[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Thanks FOE! I’ll look at it this weekend!

I assume he renamed Grim Dawn.exe so Grim Internals couldn’t find it.

You are welcome! // Null Probelmo!

I just thought that sometimes people oversee the most simple things so I was just thinking why not asking for that? It’s not that I was like “requiring” it or something like that. :slight_smile:

I did some testing and the only thing I noticed was some micro stuttering during the game, especially when you go to vendors selling items. I tested it without too, so version 1.60 (not unchecking the box) and its not there. The CPU usage is always the same though. FPS aswell, same with 1.61 and 1.60.

I have the impression that the micro stutters are going to be worse the longer you play. But I just played for like two hours (with 1.61, one hour with 1.60), bit more maybe. So I don’t know what happens when u play like 5 or 6 hours.
Its not unplayable but pretty annoying over the time. At vendors, gameplay is bearable.

I don’t know if you need the following informations but I just write them down:
CPU: i7-6800k
RAM: 32 GB
GPU: MSI 1080
OS: Windows 10
Core usage was always at 100% (with or without 1.61)
Hyperthreading is turned off, Grim Dawn is at all times only using one core.

So, I hope that was a little helpful. If you have any questions, just ask. :slight_smile:

I remember Zantai saying in a past stream that GD always had multicore support. What does that mean exactly? :confused:

Weird i dont have that micro stuttering you said :s
I would suggest going to your GD settings and change this

forceSingleProcessorMode = false
maxResourceThreads = 12 ( i found out that your CPU has 12 threads?) recheck it yourself this one before anything

Also you can try the GD CPU Affinity app

Take a better reading on that there

Thanks for the detailed report!
On my computer I’ve noticed some micro stuttering only if Grim Dawn loads some data ahead (for another region or level)
while playing, but I never noticed it when talking to vendors (selling stuff).
Odd that this applies to you :undecided:

I remember Zantai saying in a past stream that GD always had multicore support. What does that mean exactly? :confused:

I’ve not heard what Zantai said, so I don’t want to comment it, but what I’ve seen so far is that Grim Dawn uses several threads to render the graphics. Was that what you asked for?

Update v1.61 final

  • added decimal separator for better readability of values.

I’ll leave v1.60 attached to the first post, just in case v1.61 is broken somewhere, because I’ve done not much testing :confused:

Its a 6 core cpu, 6 physical, 6 logical cores. So without activated HT its just 6 i guess. That’s what the taskmanager is saying me aswell.

Where can I find that Grim Dawn settings? Sounds more like an ini file right?

Ill check bro and will inform you

Check in here on the settings.txt file
C:\Users\your pc name\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings

Update v1.62

  • Questitems on the ground that you can’t pickup because you already have it, are now hidden.
    [li]Dps list: The current incoming damage types are now accentuated for better readability (default: ON).[/li][Settings]

See ya in FG!

I updated from 1.60b to 1.62 and it’s crashing the game every few minutes and I’m experiencing some weird lag spikes, it’s unplayable for me. Tried running the game without GI and it works fine, no crashes, the lag is gone as well. Can you attach 1.60b again so that I can downgrade? The old link posted somewhere in this thread doesn’t work.

What windows version do you use?
I’ll try to figure out what causes the crash and the lag spikes.

I’m on Windows 10. The lag is also noticeable when there’s an item on the ground and you hover the cursor over it to display the item’s tooltip, the more items on the ground, the bigger the lag is. It doesn’t do that for all the items, but for most of them.
I’m playing on a pet build and I’ve attached my .ini file as well.

Update: no tooltip lag on 1.60b, no lag spikes when fighting mobs either.

Just checked with 1.62 and the only noticable lag i had was when it tried to show the tooltip of the item on ground. Played like 2 hours now and didnt have any crash tho

And not All items on ground. Only weapons do that to me

Thanks for the feedback, guys!
I’ll check what went wrong there.

Also Glocky bruh, ever thought if you could reduce how far the healthbars are being drawn? Maybe this creates more lag when it has to draw all of them in the area
In the pic below(sorry its big) i used grim cam and the healthbars that are being shown are like 4 screens far away.
I have to check with Alt Mode ON tho before anything for fps and lag spikes which i cant atm

Russian localization added.

Can I add the utility interface lines to the localization file?

Good catch! Thx! I’ll reduce the distance in the next update.

Yep, thank you for your effort!

There is definitely something wrong with v1.61 and v1.62.
At vendors, when I hover with the mouse over the items,
there are lags between the popups of the tooltip.
I investigate this issue … I love it :smiley: