[Tool] Rainbow Filter (Item Highlighting)

Thanks for keeping this promptly updated!!

  • This and Grim Internals are the two tools I immediately update after every patch :slight_smile:

It occurred to me that this video:

should probably appear in this thread at least once.

The guy in the video does not have all the cups in the closet anymore. I do not know what the fuck should be funny. It is horrible.

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I take it that you’ve never heard of the double rainbow guy before. The video was kinda “famous” about 10 years ago precisely because of how over-the-top he reacts. He’s just some older dude who has lived alone at Yosemite National Park for about 20 years or something.

Surprisingly he claims to not have been on drugs that day but I always thought the way he reacted has all the hallmarks of LSD or shrooms.


i did everythink you said the last days with the file mygames/grimdawn/settings/text_en …
— didn´t worked

so i tried your tool installed it, gave it the right path but nothing happend ingame?

whats the problem? i only use grim internals and want this full rainbow mod… :frowning:
yeah and i play grim dawn with german language… maybe thats the problem why it doesn´t work?

pls help me :smiley:

should i extract this? community_german_fullRainbow_C_ zip file?

yeah, the files are for the regular version, you need the tool or get lucky and get the files from somewhere, however you said you used the tool and it seems you got the correct zip out of it.

no, don’t extract it, leave it in /localization/ (I hope that is where it was created) and select it the same way you selected the language (in-game options)

you can check out the german instructions:
German Translation

Hallo Niemand,

hier hast du mal einen Link bei uns aus dem deutschen Forum zu dem Thema


aber es ist bereits alles gesagt.

Im Grunde genommen ganz einfach.

Wenn man die einzelnen Dateien verwendet, die sind nur für die Englische Version. Deshalb scheint bei Dir nix zu passieren.
Wenn man mit einer Übersetzung spielt, muss!!! man das Tool verwenden und dann ist es ganz einfach:

  1. Im Tool bei Settings deinen Grim Dawn Pfad eingeben
    normalerweise /Programmex86/Steam/Steamapps/Common/GrimDawn.

  2. Im Tool auch bei Settings deine Zip auswählen bei language, dieses Feld ist grau, wenn man die deutsche zip da ausgewählt hat wird sie grün dargestellt.

  3. Dann die gewünschte Vorlage aus der Library im Tool wählen, in deinem Fall Full Rainbow, “Save Colors” drücken, du siehst kurz eine Einblendung, das diese Zip Datei erstellt wird.

Du scheinst dies ja schon gemacht zu haben, weil oben hast du den Dateinamen ja schon mal genannt.

Und dann … wichtig, das Spiel wenn es läuft auch mal neu starten! Und dann im Hauptmenü!!! wenn das Game läuft geht das nicht, in den Optionen > German (e) full rainbow auswählen > unter Allgemein > Sprache, stats einfach deutsch, dann diese.

Denn im Grunde genommen macht dieses Tool nur eines: es kopiert deine Übersetzungsdatei in eine 2. Zip und färbt sie ein. Du kannst jetzt nach Belieben mit und ohne Einfärben spielen, in dem du die jeweilige Zip auswählst.

Thats it und dann kann Du Deine Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten unten in der Leiste mal betrachten, dann siehst du die Einfärbungen.

Edit: und komme bloß nicht auf die Idee diese Dateien zu extrahieren! Da sind hunderte Textdateien drin…nur mal nebenbei…die Datei wird von dem Tool an der richtigen Stelle erzeugt, nur in den Optionen auswählen…

es hat genau an diesem einen ding hier gelegen

“Und dann … wichtig, das Spiel wenn es läuft auch mal neu starten! Und dann im Hauptmenü!!! wenn das Game läuft geht das nicht, in den Optionen > German (e) full rainbow auswählen > unter Allgemein > Sprache, stats einfach deutsch, dann diese.”

vielen dank für die schnelle hilfe :slight_smile:

kein Problem, jetzt weiß du ja die Stellen wo Du fragen kannst :wink:

Hello, first of all tanks for this mod.

For me its working in English but i want it in french and it dont work even with the tool.
I downloaded the tool WANEZGD and i put it in my GD folder.
In the instruction it said to put it in Filter-settings witch i cant find in my GD folder.
And when i run the tool i go in settings and it says Path must be wrong.

Someone help please.

Forgot to said i am using steam game i dont know if it matters.

3 posts higher, my post, its for the german zip files the instruction. It should work the same way with french…
please use google translate…or i do…

It’s really simple.

If you use the individual files, they are only for the English version. That’s why nothing seems to happen to you.
If you play with a translation, you have to !!! to use the tool and then it’s easy:

In the tool at Settings enter your Grim Dawn path
usually / Programex86 / Steam / Steamapps / Common / GrimDawn.

