[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

The detailed dps list is more accurate than the (theoretical) value in the character sheet, that calculates the damage for a single target!
I’m using the GAME::CombatManager::ApplyDamage() function from game.dll in realtime.
There I count the damage and the associated damage type from every mob that is attacked by the mainplayer (or by the pets).

With this method I get the same values as I would get when parsing the combat log!

Regarding “disable to show the pet dps”: Good idea, will do that!
Regarding “add the ability to change the color of the dps font too”; yep, I will do that too!
But you don’t meant to change the color for each separate damage type, or do you? :rolleyes:

Because of little spare time, I can make these changes at the earliest on the weekend.

GlockenGerda: Good job with DPS counter. Thanks.

Nice , then this log is way more accurate in the whole “full combat log” cases

To separate the DPS log with buffs debuffs log is not possible due to limitations i suppose, anw its great as it is fo testing purposes when making builds

No LOL! omg not for all dmg types just the font it is atm, it took me ages to finish my preferences on color coding so no, and it would be tedious to others and newcomers with so much customization

Take your time man, we appreciate your work

How did you handle pets?

Was a pain for Grim Damage, separating NPC pets and Player pets.

Thanks / Vielen Dank! :slight_smile:

I misread your question, sorry!
I thought, you meant the dps info in the char sheet on tab 1,
but you mean the “damage dealt” info on tab 3, right?

This value is ofc not a theoretical value!
It’s the highest damage you dealt at one(!) time (not in one second) unlike the values from the detailed dps list.
I could be wrong, but that’s why the calculated dps is higher than the value in tab 3, imo!

I call the function “?GetPetPen@Character@GAME@@QAEAAVPetPen@2@XZ” from game.dll with mainPlayer as parameter.
In return I get a pointer to struct GAME::PetPen (see below), which includes a list to all player pets with their id’s.
Now I can check in GAME::CombatManager::ApplyDamage() whether the attacker id is one of those player pets or not.

struct GAME::PetPen
PetPenVtbl *vfptr;
std::list<GAME::PetPen::PetPenInfo> myPetList;

struct GAME::PetPen::PetPenInfo
unsigned int petId;
unsigned int ownerId;
unsigned int skillNum;
bool removing;
int removeTime;

Danke auch von mir!!!

Tanks very much!!!

Made a account just to thank you for this tool. Im new to the game and found this while looking for some way to auto loot MI stuff and ran across this.

Thanks for this, had made a great game even better.


How can I reduce the auto-loot range? It is quite distant and breaks immersion. I’m also concerned for it in multiplayer games with non-instanced loot.

I looked at the grim ini file but could not find a reference to 8 meters.

GrimInternals is quite remarkable work, the many options make it versatile.

Thank you,

perfect work, i’d gladly make a donation, just send me paypal link
few suggestions

  • add option for auto-pickup raidus, while someone want to reduce it, i’d like to increase
  • i’d like to see more of the options in in-game UI, like auto-pick up greens, font size, HP bar size, well probably everything config has, it’s not very handy restart game to see changes
  • would be nice to have an option which when enabled - replaces mobs names with icon (just above hp bar) indicating their rarity - leave nothing for common ones, some yellow icon for rares, some for heroes, etc…

Thank you!

You can reduce the auto-pickup range in v1.54 and I also disabled
auto-pick in MP for non-instanced loot mode…

Thank you for pointing that out!

Thank you for your intention to send me a donation!
I really appreciate it, but I would not accept it…! :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m only a hobby programmer, who done this tool for his own fun!

I wrote your suggestions on my to-do list, but can’t promise that they’ll ever make it into Grim Internals. I need a break from Grim Dawn … until the release of FG :rolleyes:

Update v1.54

  • configurator: added button to reset highest dps
  • added: colorCode for “detailed dps list” font
    ShowDetailedDPS_fontColor="{^b}" // default
    ShowDetailedDPSPets_fontColor="{^o}" // default
  • detailed dps list for pets can be enabled/disabled via configurator
  • autoPickup radius can be changed in .ini file
    AutoPickupRadius=8.0 // valid value: 1.0 - 10.0
  • auto-pickup is now disabled in multiplayer mode with non instanced loot selected


Thanks // Danke! :smiley:

<3 thanks maaan

Hello GlockenGerda,

For such an option I would be too! :eek: :wink:

Would it be possible to use the names for the damage values also from the translation?! :wink:

Can you set a switch that the player chooses to disable or enable?

As i said before you’re mod and you’re dedication to it is truly wonderful, can’t stop using it ^^

I don’t want to push you but is it possible to had Overlay Cooldown numbers to the Ability bar, for spells that are 1 or 2 second higher and also use color from yellow to red showing when it’s closer to the end like in WoW?

Bro can you do anything about this?(check attachment)
I mean the priority of what displays what over the normal healthbar

Also can the clock indicator we have be manipulated with x/y cords we want with your tool?

hi, i’m having problems with installing this.

i have just gotten the steam version of grim dawn with all the dlc.
i put the files in the steam install directory where the grim dawn .exe is, run it and it says grim dawn isn’t running and starts grim dawn. i try it again with grim dawn running and it says “open process() failed”. steam is running, grim dawn has run before, but i don’t have any characters made yet.
can you tell me what i’m doing wrong? thank you.

also, this is my first time using a forum so i’m sorry if i’m doing this wrong!