[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I’d wager 75% of these “bug reports” stem from people using CODEX rips etc.

People, Grim Dawn is on sale for 75% off RIGHT NOW! :rage:

Hell, the base-game is going for $6.24 atm. I’ve gifted those out like candy on Halloween to the point where I’ve literally run out of friends to gift lol

  • BTW Glocken, thanks for the super-prompt update/fix :+1:

I just found another bug related to the double rare loot beam. :confused:

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(for levity)

sigh i was just checking items, also i wanted to make a double rare to check
I had no luck yet and i was testing with normal rares for the beam edits
Anyone got a a 100% double rare item to share?

What is the problem tho

If I drop an rare item and a double rare item from the inventory
at the same time, the loot beam is assigned again to the wrong item.

I’m getting too old to code. :woozy_face:

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lol xD maybe you have any left over file in the Settings folder?

Found it (hopefully).

Uploaded v1.89

If someone encounter another double rare loot beam bug, please tell me tomorrow… :roll_eyes:
I’m out for today.


thank you for your hard work

Thanks for the millionth time for all your prompt, hard work! (if your Patreon was still up, best believe I’d toss ya a couple bucks)

Unfortunately I haven’t run into any of these fabled “double rares” yet so I don’t think I’ll be much help in verifying whether or not your most recent fix rectified the issue :frowning:

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I appreciate your good will to spend some money, but don’t do it! :slight_smile:

Now we know why “double rare items” are called double rare :wink:

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I have a legal copy of the game for years. So please don’t generalize for 1 or 2 encounters.

@GlockenGerda , I don’t know, if you changed anything in your code, but the new version does work without crashing. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Gog, Win7 64-bit


It’s wayyyyyyyyy more than 1 or 2 if you go back through the thread.

Just sayin’ :slight_smile:

I can confirm that as well. Sometimes GI thinks a single rare items is a double rare. This happenend to me twice so far. Both times the item came from a chest.

Edit: Ah should have read a bit farther. This was done with an old version of GI. I will switch to the newest one. Sry for the confusion. (And thanks for churning out all these updates!)

For some reasons I crash after 15 min of gameplay since Grim Dawn version… So I had to revert to and I’m stuck with “version mismatch” but I cant find the proper Grim Internals tool version for this one, I tried 183,185,186, 189…

Do you mind linking it to me, that’d be really appreciated, thanks!

It is not recommended… update to the latest version of the game client and the GI tool all bugs were squeezed by Glocky already

again, like I said, I crash playing Grim Dawn on the lastest version, I have no idea what’s causing it but I won’t update it until they fix it, there’s no point to play a game that crashes.

Can you post your crash report? it would really help the author to find the issue
We don’t keep archive for old versions

@GlockenGerda, @Darkstalix! Thank you for this great tool and for your ongoing support. I can’t imagine playing the game without GI. :smiley:


I’m merely a messenger Glocky does everything :wink:

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The purple and the green loot beam doesn’t like me. Setting is “LootBeam=True”, the blue one works very nice, I get the sound effect for purple items but there is no purple loot beam. :frowning: