[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

reinstall the files from GI
Are you sure your settings folder doesn’t have anything remaining from the old beam files?
You didnt install beams from other files i had here right?

Yepp, I’m sure. I created the folder 24 hours ago and it only contains the content of “Epic Lootbeam.zip” (pfx_lootsparkle03) from the Q&A-Post. It’s my first time with GI. Did I need something else like pfx_lootsparkle02 or so which is not included in the Zip file?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn_GrimInternalsData\resources

in here is there an fx.arc file? if so reinstall it again. And out of nowhere do a restart on your pc
Some peeps back then when i made the first purple beam they had to restart their pc, i know weird
Also in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\Settings\fx\particlesystems\items
make sure only the pfx_lootsparkle03.pfx file is in here

Edit: if you tried all these, take the griminternals.ini file out and back it up and then start the game and let it create a new one

I deleted _GrimInternalsData folder, GrimInternals64.exe, GrimInternalsDll64.dll, GrimInternals.ini and the Settings folder. Did a restart, downloaded GI 1.89 again, did a reinstall without the Settings folder… no purple beam, only the sound.
Copy the Settings folder back. Oh hello blue beam.

frustrating -.-

@Darkstalix I have updated my pulsing beams to fix issues with different camera angles, it turned out that the particles I used as well as particle stretching leads to distorted beams when viewing from a more top angle. I have also reworked and enhanced the ray build up. Feel free to update the Q&A section accordingly as well as use these beams to your liking.

PulsingBeamsDeferedRendering_v2.zip (8.7 KB)



Darkstalix, one thing I did notice: the new blue/epic beam kinda drifts up into the sky after you pick up an item etc. The purple/leg beam just blips off when you pick it up. (for consistency sake)

Did you try running the Repair.exe?

Looks really cool

Will there be a version for rares to be smaller/weaker than epics and legendaries?

How can I get this into my game? I need this! :heart_eyes:

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Yes, I removed two library calls that probably caused a crash in Win 7 (I can’t verify it,
because I’m on Win 10)
Thank you for the info!

I have always had the very same issue as Metalhead (word for word) where only the sound would play, no loot beam (speaking specifically about purple legendary). Since everything else in GI was working flawlessly, I didn’t concern myself with it too much.

But with some of the new loot beams and sounds produced recently (great work btw!), I wanted to try them out. I did the exact same steps to remove everything GI (after backing up my ini file) as Metalhead did and started from scratch, only to have the same end result. The only way I could get these to work was to create the ‘fx’ and ‘sound’ folder hierarchy under the settings folder.

Is there anything else I could try or should I just continue using the folder structure under settings.

Also, I have to say that hands-down, this is one of the best mods EVER! Great work Glocky! :wink:

Simply add those files into the following folder structure of your grim dawn installation directory

\Grim Dawn\settings\fx\particlesystems\items\

If you are using Grim Internals please follow the steps described in the following @Darkstalix &A section for grim internals:

Note that the green version of the loot beam will be displayed for each rare item. If you only want the epic and legendary beam only copy pfx_lootsparkle03.pfx and pfx_lootsparkle04.pfx to your game directory. Note that its not possible at the moment to get the green beam for double rares only since there is no specific effect call for those items, as I recall. So its all greens or none. You have to use tools like Grim Internals or mods for achiving that (but will then display the beams implemented by Grim Internals).

I have requested a seperate effect trigger for double rares and sound triggers for item tiers for easier implementation of modified beams or drop sounds. This would make it possible to simply add drop sounds by placing files into the settings folder. Speak up in this thread if you feel like this would help modders and the community. I would love to provide an collection of drop sfx for the community.


Tbh last night i was updating the lootbeams witht he combo i mentioned before with kaks elements too.
And here i am encountering this bug you just mentioned that never happened before
I go back and use the very old one i had done way way back and the same thing happens.
I mean what is going on? Maybe they changed something with how particle work on or even before that? i have to really look around for a solution now and im not an expert on these :frowning:
WE NEVER had this issue before :frowning:

Teach me master how to do those beautiful gifs <3
I love the effect tbh and of i will update Q&A with these too

For everyone else there is an easy solution(ofc not to bother glocky on focusing on bugs instead of these) to make your own file containing the ones you want/like.
You (or any other user) can always make an FX.arc file with these loot beams to replace the GI FX.arc file.
Just rename “pfx_lootsparkle02.pfx” to “pfx_lootsparkle02_green.pfx”
and “pfx_lootsparkle04.pfx” to “pfx_lootsparkle04_purple.pfx”.
Keep in mind this will work only for the double rare and legendaries/sets
Making an fx.act file and overwrite the one GI update and releases has in the
\Grim Dawn_GrimInternalsData\resources

The blue version must be installed in the Settings folder as before


Simply get the open source ScreenToGif and record your gameplay. Then make sure you adapt the frame time depending at how much fps you have recorded. Then export with the gifski converter which is yielding the best quality results of what I have tried so far. Make sure to stay below 4mb to be able to upload it to the forum.

I will keep your request in mind when I get time to rework the loot beams in the future. I will then post those beams in a seperate thread as [Ressources] to make them easier accessible and to not mislead this thread which is Grim Internals related.

Ofc I will inform @Darkstalix when there is a new update to add it to the Q&A section.

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So far I have no explanation for this behavior.

Thank you! You didn’t play many mods, do you? :grin:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Any chance in heck you could make that FX.arc for me as a personal favor?

(so I get kaki’s beams for double-rares/legendaries etc)

ATM, I just have his epic/leg beam installed manually cuz his green “beam” highlights ALL rares :frowning:

pm me when you can
in the mean time i will make version all of them as arc and showcase them int he Q&A so anyone can use whatever they like :wink: just need some time

If you don’t want to make a FX.arc file by yourself, here is a simple method
to override the loot beams GI uses:

Copy your preferred loot beams to “\Settings\fx\particlesystems\items”
and rename “pfx_lootsparkle02.pfx” to “pfx_lootsparkle02_green.pfx”
(for the double rare loot beam)
and rename “pfx_lootsparkle04.pfx” to “pfx_lootsparkle04_purple.pfx”
(for the legendary loot beam)

No need to rename “pfx_lootsparkle03.pfx” (epic lootbeam) because GI doesn’t use it.

This way you don’t have to replace the fx.arc from GI every time when a GI patch arrives.