[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

It would be glorious if the source code would be opensource. The necessity to downgrade to use the old version would be obsolete.

Additionally the community could look over the code to maybe even improve stuff.

Pretty please :slight_smile:

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It was mentioned before and it aint happening tbh

I Just got home guys i will inform glocky about the new update and will update you as soon as i got news

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Nah all that is really needed for that is CI with simple pipeline which would build new version as soon as new Grim Dawn version is released.

I honestly agree - open source projects are always always better imho. I really enjoy helping, and I feel more secure knowing that I can see exactly what they are doing to my computer.

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We appreciate all you and Glocky do to keep GI up and running! Itā€™s an awesome program and makes GD a much different game!

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Is everything OK with Glocken? Iā€™ve noticed that she hasnā€™t even attempted signing in to the new forums yet since theyā€™ve went up.

It slows me down so much playing without this :cry:

The auto-pickup is a feature I really wish was in the base gameā€¦

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@ powbam: I think she takes a long break from GD, only updates for the new patches ā€¦


I believe that 1397248486326328916 is the new update and the one that people are looking for is the download_depot 219990 219991 2699307760082373485. Thx for the nice simple guide. That other link you posted has always seemed too daunting for me but your instructions made it really simple :slight_smile:

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Yes, youā€™re completely right. Sorry, my bad!
Iā€™ve edited my post with the right version number now.

Thanks, its worked

I have no idea tbh :confused: its the second time i tried to come in contact with her maybe she is on a trip or something tho the previous attempt was when the forums changed so she could update her first post
I was informing her through emails mostly but it looks like she is very busy at the moment :confused:

Why arenā€™t the features that this tools offer part of the base game anyway?

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So basically, no more GD for a while :confused:

Because the devs donā€™t want them to be, simple. They made the game fully moddable so people could add those things they themselves donā€™t want to be in the game.

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Will it work if you make a backup of the old grimdawn.exe ā€¦ update the game and then replace the grimdawn.exe with the backed up one ?

Just wait until GlockenGerda updates the tool. Iā€™m sure she wonā€™t take that long to do so. Gods above and below, people are so impatient these days.


Take my energy, appreciate your work! Waiting for the update, GI makes the game so nice :heart_eyes:

Got to love how thousands of players have to wait for one person to make updates to a random mod that those thousands of players (at this point) require to enjoy the game. (The mod dev doesnā€™t actively play anymore and its only a matter of time before they abandon updating for the rest of us)

Saying otherwise would be like comparing wow to an unmodded version every time a new patch comes out (which seems to happen ever two or three weeks with grim dawn)

I canā€™t program, but I can communicate.

All the people asking for open source, please do the rest of the community a favor and start open-sourcing with eachother and making a new version of GI where if 1 person wants to take a day or week off, it doesnt affect the thousands of us that are sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for the program.

Youā€™d think @CRATE would have taken notice by now and possibly introduced some of these features in-game as toggle-able features.

HP bars for one, auto looting for two. Those are simply, quality of life features that I dont think players in 2019 should have to rely on people who may not even play the game themselves anymore, to update. HEALTH BARS? 2019? Cmon @CRATE. Please add these to the BASE GAME already.

Youā€™re bringing out $10 visual packs, when the expansion pack was what, $15, but you canā€™t add a HEALTH BAR VISUAL?

I will pay you $10 @Crate to add a new ā€œpackā€ which includes health bars and looting options. -Thx


idk man i canā€™t program but i donā€™t think healthbars and auto pickups is as straight forward as making some new cosmetics. But otherwise i agree.

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