[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Pots cd display, very nice. Thank you.

However … the placement is suboptimal, there is so much going ion in the upper left corner of the screen already. Would be neat if it was at the bottom center. Just saying. Sorry for being nitpicking. :smiley:

Already there is an option for the placement of the window
Search in the ini file for these :


These are my settings and i play on 1680/1050
The X is for taking left or right and the y for up and down
Putting minus (-) before the number is for going left and for going down
I have it on the almost far right next to the quests for example

Splendid, good to know. Thank you.

No problem, I’ll add seconds for the cooldown in the next update!
I was not sure about the cd in seconds, because wiki told me 25 sec for health potions, but my stopwatch measured only 12 secs for the cd.
That seems to be the right value?
Energy Potions have 25 sec cd, right?

also check on the pic the green arrows pointing on the lines from the window?
maybe remove them on your next update or merge them?

CU around dudio

I’ll remove these empty lines. Thanks!

Updated V1.55 with CD seconds

will check it out bruh, thank you

I checked it with my stopwatch too, its perfectly fine man

Those issues will be fixed in v1.56. Thanks for reporting!

Thanks! After spending more game time with the tool, I’ve found out it actually doesn’t happen every time I travel between rifts. Just sometimes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please check with this version if the issues are gone and let me know! Thank you!

Just checked it and its ok
There was a delay after using the portal for like 5-6 secs everytime but now its gone
Xbox360gamepad used

Update v1.56 final

  • fixed a display bug when using a gamecontroller
  • fixed a monsterkills-counter bug (Kubacapra, Warden)
  • added a simple “Nemesis Alert” notification message, if a nemesis spawn in the world (default: off)

Download link

This is the last update (if no one find a bug again).
Now I’m waiting for FG! :smiley:

Thanks for the update bro
Wanted to ask you if its intentional for the healthbars to disappear when you check something on the ui, skill item etc
Also i realised that on the 1.56 the playe’rs healthbar stay and only the monster’s ones disappear no when before 1.56 everything was going away

Hiding the healthbars is intended to prevent overlapping gfx when you hover with the mouse over an UI element.

Thanks Darkstalix, I should have spent more time with testing… :rolleyes:

Update v1.56a

  • small bugfix

download link

Thanks for adding the potion timers, they work great.

Daaaym thanks for the upds man
Btw maybe its my pc but the legendary sound when one drops isnt heard for me, only when i drop one sounds properly
maybe it overlaps with other sounds during fights?

I cant remember but is this DroppedLegendarySfxVolume=2.000 value correct for the highest?
I try smaller value and will inform if something changed

GD can handle 64 sound slots at the same time.
During heavy fights this limit can be reached, so there is the possibility that
the legendary sfx will not played.

I cant remember but is this DroppedLegendarySfxVolume=2.000 value correct for the highest?

At least on my pc is 2.0 the value for the highest volume.
I tried 3.0 but I haven’t noticed a difference.

You’re welcome! Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Update v1.57

  • Configurator: added 2 sliders to adjust the InfoBox screen position on-the-fly (no more fiddling around with the texteditor for this reason :wink: )

Download link

Thanks for the hard work and updates GlockenGerda