[Tools] Arc Tools (ArcZip, FixMissingTags, CustomStrings)

GDArcZip: https://github.com/YveOne/GDArcZip
To extract+archive arc→zip and zip→arc
Howto: Drag&drop Text_XX.arc or Text_XX.zip files onto the exe

GDFixMissingTags: https://github.com/YveOne/GDFixMissingTags
To fix missing tags by adding a new “tags_missing.txt” with tags from Text_EN
Howto: Drag&drop multiple Text_XX.zip files onto the exe (make sure you drop Text_EN.zip as well!)

GDCustomStrings: https://github.com/YveOne/GDCustomStrings
Edit/add your own custom strings and tags (look at the example.txt)
Howto: Drag&drop Text_XX.zip files and your txt file(s) containing your custom strings onto the exe

Drag & drop the files onto the exe, not the console window!


I advise running the the game with /basemods flag and putting your .arc files in Grim Dawn\mods
Should work in the same way and not be overwritten by Steam with updates of course.

Also there are multiple Text_EN.arc files in GD directories, for example in GDX1 and GDX2. They don’t have to be changed?

Btw I tested your GDArcZip program and after setting proper GD path and dropping .arc on it, it didn’t do anything. I had it on my Desktop. I launch the .exe by clicking, not from command line.

Drag&drop arc files on GDArcZip will “convert” them to zip
Drag&drop zip files on GDArcZip will “convert” them to arc
Drag&drop zip files on GDFixMissingTags will read the zips and add missing strings. Make sure you drag&drop Text_EN as well

I tested it again and it worked now. Nice tool, I always used command line which is not very comfy.

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I am reassured :slight_smile:
Oh and yeah… I should accept multiple Text_EN.zip files for GDFixMissingTags :thinking:
You can edit the code for your needs as well of course.

Files have been updated

  • Each file now also includes missing strings from gdx1 and gdx2 Text_EN files
  • gdx1 and gdx2 tags have been merged into base Text_EN file
  • How to instructions updated

GDArcZip v1.0.3

  • Temporary extracted files will be deleted from temp directory before finishing

GDFixMissingTags v1.0.2

  • When tags_missing.txt already exists append lines instead of overwriting the file
  • Added support for multiple Text_EN files beeing dropped
  • Temporary extracted files will be deleted from temp directory before finishing

(To drag&drop all Text_EN files (including gdx1 and gdx2) you can rename gdx1 and gdx2 files to something like “gdx1_Text_EN”). GDFixMissingTags will check if the file name CONTAINS “Text_EN” and use it as master file as well.

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Oh and… if you don’t want to use rainbow filter text but want to have your missing strings fixed (with english strings) you can also use one of the arc files without any suffix (without _c or _cm).

English strings are better than nothing imo. Better than complaining about missing strings indeed ^^

Please excuse my ignorance. I have combed over this thread numerous times and I am finding the instructions difficult to comprehend.

For instance as I read these instructions:

Drag&drop arc files on GDArcZip will “convert” them to zip
Drag&drop zip files on GDArcZip will “convert” them to arc

I downloaded the Text_EN_cm.arc file then renamed it to Text_EN.arc. Am I to understand that I am supposed to drag and drop the files twice? Once to convert it to .zip and again to convert it back to .arc? Seems redundant. Then where are the double converted file supposed to be placed? In the mods folder, in the setting folder? This was not explained as far as I can tell.

Then these instructions:

Drag&drop zip files on GDFixMissingTags will read the zips and add missing strings. Make sure you drag&drop Text_EN as well

Am I supposed to again drop and drop the GDFixMissingTags.zip file only once, or twice? And why the part about the Text_EN file needing to be drag and dropped? Wasn’t that already explained in the previous instructions about dragging and dropping the file twice? And again where is the end result file(s) to be placed?

Which raises a more questions for me.

