[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Thanks for the info!
So it seems my tool isn’t running correctly on Windows 7 systems.
Atm I’m installing Windows 7 on a old laptop and then I can check
what’s wrong with my tool.

It’s nice that you’re making the effort but honestly I wouldn’t expect it from you.
Guys like me and the other guy are using an outdated OS and you shouldn’t need to go out of your way to fix issues because of it.
Unless you’re feeling particularly helpful I’d rather you spend the time working on the mod itself. :slight_smile:

looks like running in compatibility mode for win xp sp3 does fix the problem, as far as I can tell.
not sure if there’s any other possible side effects, fps didn’t really change for me

kind regards

€: seems like you can`t change the sound source if running it this way but starting via steam and setting the correct source and then running with grim internals does fix this problem afaik

Nah, Grim Internals should be as error-free as possible, so
I have to locate the bug, if someone found one…:wink:

That’s really interesting…
Didn’t know that this tool is compatible with Win XP.
Thanks for sharing your experience!!

Update v1.46

  • fixed a bug that crashed the tool on Windows 7

    Thanks Weyu and wyver for the report!

Ah ok! That sounds better! :smiley:

Thank you, I can confirm that it works properly now, didn’t have a single crash.

Edit: or I spoke too soon, it still crashes sometimes on pickup of green+ items, although it’s not every time like how it was in 1.45.
As the other poster said, running in compatibility mode seems to fix it, XP SP3 seems to add a significant performance loss though but even “Windows 7” compatibility mode works with less noticeable loss.

Great tool. Nameplates are fine and autopickup is awesome :slight_smile:

I’m sorry if that question has already been asked, but the info I need is not in the first post - does windowed/borderless mean that it doesn’t work in fulscreen mode?

Ok, I’ll look into this issue again! Thanks!

It should work in fullscreen mode!
I can’t run GD in fullscreen mode by myself, because of issues (black screen)

I put this on my ToDo-list.
Atm I do not work on Grim Internals (only bug-fixing)!

Cool, I’m glad you like it!


can you tell me please:

how do I start the tool, with using steam? Normally I start the steam client, then select GD and klick play.

First your tool and than GD? Or can I start the tool after starting GD via steam?


You start steam and then my tool. It loads GD automatically…

Ahhh automatically,


Its a nice tool, thx, but the game chrashes to a black screen on Win 7.

I use Win7 X64 Pro.

And I use the fullscreen mode, because I get a better graphical performance with that. With boarderless fullscreen, I got a little bit stuttering.

Is there anything you can do, that this tool is working with fullscreen and Win7?

Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for your great mod/picking up components and crafting items was one of the things I disliked about the game, was at the point where I started skipping them, your mod avoided that and greatly improved my experience, I also like that there are options that I can customize to my liking because I wasnt a fan of having my name and healthbars on everyone when I first loaded the mod, so I put only % on top of me and hero monsters and above as well as their name, now I can identify them when there’s a clusterfuck.

Thanks again !

Hotfix 1.46a

  • fixed a bug (again) that crashed the tool on Windows 7

Because of health problems I wasn’t able to test it more than 10 minutes on Win7.
Please report any issues you’ll find! Thx!

I hope, I’ll be back with full healthbar next week!