[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

there is no such thing in the Q&A…
at least i couldnt find it!

Update (bugfix) v1.73c Download-Link (Google Drive)

Configurator: The names in the Quick Teleport List got garbled if non-ASCII characters were used; fixed.

Hi! Thanks for making this great tool :slight_smile:

I have a question and a request:

  • Is it me, or does the AutoCombine stop working after a while? It seems to start out fine, but after a while I need to manually combine again. No biggie, but still…
  • As I sometimes don’t pay attention to my health bar when concentrating on a difficult fight, I’d love to have a sound play when my health reaches a certain point, e.g. 35%. Would that be possible to implement?

-Maybe Im aconfused confused a bit. It combines them when you can make a full version of the component if i recall
-About the sound que i dont think it would be hard but since the game has some limitation engine-wise about the audio channels it might most likely wont play the sound on big battles with many sounds

Aha, so it only combines to a full component, I didn’t realize that, thanks :slight_smile:
Hmm, maybe a warning text then?

Thanks for the quick fix! :smiley:

I’ve just looked, the auto-combine of the components in your inventory happens after you have collected 5 components.

Hmm, maybe a warning text then?

There is already a low-health effect on the screen.
Do you think a warning text would be better (more visible)?

Oh I see, good to know!

There is? Haha, I must’ve missed it so far, then (tunnel vision, probably)…what is the effect?
I do notice the “You have died” text :wink:

From the Grim Dawn Guide

When your health runs low, the edges of the screen will flash red in warning.

If you haven’t noticed yet the red edges of the screen, perhaps you died not often enough! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahaha, maybe not, but so far I’ve never noticed that (unlike in Diablo 3, where the screen really gets red).

I was puzzled from this and i wanted to check this myself in low settings from the video options.
I was thinking maybe you cant see it in low settings.
The screen gets the red tunnel vision and also you hear the heart beat slowing coming in in low health

Now that you mention it, I have noticed the heartbeat, and it does come when health is quite low, so maybe I’m actually looking for something to warn me when health drops below 50% and I’m not paying attention :wink:

Hello, i am here with very unusual question, with a problem that might not have a solution, i have Gog version of the game, GrimInternals works great, however, i often play GD with my brother (he have also gog version, his own separate installation on his part of pc, but i guess that doesnt matter), and i am using Aster V7 (multiseat program) to split my pc in two and run two separate instances of grim dawn, however, this way, bro is logged on same pc as another user (thats how the aster works). that was jsut to explain where issue came from.

problem is, if i run first instance of GD (grim internals), it loads just fine, but the moment i am trying to run second GD via griminternals on the other desktop, it just probably detects already running grimdawn from other user, and just tells me to “Close grim dawn and run grim internals instead”… is there any way how to bypass this? i tried running via sandboxie, had no succes, even if GD runs sandboxed, GI still detects is running for other user, and wont let me start second instance :confused:

this is very specific issue due to multiseating on the pc… so i am worried there might not be any solution for me :confused:

The only way (i dont think it would be possible tho) is to make steam or grim internals have multiple instances of the program

Also check on this one, maybe it will help
How to run Multiple instances of programs

That sounds reasonable. Although my get-rich-quick-scheme won’t work anymore :cry:

Maybe add autoloot for epics instead? :smiley:

I have another question:

When I hit Alt-F5 to open the GI interface, most of the time the game minimizes and switches to desktop. Even if it doesn’t minimize at once, it will minimize as soon as I click anything in the interface.

However, I’ve noticed in Darkstalix’ animation of the daytime slider a few pages back, that their game doesn’t minimize and the interface stays on top of the game all the time while using the slider.

my question is: How? My best guess is running GD in a borderless window, but maybe there is a way for fullscreen as well?

Bro once you window boarderless you wont go back full screen.
Even if you get a crash you can easily terminate the game executable compared to the fullscreeni have to restart or log off thing

I logged on about 15 minutes ago and Grim Dawn wouldn’t boot up. I did some troubleshooting and I can boot into just the game itself from Steam but when I try to use Grim Internals it doesn’t start up, shows the game is ‘running’ but never appears and I have to hunt through task manager to end the process.

Is this something with my install or did GD just get an update and Grim Internals needs one as well?

EDIT: NEVER MIND. SEEMS TO BE WORKING NOW. Don’t know what I did but after several reboots and cache clears everything seems to be back to normal.

thats actually what i tried as i said bout sandboxie, its not issue to run grim dawn sandboxed, issue is even sandboxed process is detected by grim internals from another user, and tries to inject into it… seems there wont be solution for this anyway, we gotta play w/o healtbars QQ

Fairly new to the “mod”/program and I have a question I’ve not seen addressed in the last 10 or so pages of the thread. Ever since I’ve started running GrimInternals.exe to launch and run my game I’ve been getting a LOT more crashes. They seem to only happen when I am either A.) taking a portal to another location (I don’t use the teleport feature built into GI yet, just the normal way) or B.) when I am exiting the current game to start another, when doing runs of some sort.

I’ve repaired all of my GD files through Steam and found no issues. I’ve backed up my game and files and I’m about to re-install and then do a backup of the game, but not sure that will really have any impact. If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them; I LOVE the program but having crashes while using a leveling potion or when playing with a friend is SUPER annoying. TYVM in advance!

On my computer Grim Internals runs very stable and I haven’t noticed any crashes since weeks.
What windows version do you have installed?
And did the crashes occurs at the beginning of a game or after a few hours?

Try to narrow the bug by turning off all functions of GI and then gradually switch the features back on to see what cause a crash.