[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Hello, thank you for making the tutorial video; so GI is becoming more and more popular!

I like your idea (“ta-da-da-daa, ta-da-da-daaaa”) :smiley:

Update v1.68

I can’t attach the file anymore, it’s too big, so I uploaded it to Google Drive.

  • Added: Crucible Map Selection (in Configurator)
  • Optional: User-Defined Legendary Item Drop Sound and Nemesis-Alert Sound

How to use your own legendary item dropsound:
You can use any wav file, but it must have the name “LegendaryDrop.wav” and you must copy it
to [Grim Dawn Installation Dir]/Settings/sound/LegendaryDrop.wav

Do the same for the Nemesis-Alert sound (if you want):
Create a wav file, rename it to “NemesisAlert.wav” and copy it
to [Grim Dawn Installation Dir]/Settings/sound/NemesisAlert.wav

And don’t forget to copy the folder _GrimInternalsData (included in the v1.68 update) to your [Grim Dawn Installation Dir]!

NB: I’m not often here at the forum anymore, but I’ll try to update this tool as soon as possible
when a new Grim Dawn patch arrives.

Yes, the radius is smaller to prevent accidental autopickup, so you can preserve it for later use.

Also, how does the Nemesis alter works exactly?, I need to be in the same area as the nemesis spawns or…

I check the OnAddToWorld() function, so every time a nemesis is added to the world it triggers the nemesis alert notification.

Interesting, I still sometimes get an alert for Moosilauke after I killed him, or if I reenter an area where I killed a Nemesis. Happens far less ofter than it used to though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the update, unexpected and highly appreciated.

The crucible map selector is probably gonna make a lot of people cry. :smiley:

I forgot to mention:

if you want add a specific particle effect to the dropped legendary item,
copy and rename the created .pfx file to [Grim Dawn Installation Dir]/Settings/fx/particlesystems/items/pfx_lootsparkle04.pfx

Here is how it could looks like ( .pfx file is from the famous mod Reign of Terror by Ram).

Perhaps I should check if the nemesis is already dead… :wink:

Thanks for the update, unexpected and highly appreciated.

The crucible map selector is probably gonna make a lot of people cry. :smiley:

Yeah, I got a request to implement it; hope it works fine; couldn’t done much testing sadly :confused:

No worries mate, we´re gonna test the shit out of this feature, promise! :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice, now all you need to do is provide us with that .pfx file, pretty please. :undecided: Most of us don´t even know what a .pfx file is, or have some stashed away somewhere.

Very nice, now all you need to do is provide us with that .pfx file, pretty please. :undecided: Most of us don´t even know what a .pfx file is, or have some stashed away somewhere.

Thank the gods. Will spread the Crucible news and send all the complainers here. :smiley:

Wooow. I can’t express all my gratitude using just words. You’re the best, man!

I love you

Great! This is the function that many users have been waiting for.

Thanks, Medea! Nice support! :slight_smile:

I see you like it! :smiley:

I updated the localization file so now all text for the InfoBox can translated to your preferred language.

@FOE I attached the german localization file for you with the already translated new tags (line 65 and beyond);
feel free to change it (you can do it better than me, I guess :p)

I wish I could, but I didn’t make the .pfx file, so best would be to ask the author (Ram) if he could send it to you! I’m sorry! :frowning:

So… Any chance for this to be implemented?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’ll see. :wink:

Great update bro.
Was wondering about the lightbeam for the legendary. can it be purple?(indigo)
Or any chance to add different color for normal legendaries and set items?
About the pfx file maybe you could ask from the author and give him credit in the first post so everyone will be ok to have it in your tool preinstalled

I realized that the dropsound has some small delay, takes a second to load?

Edit: Already asked him, maybe he can share it for everyone

Edit2: I even found an old thread by someone who was trying to make the same thing and guess what…? Ram provides a link there with that file
http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?p=610076 second post on that page

Well i tried to make it work but it didnt :confused: i made the Settings folders then fx then particles blah blah abut it doesnt show up :confused:

@Glockey is it the same one you used bruh?

Ram replied and happily provided a link with extra color for set items :smiley:


tried to install it but it doesnt work :s maybe i do smth wrong