[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

GrimInternals 32bit latest.zip (379.0 KB)

This is the latest latest version of 32 bit we had so glad i kept it tho,it might help you but for the love of god i cant remember which version is supported on this :confused:

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Thank you for the 32 bit version. I will try it out later this evening. I have used the search function. Thank you all for the help!!!


any help pls

@Jia_Hao - for the time being you find the current download link for Grim Internals in this Q&A post

Thanks a lot for this. I was wondering if there was a way to get teleport coordinates to a location that you’re unable to click “save position” at? If you teleport to Bastion of Chaos you can’t leave so I assume it was done manually there but I don’t know how to figure out my coordinates if I get to the end of a skeleton key requirement dungeon and there’s no way to save my location there.

I tried to search but this new forum is beyond my capabilities. Thanks!

Ah that thing
We discussed about this with Glocky and it wasnt added for reasons
The tool is not supposed to be like a cheat so most of the areas that you are not supposed to go depending of reputation or anything else. Can you imagine teleporting into Kymon chosen area when you side with Order of death?
I hope you understand

Check the post Esiprin linked you or if its something i haven’t included in there mention it here
Keep in mind to give us details

Mod not working ? it said not compatible with my game version anyone got it to work ?

what is your game version? which version of GI did you download?

Well due is out now, i guess we have to wait for the next Grim Internals Update =)

Same thing here. Mod was working a few hours ago, then, after a short break, looks like it don’t wanna work with the actual version of GD. :frowning:

If someone get some news… :slight_smile:

I hope the update comes quick, i just can’t play without it anymore

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I also cant play without it anymore =/

playing without this MOD is just too much. I refuse to play without Grim Internal

I’m too used to the QoL enhancements of this mod, I don’t even want to load up GD without it.

Just donated for the cause, because I too do not want to play without it!

-Also have extreme dislike for this new forum

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Hi my version is how do i update grim internals ?

First you buy the game so you get the newest patch.



Hi, for those of you who cant play GD without this mod ( like me ), you can still downgrade to previous patch using steam console. Just type “download_depot 219990 219991 2699307760082373485” in the console, and wait for it to download all the files.

You can find the downloaded files in your
steam folder “Steam\steamapps\content\app_219990\depot_219991”. Then simply copy those files to your Grim Dawn directory.

Here is a more detailed guide if you need it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1086279994