[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Try to unpack the attachment into your Grim Dawn directory. See if that works.

The reason why I don’t want to integrate this into Grim Internals is
that if you copy the .pfx file to the Settings/… folder, it works with all mods and with the main campaign as well; you don’t need Grim Internals for that.

Let me know if the attachment works for you!

I have to wait for “Forgotten Gods” first (because the internal data structure will change a lot, i guess), then I can try to implement the feature…but no promises here from me, atm.

On my side (Grim Dawn is installed on a SSD) I can’t notice a delay.

Anybody else have issues with a delay?

Not me.

Well, when I drop a leg from my inventory, the game plays TWO sounds, first a whoosing sound (the leg falling through the air I guess), and then the PING sound. Maybe in combat, with a lot of other sounds being played, some people don´t hear the first sound, just the PING and perceive that as a delay.

Okay, finally got the LootBeam working. There is a two second delay before it is displayed, but that´s okay. Turns out, all I had to do was reboot my pc. Go figure. :undecided:

Oh for the love of god It doesnt work, i still have no idea what is going on >.< maybe something with my pc

Indeed i had to restart -.-
Is it WAI that the beam switches places on the item? it just switches places lets say on a sword going from hilt to the tip of the blade and random

Since im very noob with the PSEditor and i wanted a purplish version i wanted to share it here if anyone needed such color.
A crude version of mine edited from Ram’s version orange
Pick it up if anyone likes

How to
Make a folder inside the game installation folder called Settings at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn

and inside the folder Settings throw the folder fx that is included in the post
so the path would be

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\Settings\fx\particlesystems\items

You might have to restart your pc to make it work(not everyone had to do this but i had to no idea why ._.)
Keep in mind this file overwrites the sparkling effect the vanilla game has which is shown randomly on the item since that’s how the sparks where used to be shown. That is the reason the beam will appear here and there on the surface of the item

Very nice, I like that one better, it´smore visible.
Thank you.

A new modder has arrived. :wink: Good work!

wasnt made from scratch;] took me like an hour with thhe editor(omg) tbh since i had no idea to edit the ones you and Ram provided, glad you like bruh

Looks beautiful.
But for me the beam is teleporting around item while I’m moving.

Good job! I also wanted to make it, but I stumbled at the entrance of PSEditor.

I know and i think thats how it should be :/. The beam replaces or adds on the stars sparkles that are already there and are hardcoded to appear here and there on the surface of the dropped item.
I dont have the knowledge to do anything about it :frowning:

From the moment i saw the original color by Ram it was messing with my head cause i wanted it to be purple/indigo like the legendary items

Now in case we could separate or know how to separate different beams i would make a purple/reddish(which i think i have it ready already after last night tries for this) for set items to differentiate

Edit: @Glocky man plz keep in mind that there is a huge chance for the 64bit version of GD being available in the next update(hopefully)…plz tell me you will support it

First of all - Grim Internals is a must have addon. Thanks for making it!

I just had an idea today about feature I’d like to see.
Not sure is it even possible or necessary, but…

Currently we can see incoming/outgoing dps. Very helpfull tool.

What if we could see total effective health?
I’m not sure how it can be calculated. Maybe it should be multiple numbers - effective health against each damage type?

Any other ideas about it?

The link for the new version appears to be bad.

Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

This is REALLY awesome man. gotta be the most usefull thing i ever seen!
Its really a big quality of life change for this game. I doubt i can play without GrimInternals :DD

I can’t say thank you enough for you’re time mate… if i could i would contribute
and give you some money i currently don’t have.

Keep up the good work and stay safe!

Bro a friend of mine tries to play with internals and his FPS goes down to 9 with the tool unless he enables the ./d3d9 on the shortcut

The only situation I can imagine where this could happens is
playing crucible with multiplayer and all dps meter switched on.

What fps he got without using Grim Internals?

I’ve no plans to add additional infos related to the dps meter, because
it requires too much cpu power.
In combat in every frame happens hundred(s) of different damage messages
that all must intercepted and calculated.
That’s why I recommended to use the dps meter only on a training dummy to check out things and not to use it all time long.

I’m sorry, but this will not happen in the near future…
It would cost a lot (really a lot) of free time to adjust my tool so it would work in 64bit.