In the tool settings select your Zip file translation, this field is gray, if you have selected the German zip it is displayed in green.

Then select the desired template from the library in the tool, in your case Full Rainbow, press “Save Colors”, you will see a popup that creates this zip file.

You seem to have already done this, because you’ve already mentioned the filename above.

And then … important, start the game new, if it runs! And then in the main menu !!! in running game does not work, in the options> under General> Language, select the new file.

After all, this tool does just one thing: it copies your translation file into a second zip and colors it. You can now play with and without coloring by choosing the respective zip.

Thats it and then you can look at your items and skills at the bottom of the bar, then you’ll see the tints.

Edit: and just do not get the idea to extract these files! There are hundreds of text files in it … just a bye … the file is generated by the tool in the right place, only in the options select …

C’est vraiment simple.

Si on utilise les fichiers individuels, qui ne sont que pour la version anglaise. C’est pourquoi rien ne semble vous arriver.
Si vous jouez avec une traduction, vous devez !!! utiliser l’outil et ensuite c’est facile:

Dans l’outil Paramètres, entrez votre chemin Grim Dawn.
généralement / Programex86 / Steam / Steamapps / Common / GrimDawn.

Dans l’outil synonyme de paramètres, sélectionnez votre langue de sélection Zip, ce champ est gris si vous avez sélectionné le code postal allemand, car il est affiché en vert.

Sélectionnez ensuite le modèle souhaité dans la bibliothèque de l’outil. Dans votre cas Full Rainbow, cliquez sur “Enregistrer les couleurs”. Une fenêtre contextuelle permettant de créer ce fichier zip s’affiche.

Vous semblez l’avoir déjà fait, car vous avez déjà mentionné le nom de fichier ci-dessus.

Et puis … important, commencez le jeu quand il commence! Et puis dans le menu principal !!! si le jeu ne fonctionne pas, dans les options> allemand (s), sélectionnez arc-en-ciel complet> sous Général> Langue, cliquez simplement sur stats allemand, puis sur ceci.

Après tout, cet outil ne fait qu’une chose: il copie votre fichier de traduction dans un deuxième zip et le colore. Vous pouvez maintenant jouer avec et sans coloration en choisissant le zip correspondant.

C’est tout et vous pouvez ensuite regarder vos objets et compétences au bas de la barre, puis vous verrez les teintes.

Edit: et juste ne pas avoir l’idée d’extraire ces fichiers! Il contient des centaines de fichiers texte … juste un bye … le fichier est généré par l’outil au bon endroit, seulement dans les options, sélectionnez …

‘‘If you use the individual files, they are only for the English version. That’s why nothing seems to happen to you.
If you play with a translation, you have to !!! to use the tool and then it’s easy:’’

I dont know what u mean with individual files, i just enter in the game the first time and changed language in french thats a translation right ? if it is not how to to play with a translation and not use individual files anymore ?
i downladed first this file[Full Rainbow for Grim Dawn v1.1.3.1] that i put in grim dawn folder
So after download and run the tool i go in settings and i put this path
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn = path must be wrong
then i tried this :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\settings\text_en witch = path must be wrong
so i dont know what to do

tanks for answer so fast

OK it works now
In the tool at Settings enter your Grim Dawn path
usually / Programex86 / Steam / Steamapps / Common / GrimDawn.

In the tool settings select your Zip file translation, this field is gray, if you have selected the German zip it is displayed in green.

Then select the desired template from the library in the tool, in your case Full Rainbow, press “Save Colors”, you will see a popup that creates this zip file.

all those done i saw the litle pop-up with zipfiles and then what i need to do ? where i find the zip file where i put it ?
After seing the pop-up i closed the tool started the game nothing changed .

ok i needed to change language in fench full rainbow OMG FINNALY tank you TEAN101 !!

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I updated the OP’s instructions, due to the most recent issues.

Style Details

Making a list surprisingly fixed an issue I had with This One using the width of the post unless I was using a workaround which forced it to be in a new line and making it look odd.
I’m also using <hr> at the start and end of details, I think it makes it easier to see what is part of it. Styling is limited or even non-existent otherwise using a slightly different background color or border would do the trick.

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Do you plan on anything like notification for affix item drop in the game, like the one in grim internal?

I’ll think about it when GI is actually gone and nothing else is going to replace it.

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Hi, cold damage type doesnt have its colour changed in russian localization. Everything else works fine.

Thanks for the report.

It seems the russian localization has an additional file which is getting the color changes for cold.

I’ll fix it with the next update.