V1.1.6.0 Itemization Discussion

Funny, in my time it was always Old Yeller.

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True, we are off topic. Sorry Zan. :woozy_face:

Back on topic, I’d like to see base stats on Normal Slithtongue upped a bit. By the time I get to it ingame it’s always outclassed by any other weapon I’m using, including yellows. GDStash gives base damage at 12-14, maybe pushing it up to 18-20 would make it more appealing. Can’t comment on the other versions of it since I’m never usually far along enough to find/use them.


Alright few more requests:

Black Scourge: change proc to be like ghol’s gloves; adjust pets as necessary

Conduit of Eldritch whispers: acid doom bolt, more support for it please.

Chillheart: remove cool down increase for RoS, increase radius, adjust damage accordingly.

Void soul shield: change how proc is activated or give shield support to set bonuses or individual pieces

Thank you for this opportunity Z, we appreciate it and hope there will be additional threads like this for sets, older components, devotions, skills, etc

Someone asked for support for full cold doom bolt. Would be neat.

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I think Divinesteel Hauberk toggle skill is better to raise Fire / Vit / Chaos Max resist.
The extra resist is not bad, but basically everyone sets it to exceed 80, so there are many situations where it is more convenient to simply increase the Max resist than stacking resist. The addition of Max resist is also useful for settings that cannot earn Max resist with accessories.

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All of these are great suggestions. Huge +1 from me

However, these have been repeatedly brought up in the past. I’d be surprised if they were implemented

One more suggestion I’ve been talking about for a long time: Soulrend. Please add 16% as/cs or 10% total speed, and change the conversion to Pierce->Cold. And probably add +2 to Bone Harvest, as reaper struggles to hardcap it.

Edit: some more.
M. Sigil of the Bear King. Used only with FW builds which makes the proc useless. Please turn it into an AoE with chance on attack.

M. Shard of Asterkarn - add +1 summon limit to Wind Devils so it can compete with Trozan.

Blazeheart - minor change, move the -%rr to Ill Omen instead of Siphon Souls.

This is literally what it is.

Probably I’ve written sth wrong.
The idea is to change the proc so it could work with FW. Now it’s useless.

But it does, at least with 2H FW. It’s not a wps, it’s a proc.

Bear Claw looks like a proc that will only trigger at melee range whereas Forcewave can be used at a distance, might be where the confusion with it comes from.

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It would make Wind Devil Morgo better as well.

Honestly, Wind Devil and Ill Omen side of Morgoneth set feel underwhelming as shit. Wind Devil needs a flat cold mod and Ill Omen needs more duration or CDR, and more radius.

The entire set feels like it was made for SS and the other two skills were just an afterthought, or at least don’t have nowhere near as much as an impact.


Morgo set could use some adjustments to better support the wind devil side, though it is a potent set as us, care needs to be taken.

Something which just came to mind - the prefix “Stonefaced” on 2H weapons has always bothered me.



You couldn’t block attacks using a big-ass axe?

I’m going to paraphrase plasmo: You don’t need to block attacks when everything’s dead

You don’t need on block procs when there’s nothing to block:rofl:

then remove it entirely!

it’s just clutter at this point

A simple oversight. Will be on hit for the 2h version in the future.


Titan Pauldrons is set for Phys 2h, but because of the shattered guardian, it is not so attractive now. So I suggest rebuilding it as a 2h defensive item.

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