[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

“Amount” ist ja die Anzahl der geblockten Angriffe.
Mhm, also “Blockanzahl-Modifikator” oder so ähnlich. Was anderes fällt mir da momentan auch nicht ein.

Da hast Du schon Recht, aber es gibt sicher auch Spieler, die damit u.U. leicht überfordert sind … :eek: :rolleyes:

Das sollen ja nicht die User machen, sondern die Localization-Manager.
Natürlich nur, wenn sie Interesse daran haben, dass Grim Internals in ihrer Sprache erscheinen soll. Da ist ja kein Zwang dahinter… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, mir ist leider noch immer nicht der Unterschied zw. den 2 Bezeichnungen klar!? :undecided:

  • tagGI_CombatAttributeType_BlockModifier=Block Modifier
  • tagGI_CombatAttributeType_BlockAmountModifier=BlockAmount Modifier

Beides wäre dann ja mal “Blockanzahl-Modifikator”, aber was ist dann mit “Amount”?!

Oder ist 1 mal der “normale” “Blockanzahl-Modifikator” und 2 etwa der “Schild-Blockanzahl-Modifikator”!?

Ah, ok, so stellst Du Dir dass mal vor! :wink:

Als eigene Datei wäre es halt schöner, so wie Dammitt es macht.

So ist es aber auch kein Problem, dann nehme ich es mal auf, in die Übersetzung.

Alright, adding it as a “non-Steam” game to the library worked as far as display. Unfortunately it broke the controller configuration. I tried importing the configuration I saved from the Grim Dawn settings, and everything looks good in Steam as far as controller goes (it acts like it’s using the configuration I imported in the options/settings), but inside the actual game the (Xbox One) controller won’t work at all.

I don’t expect you to spend anymore time on it, given that I probably only represent a very small percentage of your user base (playing with controller, using big picture). I will just not use Big Picture for playing GD…it’s not the end of the world.

Just started using this tool, really helpful! Wondering if there is a quick way to make the health bars one simple color without editing multiple color values? I just want my character bar to always be green and enemy bars to always be red.

There is no quick way tbh cause glocky made everything editable for everyone’s taste but here you go :

Open up the .Ini and add these values for the players and his pets just in case. Search for these values and add the same as below, copy paste bro

And these for the monsters


Ich melde mich dazu nochmal bei Dir. Muss ich mir erst noch genauer anschauen, indem ich das Combat-Log studiere.

EDIT: So, alles klar…

“BlockModifier” ist die prozentuale Chance, mit dem Schild zu blocken; auf englisch: “Schild Block Chance”
“BlockAmountModifier” ist der prozentuale Schaden, der geblockt werden kann; auf englisch: “Shield Damage Blocked”

Ah, ok, so stellst Du Dir dass mal vor! :wink:

Als eigene Datei wäre es halt schöner, so wie Dammitt es macht.

So ist es aber auch kein Problem, dann nehme ich es mal auf, in die Übersetzung.

Danke sehr! Als eigene Datei aufzunehmen ist derzeit nicht möglich, da ich nur ein kleiner Hobby-Programmierer bin, und nicht so ein Profi wie Dammitt! :smiley:

Ich hatte aber schon hier geschrieben, wie ich mir das vorstelle:

Ha, I nearly wrote the same answer, but then I didn’t, because Daemok wants an easy way without editing multiple values.

So, Daemok, if it’s too much work for you to edit the .ini file, send it to me;
I’ll do it for you!

Nope, it’s not too much, was just wondering if there was an easy way before I attempted figuring it out. Maybe a simple one color mode option would be something for a future build?

Also, thanks for the values Dark, really nice of you!

Sure, if there is a demand for it.
You may have noticed that there is a small issue with one value Dark posted:

Yellow.R should be 0.000 :stuck_out_tongue:

Jetzt ist mir auch alles Klar! :wink:

Dann übersetzt ich es mal mit …

  • Schild-Blockchance
  • Geblockter Schildschaden


Passt schon, wenn’s mal nicht als eigene Datei einfach geht, dann ergänze ich es halt mal in Zukunft.

Anbei jetzt die neue, aktuelle Übersetzung.

Oh fie :s that was well deserved cause i didnt check 100% :s

Also, sometimes I like to rename the .exe of the game and add as no steam game in Steam just cause i like to dedicated my love to a girl xDD. I put like any name like this (Anyname♥.exe) without ( ). so the funny part is that the Grim-internal will prompt a message: copy the file to the game folder… when modifying name

is there any way to open the grim-internal with anyname in the .exe of the game?

Sorry for my embharrasing question lol :slight_smile:

and yes i have the version

I was confused from your post tbh xD
Id advise you to add the file as it is from the zip file and just rename the shortcut(GrimInternals) in your steam library

I see that Grim Internals allows for custom loading screens, but I can’t find anything about where to put them. What directory does it pull from?

Aahaha :rolleyes: xD
But the sad part is that i cannot make the Grim Internals works anyway, cause it says: Version Mismatch, which is weird cause im running
rip myself x.x

You definitely do something wrong here man.
Lets go step by step :

1: Uninstall the game and delete the Grim Dawn folder in your documents folder AND make sure you back up your character saves and do a reinstall to the game all the way.
2: Run the game properly and make sure it works.
3: Re-download from Glocky’s first post the mod.
4: Throw the contents of the .zip into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
5: GO on steam and press : Add a game and then the , Add a Non-Steam game.
6: Press on Browse and search for the GrimInternals.exe executable and after clicking on it press on Add selected Programs
7: In the steam Library below the Grim Dawn executable there will be the GrimInternals one too.
8: Right click on the MAIN GAME launcher NOT the mod in your steam library and go to “properties”. Click on the second tap which is called UPDATE.
Tick on the Always keep this game up to date.
9: MAKE SURE you add the GrimInternals.exe into your antivirus exceptions.

Run this only from now on when you want to use the mod.

Edit : And i just clicked… are you renaming the grim internals exe? or the shortcut AFTER you add it as an executable?


First: Very nice Tool, should’ve been long time ago in the game.

But one question: Is it possible to add a point between the numbers to seperate the 1k steps?
(for the damage-done sheet, like highest crit and so on)


That would help alot for a good overview. Or is that just not possible for some reason?

Thank you Darkstalix for the good tip. Until today I did not get the idea to add Grim Internals to Steam. I always started with a desktop shortcut. However, you always had to hide the Steam app first to have the desktop visible.

Sometimes life can be so easy …

Thank you :wink:

Tbh i was wondering about this too these days but didnt want to bother Glocky for now till FG release, maybe he did looked over it and it might be a bit messy with the code.Maybe there are still some limitations.

Nice one Bruh, enjoy :]

I had not implemented this yet because I didn’t know how much cpu-performance that would cost.
So I added a checkbox for now in the configurator where you can enable/disable the decimal separator for testing purpose.
If there will be no noticeable fps-drops between these two modes,
I will leave on the decimal separators as default and remove the checkbox again.

I haven’t found much time to test this version, so if you’re interested in please test it.

Grim Internals v1.61 test version
Edit: New version uploaded

  • added checkbox to enable/disable decimal separators