[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Oh thank my goddess, hope you get well soon :3

Thank you Glock

Being ill and still getting an update out in quite fast fashion

I applaud you! <3
Hope you are feeling better

Best Third Party Programs.

Amazing!! thanks for the update! you rock!!
And yes grim dawn can be played fine without grim internals.
I tried it and its really fine just have to get used to it again :slight_smile:

Its actually good for us to play it without between updates cause then we
appreciate how amazing grim internals really is and how an amazing job you do to get it out to us!! THANKS!

i have to ask ,
u know u are insane ,right !?.

u are sick and assoon as u feel juist a little better , u are updating this crap for us. for FREE i might add.
(allot of ppl arent even that dedicated in a paid job)

so yes i think u are absolutely insane ( in a good way) , much thanks :rolleyes:

thaaaank youu! and get well soon!

i know you are right and i don’t want to diminish GD as a game, but at least the autoloot feature should be baked into the game and as long as it is not i will wait for GI to update before resuming to play.

GI made me enjoy the game so much more, you have no idea :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a lot!

Dankeschön, dass Du da trotz Krankheit so rasch das Update gemacht hast!

WĂŒnsche Dir ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende.

I feel undeserving of this honor.

 speechless. Hats off to you~

Did the legendary drop sound change? It startled me when I first heard the new one. Why the change? The old one was pretty smooth and shiny sound. The new one sounds like somebody is hitting with a hammer.

Edit: it keeps startling me everytime I hear it lol

GrimInternals_TeleportList-Russian name TeleportList, But in Grim Internals screen attached

Thx mate :wink:

That was not intended; GI needs a hotfix :wink:
As a workaround edit the GrimInternals.ini file and add “UseDroppedLegendaryOldSfx=False” under [Settings].

Did you edit the teleport-list with an editor?
Every line consists of the name of the location and 3 coordinates;
all other formats will lead to an read error.

does anyone have problem with Nemesis alert? Doesn’t work for me. Tried to reinstall. Nothing. If it’s a known issue or already been reported I am sorry :slight_smile: Thanks for the amazing tool Glock!

Thanks a lot!

Even after updating the GI I still got the “Version Mismatch” message, but solved by right licked GD on Steam > Property > Verify Integrity

Yeah, it’s not working atm; I messed up some things in the last patch! :confused:

It was probably at that time snooze and some Aether spit all over the monitor lol. j/k