Because they are located elsewhere. Unfortunately can’t remember the path and Im not at pc, BUT there’s a solution to get the info.
Go to the grim tool website, then pick build calculator, then pick checklist from the top menu.
On the top left there’s an arrow pointing up, it’s used to load one of your file. Click it. it opens a window and there are some instructions about which file to load. The standard path to the save folder using steam is reported there to help people finding the proper files.
You don’t need to use the check list tool, it’s just an emergency solution if you don’t remember the folder location.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\"folder of numbers"\219990\remote\save
^cloud on ingame (you can’t copy files to here, need to import them)
*if you have steam installed in a custom install the start path will be different but sub folder the same
C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
^cloud off ingame, can copy files here
Monster Fumble and Impaired Aim values were changed with patch, so those changes are already live. The PT didn’t change them again, AFAIK. But I’m guessing a lot of the testing was done prior to releasing?
No worries though, I’m sure there are some ranged builds in the upcoming Honorable Mentions and one need only say that they would probably perform better in the current live version.
I might’ve gotten lost in patches, yeah. Ranged builds became much better after that change. But ultimately the flanking nature of mobs favors melee more if you are after the clearspeed. And a lot of ranged builds dodged WPS buffs cause they were running on granted WPS mostly.
17 out of 20 builds have a mastery movement skill. The top 14 all have these skills. Mobility really matters. I suppose the game should have been designed with one movement skill per mastery, with no movement runes needed. But alas, this was not to be. It does remind me of the good ol’ days of the pre-Crucible meta where players rushed though rogue dungeons, killing only heroes and bosses.
On a different topic, the conversions for the Voidsoul Sentinel look really crazy. Is 1/3 of Aegis physical damage really being converted to pierce?
personally think that’s a bad take, already back pre FG i was using riftstones on swap for multiple movement skills, and it wasn’t optimal, so why; because to some having multiple movements is fun, less/the above notion would detract significantly for that (same reason why i’m hoping FoA truly doesn’t do away with the rune+evade combo currently)
It’s not just that movement matter, but which type and how a build uses it, easiest showcase of this could be the Ludrigan druid that has basically a 0 downtime on its 2 common moves, but both dervish/saboteur/warlord etc “3-4class move builds” actually has a lot of movement downtime usage; simply standing ground for aoe damaging.
I think it’s also additionally noticeable when you then sometimes have builds that entirely forgo the option of said extra movement, i’m guessing because piano or just doens’t add enough speed value on top of like blademasters not 1pointing blitz or warlords not 1pointing vire - let alone more casual builds that wont even 1pt stuff purely for movement if the perception is the “build” doesn’t use the skill for more, where it becomes even more about pilot preference
Anyway, TLDR is i’m reading that last notion as GD is becoming/has become more akin to PoE zoomzoom matters, and i don’t think that’s entirely true because it depends on build/pilot and zoom usage,
and it’s more a coincidence that more of these sturdy+big aoe builds happen to have class movement this type around, not that it’s the movement itself making them the winners
(compare to last top20 where there were fewer nightblades and the NB builds were several without movement but not wps/aa use which is then flipped this time around to melee AAwps builds dominating 10/20builds)
How important / optimised are the green item affixes to the success or not of the builds (either in general or with an example would be great!). I ask as I have got some that are “close” but don’t have the exact matches for the most part.
For amulet use Peerless Eye, banana_peel switched to that amulet himself.
As for your other greens, they are less than ideal. You have to farm better ones. Medal is one of the easiest ones to drop with good affixes (and you got one affix that is not cold), belt is harder, but impervious of supremacy is completely useless when you already have impervious on pants which out of all three greens you have look the best.
So I would recommend starting with farming a better medal and belt and then look for better pants. Although you can farm Solael on your way (it’s a bit out of the way but close enough) to Steps of Torment (that would be the best probably).
Maybe a silly question, but on the Ludrigan druid, why star pact instead of Stormcaller’s pact ?
Is the cooldown bonus on Mirror and Panetti really worth it over more flat electrocute damage and the massive crit bonus (Which works very well with DoT) ?
Stormcaller’s pact is even boosted by the off-hand.