[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

sorry , i dont know about that. someone can explain that for me? thanks alot.:o

For example, Act I, a cavern, hole, cave whatever, with acid pools, very close to burial Hill, so you must have seen it. If you stand in them you loose life. Same with Conflagration - next to Homestead. Aether everywhere, that you can’t stand on it, or else you die.

Environment Damage?
It’s that green stuff on the ground that hurts when you step on it.

Typically found around Aether crystals and such.
The damage is applied to you without a specific attacker being set, iirc.

Anybody else encounter this issue?

Here is how it should sound: https://youtu.be/17MKRckDK5w

Update v1.47a

  • added a checkbox to the Configurator to enable/disable SFX for dropped legendary items
    default checkbox state is now checked!

I’ve just downloaded this and i get an error message:
“grim dawn.exe has wrong filesize!”

I’m using the steam version and it is up-to-date.
Any ideas?

Please check again, if your game version is v1.0.5.1

Also try to verify your game files.

Grim Internals works with GoG and steam version of the game.

hello, short question,

what happens to the “GrimInternals.ini” with installing the new version? Is this overwritten?

Is it necessary to save my settings, before installing the new version, or are they preserved?

I changed this for me:

Width=50 // the healthBar width measured in pixel
Height=10 // same goes for the height

I just want to know if I have to do that again after that new version setup?

If you use a version < v1.43 the .ini will be new created, otherwise the new parameters will be added to the .ini

But it’s always a good idea to note all changes you made to GrimInternals.ini; just in case that the .ini file was deleted by mistake

brilliant, thanks

I love this tool, thank you for the updates.

I would like to thank you for this amazing tool! I selected the compatibility option and it works perfectly :slight_smile: Thank you again!

Thanks for the sound FX man :slight_smile:
Love your updates dude


folgende Frage zum Sound fĂŒr den Drop von legendĂ€ren Items habe ich nochmal:

Ist es möglich per Konfigurator oder per ini.Datei eine Art LautstĂ€rkeregelung fĂŒr den Sound zu kreieren?

Ich habe mein Soundsetup fĂŒrs Spiel wie ich es als angenehm empfinde eingestellt, auch nicht unbedingt leise, jedoch ist der Sound fĂŒr die LegendĂ€rys fĂŒr mich sehr leise (wesentlich leiser als im Bsp. Youtube Video, dort hört man es richtig).

Bei mir ist es fast nicht zu hören wenn anderes Kampfgeschehen stattfindet.

Ich höre den Sound eigentlich nur, wenn fast nix anderes GerÀusche macht.

Also wenn man in der ini.Datei den Pegel etwas individuell anpassen könnte, wÀre es sehr nett.

fĂŒr das großartige Tool

Google Translation:


I have the following question about the sound for the drop of legendary items again:

Is it possible to create a kind of volume control for the sound via configurator or ini file?

I have my sound setup for the game as I feel comfortable, not necessarily quiet, but the sound for the Legendary is very quiet for me (much quieter than in the example Youtube video, there you hear it right).

With me it is almost not heard when other fighting takes place.

I actually only hear the sound when almost nothing else sounds.

So if you could adjust the level in the ini.Datei something individually, it would be very nice.

 for the great tool

Windows can control the volume on a per-program basis.
Rightclick on the little speaker in the bottom right corner, and click “open volume mixer”, or whatever the german equivalent is. Probably the top option.

Then find the program (assuming its running and has made a sound), and lower its volume.

If the program has not yet made a sound, you may not be able to locate it.

Update v1.48

  • Aether Crystal Formation: fixed the name/hp bar position

  • you can now change the sfx-volume for dropped legendary items in the .ini file (this is for you, tean101 ;))

    (valid values seems to be between 0.0 and 7.0, according to .dbr’s I looked at,
    but 2.0 is the loudest, at least I can’t hear a difference between 2.0 and 7.0)

Thanks a lot ;);):wink:

Edit: works fine :wink:

“Grim dawn.exe has wrong filesize” :frowning:
I have all DLC and v1.0.5.1, how can i resolve that?

Did you copy GrimInternals.exe and GrimInternals.dll into your Grim Dawn installation folder?

A pirated copy may result in this issue.