[v1.0.2.1] Electrocute Warder(?) - A Shockingly Versatile Build

Looking forward to that leveling guide. I have no clue how to start this.

I too am looking forward to that guide. Don’t wanna start without it.

same situation :D:D

New to grim dawn, looking forward for the leveling guide. Cheers for the awesome build;);):wink:

spear of the heavens devotion not worth it? i felt like that was a great option building my own but haven’t tested it yet. you sacrifice survivability with the other options…but damn it sounds good. i don’t think it would work on elementalist either and warder seems like my only option to ever run it.

Where is that 10sec DOT coming from? Trying to understand that just by looking from your grimtools.

Just leave as 2H primal strike, putting points in the same line, that should honestly get you all the way to ultimate …eventually saveragery takes over as the more potent skill especially single Target but that’s much later and once you have the devotions

i am going the forcewave route it is doing nice dmg is primal strike better
? something like this?http://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwR4dqV

Forcewave leveling a lot better than Primal Strike. I will switch to Primal when I can max out storm totem.

:frowning: still waiting:cry:

I disagree. Not only is primal strike a great leveling skill but you also will finish the shaman mastery sooner than the soldier mastery which means you probs get closer to the final build sooner than leveling with soldier.

I like using devouring swarm first - it’s amazing early, then slowly shifting to primal strike once I feel devouring is not being as efficient

Hmm… fair enough.

Thank you for the build, it’s rekindled my interest and makes me want to delve into AoM properly, after several lukewarm attempts with existing characters and a 2h Reaper.

The gear bonuses put me in mind of trying a vindicator, though I’m uncertain how well that will hold up defensively compared to a Warder, or how restrictive having to stay within Seal + Wendigo Totem range will turn out to be.

I suppose I’ll stick with the Warder for the time being, as I trust that to not perish horribly and frequently in the AoM content, and because I have more gear to support that…

Hello sir,

I am a fairly new player. I followed your build but i still have a question. I am playing the game in Veteran and i am currently level 10, i never know wich devotion take in order, and wich class take first and how to put my point in?

Do i full Soldier First? Or Shaman first? Or is there any specific point order?

Thanks, in advance,


you can go soldier or shaman route both are good for soldier go for forcewave it is really good because it is easy to get %physical dmg/flat dmg gear at early levels while putting points in mastery to get soldier passives like military conditioning, menhirs will(important cause u don’t have any heal), blitz, field comm. and scars of battle.

or you can start as a shaman which is less efficient imo cause primal strike has a high energy cost while doing almost same dmg it is btr to switch to shaman after you have better gear if you go soldier then you can start like this http://www.grimtools.com/calc/eVLJXk9N …you can put more points in fighting spirit/wengido totem(preferred) for a more stable heal

for devotions -rush for kraken(giant octopus) then you can go jackal and panther then falcon(bind to forceweave/primal strike), assasin’s blade(bound to blitz/wendigo).

If you start shaman, start with devouring swarm and then briarthorn. That will get you to early 20s no problem. At which point specing into primal makes sense and you have enough points to have blitz from soldier tree as well. Kraken is a good first rush, but after that elemental storm (bound to primal, torrent will proc it every swing it isnt on cooldown) is key to make this build easy mode early on because of the resist reduction. In part thats one of the key parts of the build is grabbing all 3 types of resist reduction with storm, ultos and raging tempest.

Thanks you for your answers guys!

Any advice for Devotion? If i read it right ;

  1. Rush Kraken
  2. Jackal
  3. Panther
  4. Falcon
  5. Assassin’s Blade


If you’re not averse to drinking a few energy potions and/or if you have some components (Ectoplasm) to help with energy issues, you can go Primal Strike (and then Thunderous Strike) right away.

You shouldn’t need much healing, even if you go melee (you can use Primal Strike with ranged weapons), due to fast AoE clearing, so the occasional potion should suffice.

For Devotions for this build, you can probably go

Green Crossroads
Remove Green Crossroads
Purple Crossroads
Rhowan’sCrown (bind Elemtal storm to your main attack, Primal Strike)

After that, you start on Blue affinity with Crossroads and Sailor’s Guide, then you can pick up Kraken, Widow and Tempest in whichever order you prefer.

Some of the other devotions mentioned by Aries will provide good (early) returns for a physical/bleed Shaman in general, but you’d later have to change them to different devotions for this lighting/electrocute build, and while you can re-assign points, the devotion abilites themselves need to be levelled up, so it’s better to get started on the ones you reall want right away.

Kraken is good, but not essential for Primal Strike in my experience, so I’d rather start with devotions that need to be levelled.

Can I roll this and work my way into it with only a couple random legendaries I have laying around? Will do some farming in elite/early ultimate of course.

so when do i switch to savagery im currently 55 most of all of my gear has physical dmg/bleeds/trauma +soldier playing mainly a physical primal strike but i do have quite a few shaman gear(lightning/electrocute) in storage.