[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

seems the previous version did as I was using it for GOG until the patch, but the new version so far is steam only. Gotta wait for OP to see what’s up

Thanks for an awesome mod.

The GoG version of Grim Dawn just got updated to the hotfix 3 version - when you can update the mod to be compatible with it (32 bit version)?


Hi :slight_smile:
Was coming back to Grim Dawn after nearly 2 years now, and first of all thx for this UI mod, it is amazing! I really wonder if there is a guideline somewhere on HOW this was made, as i see it is a mod which is injected into main game via dll-file, do i see this right? Would be cool to have some advice on this, as i think thats the better way to mod the game :slight_smile: HF

I’ve searched around and couldn’t find an answer. Sry if these have been answered before. Everything works fine apart from 3 things. I can’t enable the “skill not ready” option. It is unselectable. Second, I’ve set the HeroDebuffsIconsInTextform ( should “form” have a capital F btw? ) on true, but still I only see icons. Lastly, auto combine components is on true, but many times, I can combine comps in my inv with that button. Am I doing sth wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: This happens when the statistics infobox gets disabled. I am not doing anything, it just happens. All of a sudden I get a message “Statistics infobox disabled!”.

Another GoG user waiting for the update here :wink: It’s hard to go back to normal GrimDawn once you’ve tasted GrimInternals.

Regarding those GoG updates. Is the executable really that different that it requires a different code to hook to or is it just the version check that fails on the GoG version? If it’s just a version check that fails due to some small differences but the code of GrimInternals itself doesn’t need to be changed for GoG version maybe you could change the warning to include a “try anyway” button in order to be able to use the tool even when the version check fails because it’s likely there will again be time when GoG is late for the update :frowning:

First of all the Skill not ready you mentioned ofc its not working anymore cause in the latest hotfixes they added this in game options so its obsolete fron now on
I just checked the HeroDebuffsIconsInTextform on true and its working properly. If you have the second infobox enabled it they will be shown there.
If not it will be shown on the first infobox,and if you disable all infoboxes you wont see them either

+1 GOG user waiting for update :slight_smile:

As for combine components, I have noticed this doesn’t seem to fully work either, certainly on the 64bit version, I also combined components, many times. so not sure if the feature has been fully added into the 64bit version or something else is wrong.

So I can confirm that isn’t working as intended.

Combine components does work sometimes as i often hear the combine sound when i get components but not always as i sometimes find i can combine them.

Maybe it’s components you get from quest rewards which don’t auto-combine?

maybe, your right mind, it does work sometimes, but there are occasions when it doesn’t. I just don’t know the reason for the latter.

Another gog user patiently waiting for the update; you have spoiled us. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously I could live without some qol improvements like auto pickup, potion stack, nemesis alert, etc. but the health bars and names over bosses are now essential.

They aren’t just a visual thing, they provide actual gameplay improvement.
With aoe attacks you have an important and satisfying feedback. Without health bars you are just waiting for the mobs to die.

Also I play a kitting char. Before I was just spamming attacks and basically running around until the boss was dead. Now I can keep track of his health and know which attacks are more effective and whatnot. And being able to instantly identify the boss among the mobs is really convenient and makes them more memorable.

I had 450 hours in the game without grim internals and now It feels like a totally different game.

I just installed griminternals as instructed. When launching the program Steam says Grim Dawn is running, but actually it is not. Did I miss a step?

Make sure your AV doesnt block it and give it administration rights
Make sure you run the griminternals exe :rolleyes:

If i recall the autocombine happens after getting the forth piece and when you get one more after that,if you understand what i mean

The reason is because of …

If auto-combine would executed after each single component pickup,
you would hear this auto-combine noise every time and that would disturb you.

Sorry, but I just came home from work.
I live in a different time zone than you, I guess, and so I can only work on Grim Internals when I’m at home and have spare time.

Regarding those GoG updates. Is the executable really that different that it requires a different code to hook to or is it just the version check that fails on the GoG version?

My tool hooks into the executable and both .dlls.

And yes, it’s absolutely necessary that I have to examine every new patch for changes in the data structures. Also the Grim Dawn.exe for Steam and GOG are different in many ways, that I have to consider.

Got it working. Thanks

Just another thanks for the constant updating of your tool, GlockenGerda, much appreciated!

Ah, it seems that the auto-combine noise only happens when there is something to combine. So there is no reason to do that only every 5 times.
Interesting … :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll change this behavior in the upcoming x64 version (Configurator window edition).

Updated for Grim Dawn v1.1.1.2 (Hotfix 3) Steam & GOG

Grim Internals v1.754 (x86) Download-Link (MEGA)
Grim Internals v1.762 (x64) Download-Link (MEGA)

Consider the x64 version as “Early-Access”.
It has no Configurator window implemented yet!