  1. Should I remove the previous installation of Rainbow Filter developed for 1.1.9.x before applying the 1.2 files or leave it installed?

  2. Per the top post you used WanezGD_Tools. Do I need to use WanezGD_Tools sometime during this process?

I am very confused. May I please have the instructions explained step by step from start to finish in layman terms? I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.

  1. What do you wanna do? Do you want to use a Text_XX.arc file for rainbow filter or to fix missing tags/strings? Then did you read the How to part? Click on “Details” and it will expand the text. You dont need to use the two tools here. And the MEGA-directory also contains a howto.txt file

  2. You want to patch your arc files on your own? THEN you may use the two tools. If you drag an arc file onto the exe it will “convert” it and create a zip file into SAME directory containing the SAME content as the arc file. If you drag a zip file it will do the same, just the opposite way.
    With GDFixMissingTags users can fix mssing tags/strings. It’s only working with zip files (that you got by using GDArcZip). You can just drop ALL Text_XX.zip files onto the exe. Just make sure you are also dropping Text_EN.zip because the tool will use the english strings out of Text_EN to fix the missing strings of the other files.

I thought the four instruction steps are well explained :thinking:

Quick reply! Thank you.

So the missing tag on item descriptions are fixed.

I still get the “Tag not found: tagHUD_CooldownShort” on the skills bar. Does this not fix the tag error on the skill bar?

What language file?

Text_EN_cm.arc that I renamed to Text_EN.arc then dropped onto the GDArcZip.exe

And why you dropped it on GDArcZip? The arc files on MEGA are still patched. No need to use one of the two tools

  1. download your desired file
  2. rename the file. example: “Text_XX_cm.arc” → “Text_XX.arc”
  3. put the file into your /mods/ folder
  4. start the game with the command “/basemods” (without quotes)

There is no step that tells ya “drop the file on GDZipArc”…

Your reply to tqFan says to drop the files onto the .exe. tqFan said they could not get it working, i could not get it working either so I followed your instructions to him.

I decided to uninstall Grim Dawn and start from scratch. I don’t use any mods so there are no conflicts there.

Nevertheless it’s all working good now. I got the rainbow colors working and the tag error on the skill bar is fixed.

You have one set of instructions in the top original post and another set of instruction in the howto.txt. In my opinion the instructions aren’t very clear and need to be rewritten to be concise and less confusing.

Do not get me wrong. I do appreciate your time and efforts. Rainbow Filter is a tool I can’t live without.

He wrote “Btw I tested your GDArcZip program”. He was just testing the tool and (I guess) he tried to drag the arc file onto the console window which doesn’t work.

Glad its working now. But the instructions are clear… The instructions on MEGA are the same as in this thread… Just four steps that tell exactly what to do… I don’t know what’s supposed to be confusing about that

Edit: I updated the instructions inside howto.txt and in this thread and am hoping that they are more clear now =) If there is anything that could be explained better then tell me HOW it could be explained better :slight_smile:

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Looks great and the new format is simpler to understand. Should be easier for doofuses like myself.

Thank you much!

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Uhm, you can just install anything that only modifies resources.arc into the /settings folder? Even as archive, as long as the archive isn’t resources.arc (it only accepts sub parts of resources.arc, like ui)

Could you explain it a lil bit more? Because placing Text_XX.arc inside <gdpath>/settings/ does not work for me.

Ah, sure!
For one, you could just unarc it. You should also be able to get it to work simply by renaming it to text_en.arc

Basically, settings acts as a hard modded resources folder, replacing all contents in the base game’s resource files with the files in it - assuming the directory is identical. Directory, in this case, can be either a folder named text_en, or an arc named text_en. Either way, just tossing it into settings will do the job!

It’ll persist between updates, and will only need to be updated if new items get added or affixes get renamed and such. That is usually only with every major update!

I understand that Text_RU there is not ?
Update. Thanks for the wonderful tools. I figured it out and did everything myself for the Russian language.

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