[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

A new bugfix has been released. This means that for a short time the tool does not work. As soon as “Glockengerda” has adjusted it (possibly during the day) the tool will be available again.

No one can use the tool at this time after installing the bugfix.

Update v1.52

  • updated for GD v1.0.6.1 hotfix 1

I recommend doing it like Darkstalix!

Yep I just lost everything in my shared stash, including all of my components.
Saw it in-game first so can’t confirm if it’s anything to do with GDStash.

Edit: I played with the transfer files in the save folder and renamed the file ‘transfer.t00’ to ‘transfer.gst’, which seems to have restored my stash.
The old ‘gst’ file was notably smaller than the ‘t00’ file (1 kB vs 16 kB) so I suspect the old stash file was actually cleared somehow.

I just registered to express my gratitude for this tool. Thank you a fuckton.

auto pickup components/mats and healthbar on Monster, i’m so happy you creating this Tool

Thank you so much

Hello, I cannot for the life of me get this program to work on my version of Grim Dawn.

I have the latest version of GD+AoM+Crucible with no other mods installed but whenever I try to run GrimInternals.exe after launching Grim Dawn as per the instructions my game freezes up.

I tried Enabling administrator rights as well as compatibility mode but that did not work either.

Some feedback would be much welcome as I literally NEED this mod in my life. Thanks for any replies!

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome! :wink:

Read the instructions again…! :wink:

Hint: pay attention to the starting order!

As I said, I have no troubles with GD-Stash!
Can’t say what went wrong with your transfer.gst. :frowning:

Awesome thanks, I was thinking I had to run it alongside Grim Dawn I didn’t realize the .exe started the game as well. I had to use the /d3d9 trick as well.

It’s working perfectly now, thanks!

THis tool has everything and it really got the things we ever asked from you Glocky
The only problem is…
WHY this thread is still NOT stickied >: (

wow, over 300 downloads in 4 days! :slight_smile:
I just sent a pm to jiaco about making this thread sticky.

This might be unreasonable since I have do idea how this works, but what possibility would there be to make this display DPS? I’d love to know how much DPS I am doing.

Tons of things in the INI file. Tons of tweking, and still working on it. Thanksfor the hard work!

If it could support pet damage as well, I’d love it. I never really know how helpful adding an aura to my pets is. It would be kind of cool to do a run without the aura and one with to see what kind of increase I get.

I made a detailed dps list in v.153 of my tool; hope that is what you’re looking for.

This version will be uploaded tomorrow!

WOW!!! :rolleyes: :smiley:

What?!?!? Nice

Update v1.53

  • changed: text in infobox for monster classification
    N: = Nemesis (was B: before]
    B: = Boss (was QB: before)
  • added: auto-pickup for rare items (since v1.52)
    (default: off)
  • added: experience counter (gained exp. per session) with time-to-level-up info and exp/minute info.
    (default: on)
  • added: detailed DPS list (enable it via configurator)
    (default: off)

Mhmm, interesting!
I never knew that my Briarthorn pet doing some bleeding damage sometimes… That is not mentioned in the pet tooltip.

Looks amazing man thanks a lot for this

I was wondering if i can disable to show the pet dps cause it takes alot of lines,also add the ability to change the color of the dps font too?
Chance to have 2 lets call em windows of the tool? One for the dps lines and the other for buffs/debuffs as it was?

Is it 100% accurate tho? On my chars dps sheet my highest is 700K+ etc
In the tool the highest it shows i got was 1.5M ?