No, because these are endgame builds. If you want levelling guides then look here for similar and then transition into the endgame one when you are levelled up and have all the gear.
There’s a separate post with some thoughts about leveling here: ⬆ How to level top 20 (an onion) builds in Grim Dawn []
For some of the builds there’s a similar leveling guide, but for some you’ll need to level with a different build and transition when you have build-enabling gear.
I have a question: The first post has the Acid RtA Sentinel on #5, but it is completely gone from the updated list. What happened to it? Did the changes break it completely? or is it still playable but not top 20 any more? Why did that one get hit so hard but Lightning Retaliation Archon got by unscathed?
It’s much less dramatic than that. We just haven’t updated it yet. But it’s still a beast, just needs a bit more realistic affixes there and maybe couple of cosmetic changes.
oh! thanks for the reply, didn’t expect that at all.
Blitz Warlord update!
I wasn’t really happy with how the this one’s tank felt in the latest patch. Game was moving forward and build was somewhat stagnating. So I tried re-inventing it a bit with Oleron’s Blood and four point Empyrion instead of Ulzaad. As a result, noticably better tank and better aoe damage (due to Oleron’s Blood additional dots and wps coverage).
<< GRIMTOOLS >> Blitz Warlord vs. SR 75-76 4:28 run
Hello mad! Good day sorry for the out of topic reply in your post
but may i know if you have the updated info for Cold Korba Trickster? thank you!
Hi, this is amazing - thanks for these guides! I just have a quick question about the Blitz Warlord build. I’m wondering why Markovian’s Advantage is taken when the modifier for Blitz; Blindside also adds flat DA reduction on the enemy? Doesn’t MA interfere with the greater da reduction of Blindside? Thanks
Flat DA shred stacks
Did the newer patches change that, or was it always a thing? Isn’t flat rr non-stackable? I had thought % rr only stacks?
Actually, it doesn’t. Only highest source is applied at any given time. You can stack multiple sources of - DA shred.
Thanks for the info
My bad, I think that’s what I meant/tried to say. Need coffee lolz.
Hello XanxusVI! We did update it, look for the first comment in this thread for all updated stuff!
Hi, thank you for saying thank you! Latest version doesn’t have MA. But to answer your question, it wouldn’t interfere - game counts highest value of “Reduced target’s DA”.
I don’t think so, iirc -DA stacks like (from Seal of Annihilation and some procs like on Wrath of the Ascendant wand), but “Reduced target’s DA” doesn’t
How effective is the Deathmarked Dervish after the recent nerfs?
It looks as if it took some of the biggest hits while Evoker, Korba and most other DW builds stayed pretty strong.
It’s a little worse for wear, but still a single target damage merchant like it’s used to be. I decided to play it to check on it myself and here are some videos with its current performance:
If you ask me if this build makes it to top20 if we make the testing today I would say probably no. But it’s still among the very top melees. It’s just that the game has moved on (and became harder) and some of the archetypes got new toys while this one was a bit nerfed.
Wow, good stuff. Honestly, I thought it would preform much worse on the bosses based on the numbers.
So would Korba be the best non-Saboteur DW melee currently?
Honestly it might sound surprising but I would take Warborn Death Knight in this economy.
Reshuffled components and changed pants to plug Freeze res. If you can plug it with Dreeg pants - keep Dreeg pants. Build feels pretty nice overall. Here are some videos with build’s current performance:
<< GRIMTOOLS >> Crucible Gladiator 150-170 no buffs/no banners 4:38 run