WoP is probably my favorite skill, so i’ve tried to make builds around it for as long as I’ve played.
I’ve made several builds, but while they can clear SR50, they are probably all a bit underpowered.
Still it’s good food for thought.
Pierce deceiver:
Elemental mage hunter, With Obliteration (SR65)
Chaos EoR Paladin (not tested much)
My latest attempt: Bleed Tactician (pretty meme, but really fun)
I also made a Aether Infiltrator using dual Blaze heralds. I don’t have a link, but it’s really similar to @grey-maybe’s version, just not as good. Better use that one instead. (It’s getting nerfed in anyway)
And I also tried Acid WoP with Heart of Gulgazor, but it never really panned out.
WoP is really good in Elemental (where there is ample gear to support it and you have another source of RR in Aura of Censure) Or in Pierce, Chaos or Aether since it already debuffs those resistances by itself.
Bleed (with Goredrinker set) is surprisingly synergetic too.
Since it’s a DoT, and WoP gets reapplied every second, once it crits, it keeps going with increased damage for the duration since lower values won’t override higher ones. Rend also has no cooldown, so it can get applied to more than one target per tick.
Deadly aim also increases crit damage and makes getting those crits easier.
Add the fact that Bleed is one of the least resisted damage type, and the goredrinker set gets you to around 50% pierce RR and 20% Bleed RR (on top of rend) and you don’t need much else to clean mobs.
(Too bad the goredrinker set is lackluster as a whole.)
There is probably a good WoP Bleed vindicator, Paladin or Infiltrator somewhere…