn just teeming with loot to capture. However, most had forgotten the before times. Before the precious Grim Internal mods. Before monsters had health bars, before components were automatically picked up, before cool down timers were readily available. Some veterans chose the first path. They had been here before. Some knew to not have automatic updates set up. Others were well off enough to manage playing without GI for a few days. But most unfortunately took the second path. Complaining on the forum.

couldn’t more agree :smiley:

I hope your trip was enjoyable. I’m still pretty new to GD, but I’ve been using your tool for 400 of the 500 hours I’ve played. I love it. Thank you for all of your hard work on this. Take your much deserved rest. I think we can survive a few days without the tool, though it will be hard… lol

Wanted to start by saying thank you to Gerda for developing this tool, it is outstanding! Has made me enjoy the game so much more and am, eagerly awaiting the fix tonight! Thanks!

Wow, so many new forum users! Welcome aboard!

You can expect the GI update within the next 1-2 hours!
The item- and skill structure has changed in GD v1.1.2.0,
so I have to include these changes in GI as well, because GI make use of them.

Stay tuned! :wink:

She is speaking the language of the gods

I just registered for the forum to thank you for your work :slight_smile: Being a full time developer myself, i know that delivering an update on such a short notice isn’t an easy task :slight_smile:

Thank you for the good work!

:D:Di just cannot play the game with out this mod, so lets get hype and lets go go go!!!:D:D:p

finally we can play GD. im crying right now :smiley:

Logged in just to say thank you, Came back to GD after a long time away. GI is the best mod to date

Thanks so much for this mod glocken. The QoL it provides is amazing.

uh big thanks for the work sir but any chance we can still have a 32bit one for this update :cry:

YESSS!!! Thankyou for all your amazing work!!!

Thanks from a first time poster :D. New to game and didn’t realize how much I would miss a utility until GI went out on me. Such a wonderful QoL especially for “older” gamers like me.

Like so many others I had to register to the forums just to say thank you for this fantastic mod and the work you put in.

I just started playing a couple of weeks ago and already GI is the one mod I can’t play without.

I love it, it’s fantastic. Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

The god has spoken…

Hey, thanks for taking the time to write all of this. I’ve made these changes and will write back if they helped. Regardless, thank you.

thx a lot for your great work!