[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

that worked thanks so much! Honestly it didnt flag until the last patch apparently. Strange coincidence

where can i find previus versions

i read a lot of messages i dont have steam i have the installer version, and the update and got GI 1.78 hotfix 2 i read is for this version but still got wrong file size any suggestions?

Iā€™m having the same problem, GrimInternals is entered in my AV exceptions. Yes I read the Q&A, thoroughly more than once. What is strange it was working fine until I quit the game and Steam, later in the day restarted game and got the same message player referenced, ā€œDestination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action.ā€

I have admin rights. Avast Av problem maybe?

For those of you that want to launch the game with Grim Internals from within Steam, just right click on Grim Dawn in steamā€™s list, choose properties then set launch options and add this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\GrimInternals64" %command%

Just change the path if its not the default one, create a new shortcut on desktop, and youā€™re good to go.

Touche! Avast was made by psychotics. It deem everything as virus, I had it 3x destroying clean windows installations because of that, not to count it decided to keep scanning everything the system was doing making it slow, that was the last drop for me.

In all honesty, you donā€™t need any AV except Win Defender (which already is built-in on Windows 10) if you know where you are getting your stuff.

Some people donā€™t even use AV when they know what they are doing.

Im on the same boat as you man
I never used any AV apart from the one that came with windows and i always know what im doing. It looks like most ppl are using ready made pc/setups and they nclude these AVsā€¦

is there a version grim internals for ?

No you have to upgrade your game version in the latest one, the tool supports the latest version and we are not keen on keeping archives of old versions since new features are being added on each new version most of the time

True, aside from their own bloatware, they include more useless stuff in it, making the machine really slow.

Funny is they have the nerve to say itā€™s a fast machine lol.

Hey all, Iā€™m really sorry for asking a question that has probably been asked before in this thread. This is my first time trying to use Grim Internals, but I did read the OP and the FAQ.

I copied the Grim Internals stuff into the Grim Dawn folder as instructed (I have the Steam version). I can run the GrimInternals executable and it starts up Grim Dawn. However, when the game is loaded I canā€™t seem to bring up the configuration menu that it talks about (CTRL+F5). Iā€™m running GI as administrator and tried setting GD to Borderless Window.

Any ideas?

EDIT: After trying nine or ten times, I wrote this post. I immediately went back to the game and hit CTRL+F5 and it worked this time. Uh, thanks for being my good luck charm, I guess? :smiley:


I think there is a Mod conflict between GrimInternals and Item Assistant. After v1.784update, Item Assistant isnā€™t working. If I use vanilla Grim Dawn, Item Assistant is fine.

Perhaps their problem, not yours, but I thought I would post here too so other users would know.

For me, with the latest Internals running, Item Assistant canā€™t find/open cache.


Of course, right after I post this, I boot up again and the problem seems to have gone awayā€¦ Weird.

Hi all,

I write a comment to get some feedback from playesr
I would like if you experience crashes in multiplayer ?
Yes i know, this is not officially supported in MP.

In solo, I have not problem, but in multiplayer, about 1 hour of game, there is probable 100% that will crashed in few moment (for host or for guest).
That seems to be memory crash.

Is someone succeeded to play in MP without crash ?

Thanks a lot for your help/feedback.


I dotn experice crashes for so long now tbh and i mosstly MP
In the .ini file look for ShowMemoryUsage and set it on true. It will be shown into the first infobox
Check how much it goes. It will go red if its about to crash


I enabled the information.
The memory usage browse betweend 1.6Mo et 3.4Mo
The memory usage have the same range of consumption on the guest computer.
I never saw the indicator going into red color.

Thank for your reply and confirm me that possible to play without crash.
I have to find why the game crashed.

Best regards

I 90% host MP games with atleast 2 and tbh i never had my memory more than 2.5 but still im not sure how it works maybe its not the same with different or stronger or whatever other rams.
Are you not crashing without the tool at all?

@Glocky i realized that the extra healthbars for champion monsters i have more fps loss tbh. Its my pc problem i think, not the best idea for my pc :S

Really appreciate the mod! Sorry if this has already been answered but it looks like this https://imgur.com/ZMRcT7L when I launch it and not sure what I did wrong.

1000 timesā€¦

read the first post!!!

you will find the answerā€¦

Instead of losing temper, why not tell him whatā€™s wrong and how to fix it? I say that because reading the first post tells me nothing which would help solve his problem. You may know, but that doesnā€™t mean others do.

I know repetitive questions are annoying, but newcomers arenā€™t to know itā€™s been asked before. Patience is a virture, so please be virtuous and help out - even if it is for the 1,000th time. :wink: