[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

If it crashes to a black screen when you start the tool, try to add /d3d9 as start parameter.
If it crashes to a black screen when you pick-up a rare+ item, try the new hotfix.

Thanks for the detailed description what you like about my tool! :smiley:
Have fun with it!

Yeah it crashes on windows 7 :’(
I’m going to stalk this post for info about it X_X

PS: How do I move the text further down? I have many minions and its overlapping :confused:

Looks like you nailed it this time with 1.46a: did 5 SoT runs and zero crashes. :slight_smile:
For comparison, 1.46 would crash before completing one full SoT run and the version before that crashed every time you picked up any green item or higher.

Played about 2 hours this evening, same areas like yesterday (Cronley and some Outdoor Areas Act2),
found only 5 or 6 epic items, 0 legendary.

Same gameplay like yesterday, but this evening nothing crashes.

Not tested in crucible. Played in Fullscreen Mode with 2 Monitors.

Win7 x64 Pro


Great Thanks

Tomorrow Id like to play my gameplay for the first time with your tool. Yesterday installed.

Hope the crashes are gone…

Anyone get it working with Grim Damage? I’m guessing Grim Damage loses its hooks into the game because you launch with a different executable.

Since Internals is memory resident I’m curious if it’s possible to incorporate the ranged retaliation mod without actually modifying the DLLs.

Thanks for a very useful tool! My favorite QOL improvement is the status bar over my player character so I don’t lose track of my health.

Played 5 or 6 hours today, nothing crashes…with Win7/x64 pro

This evening I will test in Crucible…


Edit: was a long evening with crucible, that tool works very well now


I love your continuous work glockio :slight_smile:
Get well soon mate, hope its nothing serious

Where do I add /d3d9 ? what tool? sry I’m dumb :smiley:

IF you are using steam add the /d3d9 in the launcher of the game

Also ill tell you what i do
I add the tool as i add a non steamgame(tool he meant this app you use ,grim internals) Yes its like having 2 games even tho its the same, one is with the tool and the other without it.And you can keep this shortcut for everytime Glocken does an update and you have to overwrite the previous version

-Right-click the game title(in this case the shortcut of the grimInternals) under the Library in Steam and select Properties.
-Under the General tab click the Set launch options button.
-Enter the launch code /d3d9
-Close the game’s Properties window and start the game.

DAMN! no it doesn’t work :confused:

which one doesnt work?
my wway to launch the tool? or the tool itself

I tried just the tool - frozen
then I tried with your way - frozen
also i tried making a shortcut and then editing the “start in” and adding the code

still freezing :confused:

Try compatibility mode, this fixed the issues for me.

Had a little flu with fever and headache, but now I feel a lot better! Thx!

Good to hear that! Thank you for the report!

hey, im loving the mod u made, thanks 4 sharing this~!

quick questions:
•is there a way to center the names for bosses & players over their HP bar?
•is there a way to move the session info box so that it doesnt cover my allies portrait?

Edit: just thought of something while looking @ my image…

consider adding a unique HP bar 4 bosses?

Centering the names would cost additional fps for calculating these values.
So, to keep the cpu-load as low as possible, I decided to not center the names.

Yes, I know, the description of this tool is difficult to understand.
To move the InfoBox you have to edit the file “GrimInternals.ini”.
Search for:

There you can change the position.

No, I have made enough HP bars… :wink:

Did you see my answer?

But perhaps it will be included in v1.47 :slight_smile:

Sorry, neither do I.

Update v1.47

  • added SFX for dropped legendary items
    default: off

  • if you die, a screenshot is saved under the name: “_killshot.jpg” in your screenshot folder.
    A suffix is append to the filename, depending on your game mode (SC = Softcore Mode, HC = Hardcore Mode)
    (save the screenshot somewhere else if you want to keep it, because it will be overwritten if you die again.)

  • added two cheat functions because of user request
    default: off
    PatchRangedRetaliation=false (enables/disables ranged retaliation)
    RemoveEnvironmentDamage=false (enables/disables the damage layer)

  • added custom loading screen support
    default: off

    Look at the forum (http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=598006&postcount=1)
    for some beautiful loading screens (thanks to Darius for converting these images)
    or make your own images.

    Example how to implement the custom loadingscreens from Darius:

    1. Download the 4 zip-archives from the above mentioned link and extract them all.
    2. copy the file “loadingbackground01.tex” from the extracted archive CustomLoadingScreen01.zip to [Grim Dawn Dir]/Settings/ui/loading
      and rename it to “loadingbackground02.tex”
    3. copy the file “loadingbackground01.tex” from the extracted archive CustomLoadingScreen02.zip to [Grim Dawn Dir]/Settings/ui/loading
      and rename it to “loadingbackground03.tex”
    4. copy the file “loadingbackground01.tex” from the extracted archive CustomLoadingScreen03.zip to [Grim Dawn Dir]/Settings/ui/loading
      and rename it to “loadingbackground04.tex”
    5. copy the file “loadingbackground01.tex” from the extracted archive CustomLoadingScreen04.zip to [Grim Dawn Dir]/Settings/ui/loading
      and rename it to “loadingbackground05.tex”

    The [Grim Dawn Dir]/Settings/ui/loading folder should now looks like

NB: “loadingbackground06.tex” in this image is the old pre-AoM loading screen that I’ve added for personal use.

Now edit GrimInternals.ini and add/change following lines
under [Settings]:
NumRandomScreens=5 (valid number is between 1 and 9; depends on how many “loadingbackgroundxx.tex” files you have installed.)

Now every time you load the game, or you teleport to a location, a different (randomly choosen) loadingscreen is shown.