[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Can anyone tell me please how to get ReShade working with this mod?

ReShade works fine with the original Grim Dawn.exe, but when I start with GrimInternals64.exe ReShade is not loading.

Since the forums changed many of the things are still messed up and i cant find that post
You have to download and install it into the x64 folder of the game in order to work :confused: i had to do with the dx files
i will try o find the post :confused:

Bro were you the one were talking about the issue?

Thanks, installing into the x64 folder just worked :slight_smile:

:o did it really?
wanna explain what did you do exactly so i can add it in the Q&A post?

I just installed ReShade to the Grim Dawn.exe within the x64 folder and it’s starting now with GrimInternals64.exe, too.

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That post?

Edit: nvm… looks like you maybe already found that post? :smiley:

Yeh i did lol and i had to fix all of it from scratch almost cause the latest version that it was saved after the transfer was like almost a year @_@
ty tho

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is there a way to get a version that works with version of the game ?

Please buy the game


Can I use this tool to pickup Yellow items? I’m still having to pick them up manually and they seem to account for well over 90 percent of all loot.

Yellow items are not supported and i recall that it was mentioned to the author and wasn’t very kin on the idea

Thanks for the quick reply! :slight_smile: Yeah, I’m still low level and the yellow, at this point seem to be my bread and butter go to for cash.

Something you hopefully grow out of. Yellows are a complete waste of time, imho. I never give them the time of day beyond equipping them in the beginning.

Go Green+. All day. All the way. Yellows don’t respect you or your time.

Does anyone have a preset like in PoE? Red healthbar of enemies, etc.

Click on my profile(hopefully i fixed it) and i have the Q&A post with a guide to customize the colors sizes in any way you want

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Good job Darkstalix!
Your summary will also help a lot in our Jp-wiki. :grinning:

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Since I can only find the link for the 64x, I have to use the ini.file to configure. This was only accomplished after wracking my little brain to find a working link with the forum change and all. Can some one point me to the 32x link so I can use the config table so I can make the most of this mod?

The above is the last known link/update for the x86 version.

FYI - the forum searching works amazingly well, which is how I found this link for you, like so:

Simply have ‘Search this topic’ ticked, type in the search term, click the ‘More…’ button to expand (if present) to see all posts. Note that all posts are denoted by a ‘Post #’ which easily allows you to determine most recent, along with the date posted.

If you want to get fancy with it you can also add user to the ‘Search’, like so:

Unfortunately after clicking thru the link and the link prior to it I see that it is no longer available on Google Drive. You would have to rely on someone else providing it as I think Glocken stopped support of x86 in favor of x64… I remember awhile back seeing some discussion around that.

Im glad you liked it bro, use as much info as you want most that info is updated up to the latest version
Gotta love your wiki tho, wish i knew Japanese :]