[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Ouch. :stuck_out_tongue:

I attached it to this post, or send him/ her your TeleportList.txt, that should work also, for the time being. IĀ“m sure GlockenGerda will fix the upload soon.

I already handed the previous editionā€™s GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt to him, so what I wrote here is a report of missing files. But thanks. :slight_smile:

I have GD on steam done everything listed on first page and it wont work, I have no idea what im doing when it comes to this stuff so any help would be great

I would love to help you mate but you dont tell us what happens.
Is it giving you en error?
it doesnt show anything?
in game before selecting your character does it show GI 1.72 next to

The problem with the X button was that if you alt tab and press x outside of the game it disabled showing the items. Yes after altabbing from the game

there is no GI next to, ive got a new pc had griminternals on old one done the exact thing I did before but hasnā€™t worked this time

from what i get (if you are using the latest version of GI) means that it hasnt loaded. Are you running the tool inside of GDā€™s folder?
or are you using it from steam as a shortcut?

Even if you are missing the file ,if you do a save location from configuration is creates a file too

using from steam as a shortcut have tried from in the folder as well same result

The only thing i can think of is if you are missing any of the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5.2+
files needed for it to run, wanna try redownloading them and repair or make reinstall for these files?

Im not trying to sound as a dork but, i suppose you are running the GrimInternals.exe file right?

So I installed Grim Internals today and fiddled around with options, since I donā€™t understand what all of them do. After that, I canā€™t see any items dropping from enemies, at all. No matter how I setup the item filter in game.

What did I do?

Most likely You pressed X and it hides all items on screen for messy fights ;p

Also check on this guide i made i have the iniā€™s file explanation most of the commands and up to date

Check the attached file i have and open it with notepad

What things did you meant; the UI of the Configurator or the infobox and healthbars in-game?

Actually GrimInternals should create a new file if none exist, but this seems to be a bug; Iā€™ll be look into this issue soon.

Maybe Windows Defender or another AV program blocked my tool.

Does the automatically generated text include the locations of the door to open with the skeleton key as in the previous text? I myself have no problem but the user who reported to me complained that he can not go to those places. If there is no location information, it would be convenient to attach a text that wrote the locations of the door as before.

Another minor problem. When using the ā€œSave Positionā€ button, the location of the Japanese name (maybe multibyte language) is not recorded. This may be a spec, but Iā€™m glad if it improves.


Another minor problem. When using the ā€œSave Positionā€ button, the location of the Japanese name (maybe multibyte language) is not recorded. This may be a spec, but Iā€™m glad if it improves.

Should be fixed in v1.72a.

Pressing key x outside the game shouldnā€™t be a problem anymore (fixed in 1.72a).

Update v1.72a Download-Link (Google Drive)

  • [li] The quick teleport textfile is not included anymore; instead a new file will be created if none exists.[/li]This prevents overwriting the existing file (with own created entries) when extracting the GrimInternals.zip archive.
  • some bug fixingā€¦

ty bruh :]

In-game info boxes, such as DPS, cooldowns, debuffs, etc.

I havent really understood what you mean with the UI issue, is it possible to upload an image?