[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

first time i opened the configurator after using the tool for a few weeks.

What does “prefixes#179” mean?
Does this influence the loot im getting? or only showing the prefixes/suffixes i have enabled in the dropdown menus?

It’s exactly the same radius as map icon. Verified that today, Valdaran in Gruesome harvest - I got nemesis warning at exactly the same time as map icon appeared (about three screen far from his spawn point). Both need the nemesis to actually exist in the world, and this doesn’t happen until you are relatively near (for performance reasons most likely).

You may be running into the same thing I was - pressing CTRL-F1 by mistake.

is there a way to make the stuff that is created by the mod like the dps meter have abigger font for like a 4k res?

If you enable one of the prefix or suffix when an infrequent item drops then you will get a notification on screen.
Leave them both on disabled if you dont need the notifications

Open up your GrimInternals.ini and search for “InfoBoxFontSize”. Set this to 20 or 24 and do the same on the"InfoBox2FontSize".

Thanks for the hard work on this tool.

I’ve been trying to run it since yesterday, but it keeps saying that my GD exe have the wrong file size (it’s 32 bits btw).

Btw mine is on Steam (base/Ashes/Forgotten Gods DLCs).

What I did so far was to remove the game exe and run repair/Verify Cache, both don’t repair a thing of the game itself.

I’m wondering if I did something wrong.

The only different thing is, that my games on Steam are all installed on secondary Hard Drives. GD is on E drive.

thanks for the info.
Thought maybe it plays a sound, but im not sure if thats from a legendary and from GD itself.

You install the files in the base game folder of Grim Dawn when the game exe is ad you run the grim internals exe so it doesnt matter on what disk is installed.
Make sure your game is up to date 3hotfix and the tool files are redownloaded from the first post and try again

It plays a small sound too if i recall like a “boom” something like that :s
THe tool also plays a sound when legendary item drops as-well which you can disable if you want too

and is there a way to move the boxes way further down since somehow the arrows stop working about at halfway in 4k res

try setting them as numbers in the GrimInternals.ini before starting the game.

InfoBoxPosX=1124 <----- play with these numbers for X
InfoBoxPosY=692 <----- and these for Y
InfoBox2PosX=320 <----- same here for the second infobox
InfoBox2PosY=692 <----- These are my number so ignore them for now

Sorry man I dont use 4k atm so i cant really help or maybe its even an issue that Glocky has to check

Dont tell me its redundant cause back then we had to to do it manual ;p
Takes some restart but hopefully it will work

Yeah I found the issue just now lol, didn’t paid attention on the main screen of the game, my version is 1 above required,

Thanks for the reminder.

No i typed wrong, i meant hotfix 3 :s

That’s strange then, since I got the right version.

Btw, the 64 bits version should go on the x64 folder? Since there’s an EXE file there too.


You not gonna believe what I just found out, when I made Steam transfer the installation from Hard Drive to another, it didn’t remove the old installation.

I’ve been putting in the wrong folder this whole time… sigh…

It’s working now.

Well, this might work as a warning for someone that might face the same issue in the future (doubt someone is silly like me tho lol).

Another question, the INI edit works on the fly (I mean works with the game on and take effect as soon as I save the modifications) or I have to restart the whole thing after modifying?

For now do your changes and restart the game, this week the window will be available so be a bit patient

hey boss, don’t know if you’re aware but the latest hotfix broke controller usage.

Edit: Running it on Admin Mode fixed this for me so nevermind!

I mean those text stats in left part of the screen - completely disappeared

is there a way to make the monster filter only show healers out of all the white mobs? like i want the filter to show only healers+heros+nemesis+all bosses

This can only happen if you press SHIFT+F1 ingame, or if you’ve set
“AutoPickupOnly=true” in the .ini file.

(or it’s a bug …) :confused:

The position of the infoboxes is locked at x=1900 and y=1000.
This will be changed in the upcoming patch this week.

That’s good to hear! Thank you! :slight_smile:

The default pickup radius by Grim Dawn is set to 5.0m;
constitution potion will be picked up within a radius of 3.0m (iirc)

prefixes# 179 means that there are 179 prefixes in the list.
Selecting a prefix will not influence the loot you’re getting.
You’ll get a screen notification if an item drops with the selected prefix/suffix.

That’s not possible.

I will observe it and try to write down detail if it happen again and report to you~