[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I’m not sure the double rare drop sound/beam is working correctly. I played for 3 hours yesterday and it only triggered once for a Stalwart of Blight chest piece, which is definitely not double rare. It didn’t trigger for actual double rares that dropped…

I’ll try the latest version as I was using the first version GlockenGerda posted.

Is the loading screen option still supported?
I can’t overcome the 3 loading screens, thanks

forgot to mention, I did those things and it still kept getting the error. Im thinking I might have to reinstall the game or something at this point :confused:

I noticed that too!
There is definitely a bug where the double rare loot beam is assigned falsely to a different dropped rare item although a double rare item is dropped. (I hope this sentence makes sense!)

No, the GI random loading screen option was dropped as Crate made their own random loading screens.

Looks good, nevertheless I prefer the “old” ones.

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Yup, that makes sense. The other item that dropped from the chest was a double rare, but the beam was assigned to the chest piece. When I dropped the chest piece again from inventory it did the sound and had the beam again.

Uploaded v1.88 with the double rare loot beam fix.


Just downloaded the newest version of the game, and the new GI and its not working for me. Ingame version shows and when i launch GI version 1,88 it shows that this version is not compatible with my version of the game. Any ideas why its not working?

For starters make sure you run the GI executable as admin and beforehand add it into your AV exceptions

Still not working :confused:

you made sure you installed the files in the correct folder?
May i ask for a screen shot where you installed them?

Oksss no worries then. I recolored them tho if peeps need them anyway :wink:

GI is in good folder :smiley: I installed them correctly, version for was working perfectly tho.

you made sure you overwrite all the old files?
Delete all the previous files (GrimInternaldata folder, Griminternals executable,GrimInternalsDll64.dll and back up the griminternals.ini file somewhere for now
Redownload the GI files and install them again
As i type here im playing in the latest version, so you are doing something wrong

Just to be sure: you’re using a legit GD version?
If yes, check the GrimInternals64.exe.
Perhaps you forgot to copy it over from the GI v1.88 zip file.

Don’t let @medea_fleecestealer read this. :innocent:

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Come on brother…i wasted like 10 mins to tell me that you are using pirated versions?
Jesus Christ PIRATED VERSIONS ARE NOT supported


Well, when you can afford the game we’d be pleased to have you back. Until then though goodbye.


it worked on previous GOG version XD ok w/e then gonna try it on legit version when i receive my salary ^^ sory for the problem :smiley: