[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

<3 10 chars

Thank you for the detailed information why you think that healthbars are necessary for your play-style.

Someone else asked about being able to further configure auto-pickup.

This reminds me of a problem I run into.

Hereā€™s a scenario - you fight a boss whoā€™s accompanied by some other moderately tough mobs. You kill the boss which creates a loot explosion and fills the battlefield with loot text that obscures where the other surviving mobs are located and makes it difficult/impossible to click them. Sometimes you can pull them out of the pile but sometimes you donā€™t have room to maneuver or sometimes theyā€™re ranged so theyā€™re happy to sit in the loot pile taking pot shots at you.

Two things that could solve that are a hotkey that toggles visible loot (hit the key once to make all loot text in the defined threshold vanish and hit the same key to make loot text appear again) or being able to configure auto pickupā€™s threshold for looting everything you normally have visible so that it vacuums up the battlefield of clutter.

Anyhow, Iā€™m still a newbie, so maybe Iā€™m just being overzealous about picking up yellows to vendor.

Thanks again for fixing the health bars so quickly!

I like the idea to be able to hide items on the ground.
Sometimes, when I want to attack, the mouse cursor hover by mistake over an object lying on the ground
and I pickup the item instead of attacking the monster.

I definitely will add a hotkey to hide items that lies on the ground.

Thank you so much for this fantastic QoL tool and your tireless work is much appreciated. I predominantly use Grim Internals for autopickup and the retaliation ā€œcheatā€.

I have a request if it is possible to disable the in-game texts on your character such as ā€œtrappedā€, ā€œstunnedā€ and ā€œfrozenā€ because I prefer playing with a minimalist feel so that it is more immersive (ie. no DPS numbers, hidden GUI, no healthbars, etc).

That would be fantastic!

Update v1.70 Download-Link (Google Drive)

  • [li] Added hotkey (x) to hide/show items on the ground. Default is ON [/li]To disable the use of this hotkey, edit GrimInternals.ini and search for
    and set it to false.
  • Configurator: added checkbox to disable the display of combat messages (like ā€œFrozenā€, ā€œTrappedā€, ā€¦)
  • and small bug-fixes
  • Localization file (in first post) updated

Iā€™m on vacation from tomorrow on, so I wish you all Happy Holidays! :slight_smile:

See v1.70 of the tool! :slight_smile:

OMG, you are a legend!!! Thanks so much.

Happy Holidays to you too! Thanks for the update!

<<<Non-Google Drive Link.>>>

Happy holidays bro :smiley: thanks a lot

Thanks for the update! Switching on/off of the item name is very convenient during the battle.

Iā€™m sorry if I repeat someone elseā€™s questions. This is the first and only mod I ever used in GD and I only installed it for the crucible stage selection.

  1. Is there a way to remove those purple beams on legendaries? I canā€™t find it in the options (ctrl+f5).

  2. Running with the mod causes serious hiccups especially at wave start and on receiving a killing blow. But also on receiving crits and at other occasions. I have everything turned off except:

  • skill not ready off
  • autopickup
  • crucible selection
    Basically, the game freezes for 0.2-0.5s. Is there a way to improve that?

Thanks in advance

PlayerDeathScreenShot=False set to false if you use dx11.this is the reason it freezes when you die
LootBeam=True set to false in the ini file

for the other kind of freezes i dont have them so i cant tell :confused:

Do you have these freezes even without the mod? maybe cpu stuttering ?

Wow, thank you for the quick implementation!

Have a wonderful holiday!

Nope. Game runs rather smooth with no mod. Outside death and wave start, these arenā€™t really freezes, morelike FPS loss. I probably wouldnā€™t have even noticed it if it wasnā€™t for those two very significant ones: death and wave start.

Thank you very much!

Ok so from what i understand it happened olny with the tool enabled. Try to see if its the same with dx9 parameter enabled
Add /d3d9 in the launch options ant try again

Hi, how do I turn off health bars for pets but still turn on health bars for mobs??

Control+F5 and click on Hide Player pets and close the configurator

Just saw it. Thanks!

  • [li] Added hotkey (x) to hide/show items on the ground. Default is ON [/li]To disable the use of this hotkey, edit GrimInternals.ini and search for
    and set it to false.
  • Configurator: added checkbox to disable the display of combat messages (like ā€œFrozenā€, ā€œTrappedā€, ā€¦)
  • and small bug-fixes
  • Localization file (in first post) updated

Iā€™m on vacation from tomorrow on, so I wish you all Happy Holidays! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for making this mod, but I have some localization problems. Where should I put this TXT file? I tried many ways :frowning:
Can you be more specific?
Such as E: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Grim Dawn \