[Tool] Rainbow Filter (Item Highlighting)

Nope, no changes to Rainbow texts from → :slight_smile:

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is the new tool going to have the ability to customize the damage, defenses and retaliation properties for each element individually compared to now where they are all clumped together?

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Where can I place the tag files on a linux install? I do not see the text_en folder.

Windows won’t have the folder by default either, so you just create the folder, same with the settings folder, it may not exist when you install the game. If that doesn’t work you have to find where your GD settings are and make the text_en folder in there.

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This is a really dumb question, but I just snagged this and tried using the Full Rainbow first, then initially a small change to the Full Rainbow…

I’m trying to get the benefits of this tool, but also keep differentiating colors between item rarities. However, rare items keep spawning in indistinguishable from magic items, even manually changing colors under “Regular Item” and “Quality” to be a different color but I still cannot differentiate at all between quality. Is there any way to have the item name (pants, bonesaw, etc) signify rarity? Or is it impossible to use this tool for the added suffix/affix help and still be able to differentiate quality?

Sample Images

Sometimes the green I have selected for Rare items is at the start, sometimes at the end, and sometimes the green doesn’t appear at all on the rares. I’m very confused on how to keep this basic functionality. I’m sure it’s extreme stupidity on my part, but the suffix/affix help would be nice, except now I’m having to mouse over every drop to see if it’s a rare or magic.

Edit: Yeah, it really looks like a serious fundamental misunderstanding on my part… It does look like there is green, randomly, in rare items as selected but… Why is it sometimes prior to or after the item name? Is that what actually gives an item its quality is if a suffix/affix rolls quality or something?

Common, Magic and Rare base items can roll up to two Affixes (Prefix/Suffix) that can also roll either Magic or Rare. Each part of the item comes with their own properties and the rarity is then based on the highest rarity part.

An item would look like so:
Prefix - Base Item - Suffix
if any of those parts is Rare, the item is classified as Rare inside the game. The tool colors the texts before the item is generated, so there is no way to change it after. In your case, you only found common base items, but magic and rare exist as well as monster specific base items (MI). Being able to differentiate these parts of the item on the ground was the original intent of Rainbow (specifically for MI), but with the additions to the ingame filter system and recent symbols - my goal for Rainbow is shifting more towards coloring certain items/affixes important for the currently played build, Special Highlighting being the first iteration of that.

to check on all those item/affix properties:

Thanks, this clears a lot of my confusion up. Appreciated~

One question about the (vanilla) game if anyone knows… What exactly does the asterisk before some items of any rarity/quality mean? The internet brings up nothing when I search, I can’t find this answer anywhere. Example photo below:


I have never seen an asterisk in front of an item name or prefix. This doesn’t seem to come from vanilla.

I assumed that you’re using the DPYes tool, which has a “mark missing illusions” feature. That’s mean when an item has an asterisk in front of it, you haven’t unlocked that illusion.

Is there some legend showing what colours mean what?

Hi, first time writing on the forum!!
Fist of all, thanks for this amazing tool, it’s amazing!!
Second, I’d like to ask you one thing. Is possible to give s different color only to items that are from a specific mod? Like for example have vanilla legendaries colored as purple, and the legendaries from the mod that I’m playing being colored for example as orange?

Thanks in advance for your help, keep up the great work with this tool!!

Special Highlighting can do that for you if you want to manually add each item to a group.

The new Tool will not have an import for current settings, however, it will have better functionalities to speed up customized item/affix/mod colors.

Damn, that sounds like s lot of work, since the mod it’s Path of Grim Dawn, and I wanted to add all the D3 items.
I guess I’ll have to wait for the new tool hoping that it will speed up the process!
What’s the ETA for the new tool?

No ETA :frowning:

It’s a Website with a small Program to sync with data on the server, the Website was done, so I was working on the Program and couldn’t connect to the server when I tested it… . Apparently, the host moved the servers and I didn’t see the message about it whether I want to keep the server, so the Website is gone. Well, I’m backing everything up daily now and check the messages every week :smiley:

Things will go quicker, but it won’t have all the features in that I wanted when it first goes public, nor will the Program be usable. Currently hoping I can get the Website in a state where it can replace the current tool and still be a major improvement by early next month.

Damn, that sounds like a major pain, getting the website deleted this abruptly. I would get mad if it happened to me!!
Thanks again for the replies and for the hard work you’ve put and keep putting into this tool, it’s efforts like this one that helps creating a great community!! :pray:

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Heya! First of all, thanks for the cool tool, its a major qol upgrade for the game.
Now, I am wondering: Is there a way to set rainbow filter to color affixes based on their source, rather than their element? like, one color for the prefix, one for the suffix, and one for the base stats?

The game uses the same text for stats, it doesn’t care where it came from - it even merges them. While something like that is outside the scope of Rainbow, I plan on working on a lot more tools/utilities for GD after the new tool is functional. Finding a solution for being able to tell where a stat came from is on that list :slight_smile:

Awesome! I will be following that development then.

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