[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Hi mate, i’ve created an account just to say thank you :smiley: this is awesome.


If i recall Glocky didnt really want it to add it in the internals cause this is something that it doesnt need GInternals to make it work

The reason why I don’t want to integrate this into Grim Internals is
that if you copy the .pfx file to the Settings/… folder, it works with all mods and with the main campaign as well; you don’t need Grim Internals for that.

Make a folder inside the game installation folder called Settings at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn

and inside the folder Settings throw the folder fx that is included in the post
so the path would be

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\Settings\fx\particlesystems\items

You might have to restart your pc to make it work(not everyone had to do this but i had to no idea why ._.)
Keep in mind this file overwrites the sparkling effect the vanilla game has which is shown randomly on the item since that’s how the sparks where used to be shown. That is the reason the beam will appear here and there on the surface of the item

Still tho since Glocky made the customizable option for legendary drop sound maybe he could provide it with it too fingers crossed

True i just checked that
Same happens with no matter if you are host or client in a game
I checked with LAN too so its not internet issues

This should definitely be an option already.

Thank you very much.

I’m new to the game and discovered Grim Internals only about two weeks ago. I just wanted to say thank you for the marvelous utility and to also say I’m pleasantly amazed at how fast you turned around an update wuth the new patch!!

That’s intended; so you can see the cooldown timer better. You don’t like it?

-Also can we get an option to have separate the ItemSkills/DevotionSkills to be shown?
Lets say i want only the Devotion skills cd to be shown or vice versa, unless this is on your to do list later on after recreating the code for cds
-Can we have a different option for customizable healthbar for champions+ I case i want to distinct the hero monsters than common ones

I’ll wait for FG first.

I personally don’t like the idea to autoloot epic and legendary items.
This contradicts my collecting passion. I always look at the stats first when I find epic / legendary items before putting them in my inventory.

I’ll probably have to look, what’s going on there. Thanks for reporting!
I play only in singleplayer mode, so MP is not tested!

You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by!

Tbh no :frowning: i prefered it like before

Ok bruh thanks

“Can we have a different option for customizable healthbar for champions+ I case i want to distinct the hero monsters than common ones.”

I actually wanted to post about this, but I was to lazy … because this worked for me before. Not sure what I did, but I always just saw healthbars, no names no values, except for Hero Mobs+. This was great. I would like to have that back. :wink:


Also like the general idea of devotion cooldown timers, yet there are many CDs that are very low, maybe best to just show cooldowns with 5 or better 10 seconds or more, otherwise the screen is showing too much redundant stuff.

Or add one more infobox instead of the 2 we have now and move the skills/devotions/itemskills cooldowns there only.
Leave the health/energy pots cd as they are please <3

Have you set the “Monster Classification Filter” to “Hero+” in the Configurator? Then you should see only Heroes and Bosses.
At least this is how it works for me.

Also like the general idea of devotion cooldown timers, yet there are many CDs that are very low, maybe best to just show cooldowns with 5 or better 10 seconds or more, otherwise the screen is showing to much redundant stuff.

Good idea! I will add a timer threshold with 5 secs in the next patch.
Or better a user-definable threshold…

I’m a little bit worried that the tool gets too confusing if I add more infoboxes.
Let’s see how I’ll fix it so it remains easy to use.

Leave the health/energy pots cd as they are please <3

Hundreds of programming hours wasted… ;):smiley:
Ok, I’ll restore it.

I like bananas!

Check if you have “AlwaysShowBossName=True” in the GrimInternals.ini file.
This will do the trick.

Just checked, was already set to true.

Kein Plan was da schief läuft. Scheint ja aber nicht nur bei mir zu sein.

Thanks for trying to hunt this bug down.

Weird! Can you send me your .ini file? I would like to check it.

Just for clarity; you want healthbars/no names for standard mobs, but named Bosses like in this screenshot?

Healthbars/no names for standard mobs, but named Hero Monsters (yellow star) and Bosses. Actually I could live without healthbars on Hero Monsters and Bosses, but names are important to me, so they stand out from the “trash”.