[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Are you sure there was no update. Because v1.0.7.0 of the game dropped yesterday. If you read the posts above yours, you’ll see they’re reporting the same thing because of the update.

The dev of the tool will update it hopefully when he has time by tomorrow thats why you get the error when running it.
Check back tomorrow late and hopefully there is an update :wink:

well yes im a retard, thanks for the fast anwser and sorry for spamming a post without reading first, yes indeed, gd is updated i just didnt know anymore that i had it to auto update. thats why i didnt even bother to check.

im sorry and thanks :wink:

I am pretty sure, that you are not a retard. Don´t beat yourself up.

Alles wird gut. :wink:

No you are not the r-word at all, you’re perceptive enough to notice something wasn’t working and brought it up. So don’t feel bad those skills are useful in the future!

Have a great Christmas time.

Hi, the tool has been working perfectly until yesterday, when the went live.

Now whenever I launch Grim Internals it says:

Grimdawn.exe has wrong filesize!

Please help. I cant play without this :((((((

Yes you can.
Relax, take a deep breath.

GrimInternals just needs an update, be patient, it´s coming.

Don’t worry, I’m also interested in seeing Grim Internals working with the latest patches.

Update v1.69 Download-Link (Google Drive)

  • updated for Grim Dawn v1.0.7.0
    [li]added cooldown info for skills (incl. ItemSkills/DevotionSkills) [/li]You can change the color code in the GrimInternals.ini file under:

Consider ShowBuffs, ShowDebuffs and ShowCooldown as “work in progress”.
I plan to rewrite those functions in the future (Q1 2019 :stuck_out_tongue: ) to obtain more speed in the calculation
and to fix some flaws.

Thank You very much for all what you doing!

You’re a star! thanks so much for all the work you’ve put into this, it really is appreciated!

Thanks a lot.

Thank you very much for your work GlockenGerda!

I tried the new version and I can’t get the monster’s health bar, maybe I screw something while installing?
In the .ini the HideHealthBars is set to False, am I missing something ? :eek:

Thank You!

Ditto. :smiley:

Used to be able to show just the health bars, w/o values or %, now no bar.

mecker mecker Bin totzdem sehr dankbar.

@Caudheur: I have the same issue, guess we´ll have to live with the healt in % for the time being. :wink:

Thanks for the report!
I can see the healthbars on my desktop computer, but on my Laptop
there are missing too! Weird!

I’ll check what went wrong.

[b]Edit: If someone see healthbars please let me know and tell me whether you playing on a Laptop or not.

Edit2: Nvm, found the bug!

Thanks for looking into it! Btw: now the % value can´t be shown either.
Maybe the healthbar has no color specified? I dunno. :undecided:

Ok, found the bug! :slight_smile:
Will upload a fix soon.

Bugfixed version for missing healthbars uploaded!

1000 Dank!