Two-Hander feedback thread

What you mean 1 RR?

Yeah rings need to be there, conversion+attack speed. OA is suffer in result cause you can’t take the blue rings with 100+ OA. It’s good that people try unpopular items to see if they are worth it.

Nvm. I forgot that Wind Devils also have ele RR :stuck_out_tongue:
So, the rr part is good here.
The conversion on the rings is nice, as is AS but I’d rather take Combustion band for some more flat fire%rr and sth with Oa cuz it’s needed here.
And also the medal is here only because of +2 to Savagery.

Id rather they buff the doombolt RR to 35-40 and duration to 8, or a proc that gives -chaos RR than even more piano stuff.

The build is already piano heavy compared to warlord version that fully converts, 130+ RR and 2 buttons.

Crate did decreased recharge time on DB from 6 to 4.5 sec, which I’m appreciated, but somehow this doesn’t contribute to EoR build at all. That’s why I prefer it’d be a item skill on attack instead of skill mod. More skills that interrupt us from spinning will put us in danger and cause huge dps lost. Increasing rr to 35~40 this high, maybe in our sweet dream. Adding extra -n% chaos reduction on Summon Guardian of Empyrion also works too. But Crate did add -15% chaos/aether RR as item mod on Conduit of Divine Whispers. For now you might see how this gonna lead.

Doom Bolt used to hit harder relative to other things. As power creep came in and lowered crucible times, doom bolt now doesn’t hit so hard compared to other skills in your rotation. So I think it’s partially just the damage. I’ve said before that vit decay on doom bolt might be nice. Well, end game itemization can also do the trick.

There’s a vivid image in my head when I read “power creep came in”.:rofl:
Recently I’m thinking how about we change the way DB works. Let it function as similar as Reckless Tempest on devotion and adjust the value accordingly.
All we have to do is cast it maybe every 8~10 sec and watch the havoc fall.

What If they gave tenebris a mod for doombolt that adds 50% total dmg and increased cd by 2-3seconds?
Was playing my tenebris sentinel today and it really got nerfed almost every patch even though it never really was OP.

This might work if Tenebris also support caster build. Otherwise we need other total RR debuff to fill this 1.5~2.5 sec gap. That leaves us Black Star of Deceit or Manticore. Moving RR mod to EoR would be a quick solution, in this way, your idea could work.

Or just increase the duration of the flat RR along with it. The thing I was getting at is: The lowered CD on DB interferes more than before with spinning. Increasing the CD while giving it more dmg would mean no dps loss from DB while gaining dps from spinning due to being able to spin longer. As others have pointed out, when you play an EoR build you want to be spinning as much as possible and not have to interrupt your spinning for all the debuffs. Using Judgement and DB (with higher CD) was already enough.

I do feel like I’d rather the last doom bolt buffs have been making it chunk harder instead of decreasing its cooldown.

I’ll retest the doombolt focused builds at some point.

Doom Bolt in general is totally fine now (or at least a lot better than before). This is a very specific Wrath of Tenebris (and maybe Harbinger) issue only imo.

Last I checked I wasn’t really satisfied with rahbinger or harbinger builds compared to others. But it certainly has been a while so I’ll take your word for it.

Hopefully Z will see your Wrath of Tenebris feedback

Are we including MIs as well here? Barthollem’s Gavel is one I noticed recently that I’d like to hear thoughts on.

The CDR seems out of place now as Guardian of Empyrion is a permanent summon and Righteous Fervor doesn’t benefit from it. My 2 cents are either:

  1. Keep it as a Righteous Fervor weapon and replace the CDR and skill bonus/modifier to Guardian of Empyrion. Pyran and Blightlord offer some support for making Guardians into damage machines.

  2. Do something goofy like make it a 2-handed caster weapon. Replace the +4 to Righteous Fervor with any skill that leverages the CDR and huge Physical->Fire conversion it can get like Vire’s Might or Judgment. Could pair well with other item granted skills like Honor/Apocalypse or the Blazeseer set?

I’m not listing MI’s but you’re free to. Fixing up problematic parts of gear is still within the theme of the thread. I’m just personally focused on legendaries so I can feel good wearing all of them.

Two handers legendary is interesting topic, since some are just weird to be used, but 2h sucks even more as MI and especially as blue.

I want to see build with Quillthrower, since in last patch was made entirely acid.

The proc still deal piercing damage though. And piercing>acid conversion is pretty rare. I think the proc should be made pure acid instead.

Still, the weapon is in weird place. I believe nobody has made a working range ABB before. I honestly don’t know how to do with it.

Removed Desolator from the list (it’s crazy now)

Updated Quillthrower to:

Quillthrower of Dreeg (?)
TLDR; Please add acid damage matching the piercing damage on the proc, since it’s very hard to get pierce to acid conversion.

I want to remove gutsmasher because it’s so good physically, but its bleed damage is weird and I heard from a player that it sort of casts a shadow on the avenger set.

I really dont know how do you make Doombolt and EOR work together without making Doombolt a glorified RR proc that also interrupt your channeling. It feels so shitty to play compared to the Razhin harbringer gun build where your doom bolt actually does damage and does more RR on top of a good synergy combo.

You get basically nothing on chaos EOR and have to scrape by with items. The RR without building specifically for it is pathetic as well. The only amazing thing on scythe is the life leech, but you cant leech while chain stunned to death since the build has no stun res other than thunderstruck double rare of impossible stone hide boot.

The conversion on scythe is just so crap. You have to convert the fire damage else where, half of your lightning damage is wasted as no lightning -> chaos gear can fit anywhere on the build. Then there is the 100% phys -> chaos that doesn’t convert the physical on soulfire. So you are basically dealing less than half of over all flat damage on EOR.

Meanwhile warlords, cyclone and dunfiend all have full or near full conversion now.

Same goes to Death’s Reach, somehow it’s even worse than Tenebris. :sweat:
Void heart (20/30%) and Sash of Bloodlord (40/60%) could convert fire to chaos. The problem is DB doesn’t help much as constant flat RR debuff, damage output is below the chart.