[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Update v1.69a Download-Link (Google Drive)

  • [li]fixed a bug where MP health values were not shown correctly. I’m using a different method than before, so the health values only updates every 0.9 secs now)[/li](I hope the bug is fixed now; if the bug persist I’ll consider to remove the healthbars/healthvalues for multiplayers,
    because the values for multiplayer are already shown in the top left of the screen).
    [li]added threshold value for skills cooldown timer [/li](default: 5 secs, which means that only skills with a cooldown of at least 5 secs will be shown.
    You can change this value by editing GrimInternals.ini under
  • Added the legendary lootbeam, yeah! (Credits goes to Ram for making it and to Darkstalix for the purple version of it)

Whoa, nice!

<<<Alternative Link for the Google Drive impaired.>>>
Fixed Version.

Hmm on this version i cant see the healthbars at all whatever i do
Not the players not the mplayers not the mosters and not pets either

Ok after testing i realised that the latest version the behavior im getting its like the Hidehealthbars in the configurator is ticked when is not.

do not touch the MPhealthbars >: ( i love em

Stay tuned. Hot-fix incoming for missing healthbars… :o

Why sorry? I’m glad you provided an alternative link!

Healthbars are back again; Grim Internals updated!
Please download it again (same link)!

I am sorry for the circumstances!
(I had to do a roll back and forgot to change the heathbars again.)

I’m out now for today!
Any other bugs you’ll find have to wait till tomorrow!

Sorry you had to fix your update. :wink: Removed the link because the update appeared to be buggy.

New alternative link:

<<<Alternative Link for the Google Drive impaired.>>>
Fixed Version.

Thanks again! :smiley:

MP healthbars now are getting bigger than they are supposed to on the latest update when you get health from an aura buff for example(for 1secondgets bigger and then goes back to normal)
But the timings are way waaaay better 100% than before the health update accordingly works perfectly
edit. it happens with Mogdrogen pact heart of the wild

Thanks for the quick fix on the MP health bars!

Having health bars over other players’ characters does a lot more than give players an alternate way of seeing group members’ health levels.

I, and the people I group with, find it difficult to find each other on the screen at a glance. This isn’t really pressing when playing campaign, but it’s critical when playing in a group in Crucible - especially for me because I play an inquisitor who heals. I need to be able to see exactly where my group members are relative to me to see if they’re in range.

More importantly, without the health bars I would frequently miss when their health was low because I needed to pay attention to two different parts of the screen at the same time - the upper left for their health and what was going on around my character. Having health bars over their characters makes it far easier.

Mobs are also hard to spot at a glance, so health bars over them makes crucible much easier. I changed the color of mobs’ health bars to blue so that I could quickly spot my teammates among them.

Someone else asked about being able to further configure auto-pickup.

This reminds me of a problem I run into.

Here’s a scenario - you fight a boss who’s accompanied by some other moderately tough mobs. You kill the boss which creates a loot explosion and fills the battlefield with loot text that obscures where the other surviving mobs are located and makes it difficult/impossible to click them. Sometimes you can pull them out of the pile but sometimes you don’t have room to maneuver or sometimes they’re ranged so they’re happy to sit in the loot pile taking pot shots at you.

Two things that could solve that are a hotkey that toggles visible loot (hit the key once to make all loot text in the defined threshold vanish and hit the same key to make loot text appear again) or being able to configure auto pickup’s threshold for looting everything you normally have visible so that it vacuums up the battlefield of clutter.

Anyhow, I’m still a newbie, so maybe I’m just being overzealous about picking up yellows to vendor.

Thanks again for fixing the health bars so quickly!

hey, i’m having an issue with the newest version, my minimap is gone for what ever reason.

hey, thanks for your work, i’m having an issue with the newest version, my minimap is gone for what ever reason.

Sure you didn’t accidently turn it off? The small triangle on the righthand side of the UI makes it larger, smaller or removes it completely.

Been playing for quite a while now, so trust me on this: picking up yellows to sell them isn´t worth it. Once you hit lvl 15-20, toggle the filter to rare+.
If you need iron bits, run a couple of bounties, plenty of them have iron bits as a reward. Bounties, selling greens and quest rewards should give you enough iron bits, if you really want to be rich open all boxes and plunders all corpses you see (there are a lot!).

Loot explosions are no problem anymore with autopickup and the filter set to rare+. All you need to do is take one step with your character and most stuff gets sucked into your inventory bags.

You think it´s bad now? Still? Disable autopickup for an hour in Malmouth, you´ll be wanting to bite chunks out of your keyboard.

Just saying. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! My mistake, everything works.

Good news! Enjoy! :slight_smile:

What did you have to change to allow for multiple (and random) loading screens? I can’t seem to get anywhere no matter how much I bang my head against the database.

this feature is obsolete now since crate announced that it will be available on FG

Yeah, I saw that. But I’d still like to know so I can try some things myself till FG gets released.

Good to know, I’ll try that, thanks!

If you want to test the different loading screens that Darius have made
download this .zip file and extract it to your
[Grim Dawn Installation Folder].

Then edit GrimInternals.ini and set the values as you can see here:

I noticed that too; the “max Life” value is updated earlier than the “current Life” value.
In the next patch I’ll try to update both values at the same time.