[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I have the lag only with weapons tho, weird
I will do the greek localization when i get more time, just have to download the file you have on first post?

yes, and after the translation copy/paste the content to the file ā€œtags_ui.txtā€ from the greek localization files.

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Update v1.62a

  • Known bug: locale decimal separator cause some game lags (*)
    [li]The distance to show the health bars of monsters is now limited to 120 meters as default. [/li](changeable in the .ini file; valid values between 60.0 and 240.0;

(*) I havenā€™t figured out yet why the locale decimal separator cause some game lags, so I had to disable it for now.

NICE with the distance configurator. It dramatically reduced the framerate loss for me in very crowded areas!
So you had to remove the commas cause this was the reason of the lag ? :confused:
Hopefully you could find a workaround with that looked nicesniff

Thank you for making this useful tool localizable. :smiley:

When I tried this tool before, it got garbled characters in the tool and it was difficult to use it in Japanese. However, it seems that garbled characters no longer occur from V1.60.

Btw, I found a tag miss in the latest version.
There is an extra underbar in a confusion tag in the program. So, translating the text will display ā€œtag not found.ā€ In other words, the confusion tag of the translation text is short of one underscore.
In fact, adding one underebar of confusion tags, the ā€œconfusionā€ letter was displayed correctly.


I used the function imbue() to determine the locale the user is using,
but that made Grim Dawn angry ā€¦ so I made a workaround that
seems to work better than before. I test it yet.

Iā€™m glad you like it and thank you for the bug report! Iā€™ll fix it asap!

Update v1.62b

  • [li]locale decimal separator is back again[/li]if you experience any issues, you can disable it in the .ini file
  • bugfix: localization tag confusion (thanks Matougi for reporting!)

I am posting for someone who doesnā€™t have an account, they are curious what the ā€œmore grimā€ toggle in the ini file does exactly, everything appears to be darker, but they couldnā€™t find any further information on it. Any clarification would be appreciated, thanks!

This option shouldnā€™t be there. It was in v1.61 enabled by mistake; so in v1.62 itā€™s not working anymore.
All it does is disabling the Ambience Manager (itā€™s responsible for lighting, bloom, fog, all kind of environment effects, ambient music etcā€¦)

But perhaps I work on an extended game mode with darker environment lighting, bigger monsters, tougher gameplayā€¦ who knowsā€¦ :cool:

Ahhh yeh the secret switches! i miss the cheats section ;p



I tested the 1.62b version and it crashed right at the first pack of mobs, tested few times with the same result. For testing purposes I set the DecimalSeparator=False but it didnā€™t change a thing, still crashes. The item tooltip lag is gone though :slight_smile:
Is there anything I can do to help you find the issue?

Edit: Maybe it has something to do with the newly added quest items hiding feature? Iā€™m currently in act 5 ultimate and those yeti mobs drop a lot of quest items for me, because I still didnā€™t complete the quest. Is there an option to disable it in the .ini file? Just throwing some ideas.

I tested yesterday several hours without getting a single crash.
Can you email your char?
I want to test act 5 with it.

No, bug fixing is not ā€œcodingā€! :smiley:

Also back up your ini file and let it create one new and check again,if everything works reconfigure it i guess, bit tedious i know.
Im saying this cause i checked with different chars and i didnt crash at all

Did that, still crashed at first pack of mobs :cry:

@GlockenGerda: I emailed you my char, hope itā€™ll be useful.

Update: I played on my other char (Kriegā€™s death knight) through most of the act 5 content, roughly 30mins and no crash occured. The second I relogged on my pet cabalist it crashed right away when fighting first encountered mobs. It has to be related to my build somehow :confused:

Thank you for sending me your char!
I can reproduce the crash with your build.
So I can study my game log file tomorrow.
As you already mentioned: It has something to do with the petsā€¦

Iā€™m sure I will find the issue. :smiley:

Edit: found it! But it has nothing to do with pets. :eek:

Update v1.63

  • fixed a bug that could crash the game (thanks Kasta for reporting and the help!)

Out of curiosity what was the problem