[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

I made a small Halloween Event update.
Some disguised monsters didn’t have the right sound fx and
I added some pumpkins to the (AoM) main menu and to the AoM area.

You can download the new Halloween Data here (An updated GrimInternals version for this event is included, too)

I’m glad that some of you like the idea of the event! :smiley:

Thanks for the feedback, tsuelue!
I got the idea for this event only a week ago.
So there wasn’t much time for me to finish it before Halloween.

Anyway, this event is a good start for more… :smiley:

P.S.: the models are from TQ, that’s right!

that was nice bro xD
I cant imagine what kind of event you will come up with on Xmas :smiley:

Thats why i adore this tool, apart from the developer being a crazy enough dude(pun intended ;p) its not a mod and doesn’t affect campaign <3

The Voices made me post it.

Is the memory leak fixed, I heard there was a memory leak. With the part damage taken part of the mod, is that fixed.

in v 1.67 do not werk button “show all items”
in 1.65 it work

Sorry i dont understand, what is the issue exactly?
Show all items?from which ones?

I dont know friend, i didnt ahve any memo leak even with the tool, i tried what Glocky reported but i didnt had the issue

Show Items (No Filter) do not work in 1.67

That is actually right.

Nah, not this year; I give Zantai the opportunity to implement a Xmas event! :smiley:

I’m not aware of a memory leak within Grim Internals v1.67.

I’ll look into this issue. Thanks for the info!

Update v1.67b

  • small bugfix (lootfilter); thanks omnitrio for reporting!

Just a quick question, I see that there is an option to remove environmental damage in the ini file. What damage does this prevent specifically, not sure what is included in the definition of “environmental”? I’m hoping it at least prevents aetherfire ground damage, I’ve been finding it annoying lately.

Its like a cheat or smth. You dont get dmg from lets say aethereal grounds.You know, those green cracks oozing that kind of dmg.

What I was hoping for, thanks :smiley:

With the new version (1.67b) playing in MP you cannot see enemy HP numbers, nor can you hear mythical drops (if you host, everything works fine).

I can’t use this tool (any version) because of below error popup. (Grim Dawn is not running and Steam is online)

  1. Showing “Quit Grim Dawn and run Grim Internals instead” error popup when run internals.exe in 1.67a or 1.67b
  2. Shwoing “openProcess() Failed” error popup when run internals.exe under 1.66

Please help me.

I haven’t tested MP yet, but I’ll probably upload a fix this weekend. Thanks!

Hmm…, the only advice I can give atm is to restart windows and try again (or try to start Grim Internals with administrator rights).