[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Originally Posted by beakers17 View Post
This really is a fantastic tool - I wish I had been using it for the last couple of years!

Apologies if this is a known issue, but I have found that hitting the “auto-sort” button in the character inventory causes my game screen to go black after playing for a while (collecting mats, etc.). The game does not crash to the desktop, but I do have to force quit the process and restart.

Possibly unrelated, but several materials do not auto-combine: scrap, all the rare materials, and potions. Is this also a known thing?

i got the same problem, on a fresh game i can click auto sort, all fine, but after 10-15 min gameplay the game crashs after a click on auto sort. my game is in language german and this mod is the only one i use and i think this problem is only in multiplayer, in sp i cant reproduce this issue. the same issue i get in mp when a player left the game, my game is crashing then. without mod its fine. pls help.
sry for bad english :wink:

Grim Dawn exe has wrong filesize.

get this error on 1.0.6.

Steam or GOG!?

I’ve Steam and no problem.

download the new version of GDI please!

played some hours today, works without problems…thanks

I did download 1.0.6 for steam version

oh I have GOG version…

Any chance to have the update for non steam version of the game? I absolutely can not play this game without this mod :frowning:

Thanks for the detailed problem description!
So it seems to be a MP problem; I’ll take a look at it!

Sure, but the gog version is not released yet!

Update v1.50

  • works now with Steam and GoG-version v1.0.6.0
  • autoloot produced several floatingtext notifications of the same kind in MP-Mode; fixed

Attention: Use this tool only in SinglePlayer-Mode; there are some bugs in MP-Mode
that could crash the game. I’m working on a fix!

Still not working for me
“Version mismatch: Grim Dawn.exe has wrong filesize”

Made an account just to hopefully make the bugfixing easier.

I have the same auto-sort-crash issue, but it started before this patch. Also looks like it’s MP only, and only happens on auto-pickup.

What appears to happen is that Grim Internals looks like it’s not stacking some items right when auto-pickup happens, and starts making invisible “dummy” items in inventory. You can tell there are dummy items in the inventory because even though it’s blank, you can’t move anything in its place.

And thus when auto-sort tries to happen, it tries messing with those “dummy items”…

Edit: Another side-effect with the dummy items is, it starts putting stuff that ought to be stacked in separate piles, like putting scrap or potions into their own stacks.

i tested it again, i played 2h in sp without a crash. then i started a mp match without other players, and i didnt get a crash after 2h playtime. so i think its a problem playing with other players. a thing i remember is that auto sort in mp with other players healpotions dont stack, so i get 10 stacks with single potions.

my other problem is the crash when a player in mp leaves.

I registered just to show my appreciation :slight_smile:

Thanks for this mod OP!

@teefblue, jdm!
Thank you for your help and the exact description of the error!
I appreciate that!

Usually I don’t play MP, so, if someone wants to help me to narrow down the error,
he could test the attached version and tell me then if the crashes in multiplayer mode have become lesser!
I tested it for 1 hour without getting a crash.

Thank you!

Are you on Gog? And do you have the original version of the game?
Then Grim Internals should work as intended.

You’re welcome!
And thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Hey there, just registered to thanks you.

Your tool is such an QoL improvement for the game I can’t imagine playing without it (and tbh, most features should be implemented in the base game).

After getting the common bug that makes everyone crash in multiplayer, we tested your beta version with my 2 friend and it seems like the crash issue is fixed !
Thanks for the fast updates too…

Thanks for your work and keep it up ! :slight_smile:

I mostly MP and i dont have problems at all tbh, so far so amazingly good

i played for 2h with buddys now, no crashes. very nice, thank you very mutch !!! btw no crash anymore when a player leaves, great job