[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Thank you for the response, GlockenGerda. It’s a shame that the debuff icons are so expensive. Even then, I would happily pay the performance cost for more information about what is happening on-screen. The option would be nice, at least.

Any word on what the dropdown list is supposed to do?

Edit: Oh, and if it helps you resolve the crashes people are mentioning above, I’m using Win7 x64 and Grim Dawn on Steam. I’ve been in-game about 50 hours with Grim Internals and have had no crashing issues.

I know this doesn’t help the folks who are having crash issues but I have had no problems with the update. and 1.89. Steam, though, not GoG.



Steam. / 1.89. Win 10 64-bit Pro. Nvidia (latest drivers)

Zero issues. -shrugs

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I gave this another shot today after seeing your message. Grim Internals v1.89 is confirmed working with Grim Dawn version on my end. Thanks so much, and also to @GlockenGerda for your quick reply!

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@GlockenGerda, @Darkstalix, is it possible in the future to add a feature of removing certain mutators from the mutator pool. Removing just “Shattered” would be a huge QoL improvement.

Hello! I’m sorry to bug, but I just started playing Grim Dawn a few days ago. I was recommended to install this mod because my buddy said it was the best quality of life mod for grim dawn.

I installed the mod and pasted the mod into my grim dawn folder, but when i run the game in x64 and try to launch the mod an error code pops up saying “open process () failed”.

I’ve tried to look up solutions but cant seem to find any… any help or tips would be great! Thank you

Hi I need help, can´t open the GUI using Ctrl+F5 Is there a way to change the keybinding for this?

It looks like you can edit the GrimInternals.ini file to suit your needs. It seems Grim Internals will create that file after you run it for the first time. You’ll find a section at the bottom that looks like this.


You can use a site such as this one to change the keys to whatever you need.

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But doesnt this goes into the old discussion of GI if its just a QoL or a Cheat tool? :confused:

Give us more info about your pc, OS etc

Have you made sure to run the GI as admin? Also have you add it into your AV’s exceptions?

Make sure that Steam is running before starting GI.

I have tried to run GI as admin but instead of getting an error code, it crashes… I also run it after launching steam and Grim Dawn because it pops an error for me to do so if i dont. And I made it to where its allowed to run via AV…

Intel I9 @2.60GHz 18core
32Gig Ram
OS Windows 10

You don’t run GI after starting Grim Dawn. Just make sure Steam is running and then you start GI, which will automatically launch GD.

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oh… im stupid… I’m so sorry, when the error code popped up it seemed like it was asking me to launch Grim Dawn FIRST… my bad… Seems like its all good now. I appreciate the time you guys took to help me out.

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Mutator restarts are already a thing. Many members of the community are long past exploration and immersion and focus on theorycrafting and performance of builds. Certain mutators affect performance to the point where it makes no sense to test. Removing them from the pool would only be a function of QoL for those players - removing the need to restart the game multiple times.

However, the topic of cheating brings me to another reflection I had lately: game speed. GI can up the speed it only by a few percent. This might not be discernible by naked eye but can greatly affect speedrunning achievements should someone decide to commit such a fraud. If GI is not about cheating, the information about modifications to game speed should be on screen and should not be removable.

Is speedrunning with Grim Dawn really a thing?
Game speed is easy to change; if someone wants to cheat for a speedrun achievement,
he/she/it can just use CheatEngine or a similar tool.
Nevertheless you made a good point and I will think about it … (showing always the game speed).

I would never trust a speed-run for a game that has local saved game characters, except
the speedrunner is well known and honest!

I’m just wondering, is GI still crashing for you?


Thanks @Wullack!
You recorded the problem exactly!

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To be honest: I’d rather not have this on my screen while playing. Especially if its only there, so someone who is concerned with what other people do in a non-competitive single player game may rest easier.
This talk about “cheating” in single player games will never make sense to me.

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Is there a way to have the health values a static color while the health bars still get multiple colors?
And are there plans to add a way to show enemy levels/faction as a toggle too

  1. No.
  2. Nothing is planned atm. The development of GI is nearly stopped; at least for this year.

Hello again, thanx for ur answers regarding modded crucible, i hve to say i really love all the work you did, and since you said, you didnt heard people using grimarillion crucible much, i would really love to have capability with use it with other mods, question is how hard it is to make such thing happen, if its possible without much work to add different mod support then jsut grimiarllion (ideally universal) which would just require us to add mod name as parameter, would be just my number one GI feature :smiley: (yes id love to use it with my own mod mindawn, but i would really love to see universal support for this), so please, if this wont require much work (no need for custom start screens like grimarillion has, just option to load it) make it happen :smiley: thanx again for all the work on GI and thanx for reading this wall of text