[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Update v1.44

to enable it, edit the file “GrimInternals.ini” and add following lines under [Settings]
NotificationAugmentedRareItems=True // enable/disable
NotificationNumAugmentsMinimum=2 // number of augments a rare item should have

This is awesome man! One question - is there a way to always show hero names as well as bosses?

Welcome to the forum!

If you press CTRL+F5 in-game, the Configurator should popup.
There you can select which monster should show their names.
For heroes and bosses you should select “Heroes+” in the dropdown menu.

Ah geez…I saw that but wasn’t sure what it did. Thanks!!

hi, i often look up here to see if there update.
have you think about implement auto patch, or upload this on git or else?:stuck_out_tongue:

Hey there, just downloaded the tool and it looks really nice (and love the customization!)

I just happen to have crashes whenever I pick up any item that is not auto-looted? Tried with itemcounter on and off and with windowed/borderless.

any idea?

No, my tiny tool doesn’t need an auto-updater.
This would be additional work for me to implement such a feature.

Also I have no plans to publish my tool as open source on git.
because if I do so, some people would be able to inject a trojaner or spyware
and I don’t want to be responsible if such a tool exists under the name “GrimInternals”.

I hope you understand my point of view

Hmm, I have no clue why this happens.
Perhaps your Anti-Virus software has blocked some functions in my tool.
But that’s only a wild guess.

That’s the first time I’ve heard about this issue.

anyway,thanks for replay, what i mean is use git for update, not for open source.:smiley:
i am enjoying tool, and i got idea that auto-consume, mind if implement this?

No Auto-Consume planned…
I don’t want to compete with GDTH :wink:

Update v1.45

only made a small change (I’m waiting for GD Update

  • changed the calculation for determining the position of some monster names more precisely

Update v1.45a

  • small bug fixes and speed improvements

Saw your tool mentioned in the feedback forum, you should advertise it more since I’m sure a lot of people are interested in an auto pickup feature that doesn’t require you to mod the game. :slight_smile:

For what it’s worth, I ran into the same problem: the game crashes whenever I pick up a green/blue/purple item, white and yellow items can be picked up normally.
The auto-pickup feature works, I tried turning off every part of the tool in the config screen and it still crashes on pick up of a green item or higher.

Running Steam version on latest patch, I don’t use any other tools/mods and I have both the Microsoft requirements installed.

I can’t believe it, but thank you for the report!
Then there is something wrong that I have to investigate…

Can you tell me, what kind of Anti-Virus software you’ve installed?
I also like to know, which Windows version you’re on and what language
you have selected in the options window of Grim Dawn. Thanks!

Perhaps I can reproduce the crash on my computer.

I don’t use any AV, Windows is 7 and GD just uses the default English.

Yo im back from the holidays
Thanks for all these updates glockio its a bit pain everytime to edit the values tho.
I was wondering if we could keep the old values in the ini with an import option through configurator to load them up in the new ini file?
I dont even know what im asking here tbh :s

I tried about the crash reports peeps have. I dont ahve any so far
W10 with no antivirus

Welcome back, Darkstalix! :slight_smile:

Importing the old values from the .ini is a good idea.
I will implement this in a later patch eventually,
although I’m not planning to delete the .ini again anytime soon.
Let’s see… :wink:

If you also using Windows 7, I can narrow down the problem.

I’m wondering why you (Darkstalix) and Weyu don’t use any AV?
Especially if you execute a tool from an unknown guy.
Isn’t it too risky?

THX, works well!

Hmm let me rephrase it then cause i confused you i guess
Im not using third party AVs just the defender from the W10 has available.

Indeed, am using Windows 7 and the english version

in windowed/borderless the game stutters for a sec and then doesnt do anything, fullscreen gives blackscreen.

have to manually close the game via taskmanager in both scenarios.

I had the color mod for items running on my first try, deinstalled but I am still experiencing the issue.

any possible logs you may need?